RC-receiver (based on Arduino nano and NRF24-L01) which can used for an aircraft model.
The code based on a tutorial from ELECTRONOOBS - thank you for this great work!
I created the code to control a 3D printed airplane but you can use it for anything you want to control per 2.4 GHz. The hardware used is an Arduino nano and the NRF24-L01 radio module. Below is the pinout of the radio module and the microcontroller:
Connection | PinL | PinR | Connection |
VIN | TX1 | ||
GND | RX0 | ||
RST | RST | ||
+5V | GND | ||
A7 | D2 | ||
A6 | D3 | Rudder RD | |
A5 | D4 | ||
A4 | D5 | Aileron right AR | |
A3 | D6 | Aileron left AL | |
A2 | D7 | NRF24/CE | |
A1 | D8 | NRF24/CNS | |
A0 | D9 | Propeller PR | |
AREF | D10 | Elevator EL | |
3V3 | D11 | NRF24/MOSI | |
NRF24/SCK | D13 | D12 | NRF24/MISO |
controller | - | NRF24-L01 |
GND | - | GND |
DI 7 | - | CE |
DI 13 | - | SCK |
DI 12 | - | MISO |
3V3 | - | VCC |
DI 8 | - | CNS |
DI 11 | - | MOSI |
/ | - | IRQ |
Please consider it as a prototype. Currently there is no failsafe function: in case of signal loss the model will go straight ahead in the last indicated direction until the battery is empty. It is on my list...
Note that i use VS Code with the Plugin PlatformIO (ID: platformio.platformio-ide). I can highly recomand this Plugin, so maybe you should check it out 😊. Otherwise you should delete the file: platformio.ini.