vim: nospell:
m4p $OSAB/ 1
r $misc/linux/QR # for my more general linux QuickReference
my Arch QuickReference, some of which is relevant to my WSL Ubuntu builds
bm # (in a wide enough terminal) fuzzy search for manuals
i bc
i datediff
r $TeNo/TN
spd-say hi
tty-clock -bcs
im time
pinfo bash
pinfo -m bash
tput bel # bell
- BASH(1)
- UNIQ(1)
complete 2>&1 | tee $machLg/bash.cmplt
r /usr/share/bash-completion
dircolors --print-ls-colors
im ls
<directory> # cd <directory> ( shopt autocd )
file ~/.vim # shows symlink source
namei ~/.vim # shows tree, including symlink sources
find . -iregex '.*\.\(avi\|flv\|mkv\|mov\|mp4\|ogv\)$' > avfiles.txt
find . -type d -name .git
find . -type f -name .gitignore
find . -type f -name "*.pl"
find . -type f -name "python.vim"
fd -I -e conf
find . -type f -name "*.conf"
as root: find / -xdev -iname "*fmtutil.cnf*"
grep -E '<someText>|<otherText>'
grep -r --include "*.sh" ' -f ' .
grep -ri --exclude-dir *Copied* --include "*.tex" chapterstyle .
grep -ri --include "*.conf" '#=> ' .
man grep | grep egrep | xcol egrep fgrep
- GNU Grep Manual
- GREP(1)
i locate
im locate
locate -r '\.conf$'
locate -r '\.json$' | mo
locate -i 'nick cave'
doas updatedb
systemctl status updatedb.timer
find . -mindepth 1 -maxdepth 1 -type l -ls # only in this directory
find . -type l -ls
find ~ -path '*/.virtualenvs' -prune -o -type l -ls
less <file>
h -> help
j,k -> down/up
mo <file> # ? lists the limited moar commands
moar -h
r $Sig
dict -D
i dict
gspdfpng # Ghostscript convert pdf to png
i pdfinfo
$ABjo/wm/zathurarc # set window-height <pixels>
i zathurarc
zathura -P <page> <pdf> &
r $ITscr/CP/TeX
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/etoolbox.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/appearance/datetime2.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/appearance/drawing/PGF-TikZ/pgfmanual.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/appearance/drawing/PGF-TikZ/pgfplots.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/appearance/font/psnfss2e.pdf # includes package pifont
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/appearance/font/XeLaTeX/fontspec.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/appearance/ragged2e.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/appearance/symbols/symbols-a4.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/appearance/url.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/structure/classes/memoir/memman.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/structure/CV/Currvita/currvita.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/structure/parts/hyperref/hyperref-doc.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/structure/parts/lists/easylist-doc.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/structure/parts/lists/enumitem.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/structure/parts/titling/contrib-titlesec/titlesec.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/structure/parts/scalerel.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/TeX/LaTeX/structure/pdfpages.pdf
r $DCGRs/CP/MartinThoma-LaTeX-examples
r $jtCP/TeX/LaTeX # my MWEs
x <LaTeX_file_basename>
, pif
, xc
defined in $AjB/bashrc-ob
\setmonofont{Caskaydia Cove Regular Nerd Font Complete Mono}
\setmonofont{Ubuntu Mono}
r $LTXj
r $JHt/IT/CP/TeX/LaTeX
r ~/texmf
locx .fmt
pacman -Qs texlive > $machLg/TeXLive/Arch_packages-$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M').txt
C /usr/share/texmf-dist/tex/latex/
gdu -nps /usr/local/texlive
za /usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/doc/latex/comprehensive/rawtables-a4.pdf
za /usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/doc/latex/comprehensive/symbols-a4.pdf
za /usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/doc/latex/memoir/memman.pdf
za /usr/local/texlive/2023/texmf-dist/doc/man/man1/psutils.man1.pdf
tlmgr info pgfplots
tlmgr list --only-installed > $machLg/TeXLive/tlmgr_list-$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M').txt
sudo tlmgr update --all
et <fileToOpenTerminal>
im emacs
& T
defined in $AjB/bashrc-console
fd -e org -p $DCGRs
r $DCGRs/CP/emacs/syl20bnr-spacemacs-develop # local fresh clone
r $ITscr/CP/encoding/textWrangling/Emacs # PDF guides
r $DCGRs/emacs/_bzg-worg
n ~/.sm/.emacs.d
nvim -O ~/.sm/.spacemacs ~/.sm/.emacs.d/core/templates/.spacemacs.template -c 'windo difft'
archlinux-java status
