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8bitgentleman edited this page Sep 14, 2014 · 4 revisions

The release process for the game is entirely automated. All you as a developer need to do is open a pull request from the master branch into the release branch. Once that branch is closed, the CI system will take over.

Anatomy of a Release

A minor release involves of the following steps:

  • Run the unit tests
  • Validate all XML and JSON files
  • Translate the Tiled maps from XML into Lua
  • Update the version (minor or bugfix)
  • Create the binaries
  • Upload binaries to S3
  • Update and upload the appcast.json to include the new builds
  • Post a tweet and a link on /r/hawkthorne and /r/community

Bugfix Release

A bugfix release is exactly the same, except that we bump the bugfix version instead of the minor version. Also, we don't post to /r/community. To create a bugfix release, follow the steps above, but make sure that the title of the pull requests doesn't contain the word release.

Reddit Post

Here's a template for the reddit posts that go out with each release. Copy past the markdown, just change the links.

In this area you should talk about the release.

[Link to the previous release.](only include a link here if the release is a bugfix) Refer to this to see the information on the current version. And only include if it's a bugfix.


  • Include Changes Here


How can I help?

Full CHANGELOG on GitHub

Development Builds

After every commit on the master branch, we upload a new version of the game. These releases do not get pushed out via the automatic updates. These builds are raw and probably contain bugs, so only use these for development.

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