Project: A game review app. Discover expert insights, user ratings, and engaging discussions on your favorite games. Stay updated, make informed choices, and join the vibrant gaming community today
- Frontend: Reactjs
- Backend: Nodejs, Expressjs
- Database: Mongodb
- Windows/Linux/Macos
- Nodejs v20
- Mongodb server
- nvm
Please install nvm into your pc then try these steps
Go to the root folder for the project where you will find the server and client
nvm install
After installation finish continue this command for using the exact nodejs version
nvm use
Now install all the packages by this command
npm install
After finishing the installation you're good to run the project by
npm start
Goto the client folder and hit the command
npm run e2e
Goto the client folder and hit the command
npm run e2e:ui
This command will open the ui, You can run the code on there
Goto the client folder and hit the command
npx playwright show-report
This command will show the HTML report