b <codeFile> # syntax'd cat
bluefish -v
fd -tf -u index.lock -x rm
pb <codeFile> # also reformatted
r ~/.cache/hugo_cache
yj -ty <file.toml >file.yml
za $ITscr/CP/encoding/cheatsheet-a5.pdf & # emmet
ffprobe -h | mo
i ffprobe
ff $ITscr/CP/gnuplot/gnuplot_info-colornames.jpg
gnuplot -e 'show linetypes' 2> $ulLA/gnuplot-linetypes.txt
gnuplot -e 'show palette colornames' 2> $ulLA/gnuplot-colornames.txt
za $ITscr/CP/gnuplot/Gnuplot_5_4.pdf
za $ITscr/CP/gnuplot/gpcard.pdf
node -h
node -v
r ~/.npm-global
wikit -l fr mois -a | less
wikit mooji -b
= zoom in/out- arrows scroll around
- mouse
= quit
r ~/.cpanm
r ~/perl5/lib/perl5/x86_64-linux-thread-multi/.meta
i python
r /usr/lib/python3.11/site-packages
r ~/.local/bin/
r ~/.local/pipx/venvs/
gem list --no-versions | tr '\n' ' ' | xcol bundler github-pages jekyll liquid
gem list > $ulLA/ml-$host/gems.gems
see $vimfiles/syntax/gems.vim
cargo version
rustup update
dym better
i dym
systemctl status fcron.service # showing recent events
VISUAL= fcrontab -e # then make your changes
systab.orig # contains bootrun tabs to catch
sudo cat /var/spool/fcron/jo.orig
fd -tf -e md -x du -h | sort -hr # sorted by size
pygmentize -h
-F fs
, (--field-separator fs
) redefinesFS
- GAWK(1)
i rg
rg <searchText> -l | xargs sed -i 's/<searchText>/<replaceText>/g'
i sed
sed -i '/match/{n;Q}' <file> # remove all lines after match
tldr sed
tldr -h
tldr -u # --update
tldr tldr
diskus # size of current directory
fd . $OSAB | entr notify-send 'a file in $OSAB was modified'
i tree
i zoxide
n [directory]
don't work in script...- MV(1)
- rsync(1)
- STAT(1)
- WC(1)
cpg --help | mo # man advcp
mvg --help | mo # man advmv
i broot
alt+enter => quit to current directory
alt+h => toggle hidden
ctrl+q [<enter>] => quit
F5 => refresh
br -c :count
br -d => br --dates => the last modified date
br -g => br --show-git-info
br -h => br --hidden
br -i => br --show-gitignored
br -p => br --permissions
br -s => br --sizes
C [dir1 [dir2 ...]]
C $misc
clifm --open # alternative to xdg-open
clifm -h
clifm -v
i clifm
r ~/.config/clifm
~/.config/clifm/.last => workspaces
/<glob> -x => recursive search
? => basic usage examples
alt-. => toggle hidden
alt-e => $HOME
alt-h => directory history
alt-m => mount points
alt-r => /
alt-u => up
bm [a/d] => bookmark [add/delete]
da =>
dr =>
i => image thumbnails
ptot <pdf.pdf> => pdftotext
shift+up => navigate up
ws[2] => workspaces
edit / F10 => ~/.config/clifm/profiles/default/clifmrc
- => fuzzy preview files
// <regex> => fzf rg
d3 => duplicate ELN 3
m 5 3 => move ELN 5 into ELN 3
md <newDirectory>
n <newFile>/<newDirectory/>
t => list trash
u => fails to undelete trash, quit and tre
vid => ffmpegthumbnailer
++ => fuzzy directory jumper
b/f => back/forward in directories
j [fuzzyPath] => jump [to fuzzyPath]
F1 => manpage
F2 => manpage > COMMANDS
ih => fzf help (esc to quit)
alt-l => toggles detail view
p 1 3 => properties of those ELNs
Q => to current directory
c sel => copy selection
ds 2 4 => deselect those ELNs
r sel => remove all
s 2 4 6-9 => select those ELNs
sb => selection box
t sel => trash selection
e -l -s modified # time sorted
e -RL 2 # depth of 2
e -adl <directory_to_check> # reports for the directory (not its contents)
e <symlink> # red if no reference
i eza
more in $OSAB/Bash/bashrc-generic
<someCommand> Ctrl-t - gets the selected node on the command-line
Alt+c # to change directory
bm fzf
cat $(fzf)
cd [directory/][fuzzy_pattern]**<tab>
f # defined in $OSAB/Bash/bashrc-generic
gvim -o `f` # calling upon fzf
kill -9 <tab>
ls -l $(fzf -m)
unalias **<tab>
find . -type f | fzy # selecta
i fzy
rm -r $Storage/.Trash-1000
rm -r /mnt/ST4000VN008/.Trash-1000
ncdu --exclude rsnapshot
ncdu --exclude Cop-IT
feh $ITsrul/cheatsheet.png &
r $OSAB/nodes-terminal/ranger # my configurations
r $Cfzd
ranger --version
can't cope with utf-16le
:delete => (permanently) current file or selection in directory
:flat 1/0 => 1/0-level directory flattening
:trash => current file or selection in directory
? => start of help dialogue
^r => reload
a => rename_append
backspace / c-h / zh => toggle hidden
dd => cut
du => shell -p du --max-depth=1 -h --apparent-size
dU => shell -p du --max-depth=1 -h --apparent-size | sort -rh
E => edit
f9 => open outside of tmux, for r (allowing images)
ge => cd /etc
gh => cd ~
gM => cd /mnt
gr => cd /
gu => cd /usr
I => rename
i => inspect file
or set sort_reverse!
