Infrared is currently under active development: breaking changes can happen. Feedback and contributions are welcome.
An ultra lightweight Minecraft reverse proxy and status placeholder: Ever wanted to have only one exposed port on your server for multiple Minecraft servers? Then Infrared is the tool you need! Infrared works as a reverse proxy using a sub-/domains to connect clients to a specific Minecraft server.
- Reverse Proxy
- Wildcards Support
- Multi-Domain Support
- Status Response Caching
- Proxy Protocol Support
- Ratelimiter
- Go 1.21+
CGO_ENABLED=0 go build -ldflags "-s -w" -o ./out/infrared ./cmd/infrared
or make all
(requires GNU Make). The binary is in the out/
- Free Software Foundation, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
- Tnze/go-mc 🚀, MIT
- IGLOU-EU/go-wildcard, Apache-2.0
- cespare/xxhash, MIT
- google/uuid, BSD-3-Clause
- pires/go-proxyproto, Apache-2.0
- spf13/pflag, BSD-3-Clause
- go-yaml/yaml, Apache-2.0, MIT
- vitepress, MIT
- tollbooth, MIT