oz set sort=random
os chain set sort=size; set sort_reverse=False
ob chain set sort=basename; set sort_reverse=False
on chain set sort=natural; set sort_reverse=False
om chain set sort=mtime; set sort_reverse=False
ot chain set sort=type; set sort_reverse=False
oe chain set sort=extension; set sort_reverse=False
oS chain set sort=size; set sort_reverse=True
oB chain set sort=basename; set sort_reverse=True
oN chain set sort=natural; set sort_reverse=True
oM chain set sort=mtime; set sort_reverse=True
oT chain set sort=type; set sort_reverse=True
oE chain set sort=extension; set sort_reverse=True
o1 tab_open 1
o2 tab_open 2
o3 tab_open 3
o4 tab_open 4
o5 tab_open 5
o6 tab_open 6
o7 tab_open 7
o8 tab_open 8
o9 tab_open 9
pp => paste
shift+s => open subshell
space => mark
v => mark all
W => view log
yy => copy
im rename
i perl-rename
perl-rename 's/^\.//' * # removes leading .
i jump
j <fuzzysearch> [<FuzzyLook> ...] then j for subsequent matches
jump clean # I have in fcrontab
jump top | mo
jump --help
r ~/.jump
FF $ITscr/CP/vifm-v0.12-builtin-normal.png
v # ($AjB/bashrc-console)
- Forum Rules
- Topics by ttoirrah
cat $ITsCP/encoding/EMOJI_CHEAT_SHEET.gfm
tint # tetris
cmatrix -u 9 -C blue
man cmatrix
gpg --export-ownertrust > $ulLA/ml-$host/jo/gnupg-trustdb.txt
im gpg
pgpdump -h
r ~/.gnupg
xcgpgk() { xcol 049956B6 13F327EF Asus expired expires jharr sprbMb trohib; }
- all keys
gpg -k | xcgpgk
- secret keys
gpg -K | xcgpgk
cheat cheat
i fzf
i pinfo
- lynx-style, but n/N don't work...
- see
- no backwards search
- Quite a few don't work, and some crash the terminal...
/ -> search
<space> -> PgDn
b -> PgUp
f -> next search term
cd /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq
doas showkey # keycodes
doas cat /sys/kernel/debug/dri/0/radeon_pm_info
lspci -vnn | grep VGA -A 12 | xcol Intel Radeon size VGA
sudo lshw -C display | xcol Radeon size VGA
alt+3 --> €
alt+5 --> ½
rh | --> ~
rh \ --> #
shift+2 --> "
shift+3 --> £
" --> @
:Tabularize /-->/r1c1l0
HP ENVY 5532: d0:bf:9c:a2:2f:0e
doas cupsenable ENVY_Inspire_7200 # if it's paused
lpoptions -d ENVY_Inspire_7200 # sets as default in ~/.cups/lpoptions
lpoptions -p Envy5532 -o PageSize=A4
lpoptions -p ENVY_5530 -l | xcol '\*'
lpoptions -p ENVY_5532 -l | xcol '\*' # see selected options
hp-levels -p ENVY_5530
hp-setup -b net # when online
$misc/linux/ # check for symlinks which could bother Dropbox
/proc/filesystems - those supported by the kernel
doas file -s /dev/sdx(n)
i ioping
- Asunder CD Ripper
- CP(1)
- optical:
dua [i]
dua -h
optimised for SSDs
i gdu
gdu -d
gdu -nps <directory>
has bytes-per-inode ratios for usage types
df -h | xcol mnt media
doas file -s /dev/sdxn | xcol bit FAT
- FSCK(8)
sudo umount /dev/sdxn
forsudo fsck -MV /dev/sdxn
gio trash --empty # empties all .Trash-1000
gio trash --list # lists trash by locations
rm -r .Trash-1000/info
sudo rm -r .Trash-1000/files/<something-thats-stuck> # can take a while...
pgrep rsnapshot
sudo du -sh $rsnapshot
sudo pkill rsnapshot
sm $rsnapshot/monthly.6
lastMonthly=/mnt/WD1001FALS/rsnapshot/monthly.6/localhost/; month=$(date -r $lastMonthly +%y%m%d); echo $month
sudo rsync -aAivX --delete --progress --exclude=mnt $lastMonthly/ /mnt/WD30EZRZ/Archive/localhost-sbMb-$month
/var/log/rsnapshot > completed successfully
journalctl -r | grep rsnapshot | grep Consumed | xcol weekly monthly | mo
journalctl -u rsnapshot@daily -r
journalctl -u rsnapshot@hourly -r
systemctl status rsnapshot-hourly.timer
so * | grep 700; fd 'bash_history$' */localhost/home/jo/Arch --max-depth 1 -x stat {} -c '%Y %n %y' | sort -r
sudo diff --no-dereference -qr hourly.0 hourly.1 > hourly0+1.gnudiff
n $rsnapshot/daily.0/localhost/$Drpbx/Cop/AM-toSort0
n $rsnapshot/daily.1/localhost$MSWin10/mb
n $rsnapshot/hourly.0/localhost/$Drpbx/Cop/AM-toSort0
fRs $AjB bashrc-console
fRs $CfWk/technos/civil/catering/CM-DeLonghiDinamica/Fr staplable.tex
fRs $Drpbx/Cop/AM-toSort0 'ZZ Top'
fRs $DWp/pn/internet internet.dw
fRs $JHw _config.yml
fRs $jtCP/TeX/LaTeX/tikz shadows-glow.tex
fRs $LTXj/CzPlanning planning.cls
fRs $machBld/jo/Bash VsLmore
fRs $Obc/rc rc.xml
fRs $onGH/misc/CP/PerlTools
fRs $TeNo/md-JH-DailyLife
fRs $vfp/packs-cp/opt/vim-dokuwiki/syntax dokuwiki.vim
fRs $vimfiles/nvim/lua/lazy dropbar.lua
fRs $vimfiles/syntax cmusq.vim
fRs $vfv/plugin plugin.vim
fRs /etc sudoers
find $rsnapshot/*/localhost/home/jo/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "*.mkv"
find $rsnapshot/*/localhost/home/jo/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "Queen*.mkv" -exec rm -f {} \;
find $rsnapshot/*/localhost/home/jo/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "2022-*.mkv" -exec rm -f {} \;
find $rsnapshot/*/localhost/$TeNo/md-JH-DailyLife/roles/ -maxdepth 1 -type f -name "" -ls # not easy to sort
fd $rsnapshot/*/localhost/$TeNo/md-JH-DailyLife/roles --max-depth 1 -l | sort > roles.fetl
- they're owned by root, but 755 so I can look inside
- the one being backed up to can have permission reduced to 700
find $rsnapshot/*ly.*/localhost/mnt/SDU3D1TB/Dropbox/JH/Cafezoide/manage/online/* -type d
for d in $(ls $rsnapshot/hourly.*/localhost/home/jo -dtr); do stat -c '%y %n' $d; done # hourly instances in time order, but not much use as the dates are original creation
ls *ly.*/localhost/home/jo/.config/copyq -d # CopyQ data directory instances
ls *ly.*/localhost/mnt/*/S* -d # finds my Share/Sync2 instances
rsync -irtv --delete $rsnapshot/daily.0/localhost/home/jo/.local/share/mail/ $maild
pgrep udiskie
pkill udiskie
udiskie -h
states [current]fn+f12
=systemctl suspend
im gs
jpo # defined in my $AjB/bashrc-wm
rm -r ~/.thumbnails/normal/*
xterm -geometry 160x70+20+20 -ti vt340 -e "lsix; $SHELL" & # sixel thumbnails
ImageMagick font list: magick -list font > $machLg/IMfonts.IMfo
magick -list color > $ulLA/IM-magick-list_color.txt
rm -r ~/.cache/sxiv/*
thumbnail mode: R
reload all
next previous[
10x backwards forwards|
flip horizontal vertical- changes aren't saved
90° ccw>
90° cw?
to leftJ
to downK
to upL
to rightz
to center
by 100%e
fit width heightF
fill (often getting only part of the image)w
fit or 100%W
fit (the default)
toggle image/thumbnailf
toggle fullscreenb
toggle statusbarg
first lastr
zoom in out
i nsxiv
ns # see $AjB/bashrc-wm
tree ~/.cache/nsxiv
pq # pqiv (recursive, no info, sorted, 2s fade - $AjB/bashrc-wm)
S 55n 3 <imagefilename> <scanheight>
see $Imagey/
languagetool # GUI
whereis languagetool
java -jar $ITscc/CP/LanguageTool/languagetool-commandline.jar -h
java -jar $ITscc/CP/LanguageTool/languagetool-commandline.jar --version
java -jar $ITscc/CP/LanguageTool/languagetool-commandline.jar --list # languages
java -jar $ITscc/CP/LanguageTool/languagetool-commandline.jar --version
i sox
for t in *.mp3; do aet "$t" 3; done
mediainfo -h | mo
cmus_notify -h
pgrep cmus
kill -9 "$(pidof cmus)"
get the PIDs ps ax | grep cmus
then for each kill -9 PID
playerctl # quick guide
playerctl -l # (--list-all) available players
pkill quodlibet
pkill exfalso
follows my PCManFM
folder settings
v # alias'd to vimpc in $AjB/bashrc-wm
maps a betterq
among other things- normal mode command
quits completely
r /usr/share/doc/mpv
Hotkeys > [ Start Recording Stop Recording ] > Win+Space (= Super + Space)
sbMb: Video > [ Output (Scaled) Resolution > 1280x720 Common FPS Values > 30 ]
r ~/.openshot_qt
won't open if cmus
is playing a track
r ~/.cache/openshot
r ~/.local/share/openshot
cat /etc/hostname
curl # IP address
sudo dhcpcd wlwg111v2
sudo ls /var/lib/dhcpcd/
systemctl status nordvpnd.service
nmcli connection delete Jo-OPPO-A76
nmcli connection delete Jo-X10II
nmcli connection delete cafezoide
nmcli connection up uuid 0b2a10d5-d801-4c46-bfc6-392f6d77cd01
nmcli connection up uuid 667c759d-382a-4875-9021-2258cdba8dad
nmcli connection up uuid 9348d395-9e92-45a5-9b4b-5fc9e7b6a472
nmcli device wifi connect cafezoide password <pw>
nmcli device wifi connect Jo-X10II password <pw>
sudo grep -r '^psk=' /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
sudo ls /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections/
systemctl status NetworkManager
systemctl status NetworkManager-dispatcher
nm-applet &
pgrep nm-applet
can fail to start after waking system
expac --timefmt='%Y-%m-%d %T' '%l\t%n' | sort | tail -n 500 > $machLg/pacman/expac-500.log # 500 most recent installs
makepkg --install
grep -iE 'installed|upgraded' /var/log/pacman.log | xcol hplip
aura -Pa # security analysis of all installed AUR packages
i aura
sudo aura -Aakux --devel > n # just for info
org.keepassxc.KeePassXC &
pacman -Qg base-devel # lists packages installed
pacman -Sg base-devel # lists all
pgrep pacman # to ensure it's not running sudo rm /var/lib/pacman/db.lck # delete the stale lock
sudo du -sh /var/cache/pacman/pkg
pacman -Qdt # lists all orphans
sudo pacman -U package.pkg.tar.xz
sudo pacman -Rs <packagetoremove>
) synchronize packages from serversSc
) remove unused packages from the cacheScc
clean out the cache
) on a packageSii
shows packages depend on this package
) refresh copy of the master package list (use with-u
force refresh
pacman -Ss <keyword>
pacsearch <keyword> # better search
i pactree
pactree -c <package> # coloured
pactree -r <package> # shows other packages that require it
pass edit gmail-neomutt
pass cz
pass zou
pb ~/.password-store/.gpg-id
r ~/.password-store
date -d @$(pass cz/GmailAPI/token-expire)
pass cz/GmailAPI/token-expire
kill -9 "$(pidof perl)"
[ -f $Thb/parent.lock ] && echo zero file size
r $ulL/Bash
bash $ulL/Bash/colours/
echo -e "\e[1m\e[95m[1m[95m\e[0m"
echo -e "=\e[0;31m=Red=\e[0m="
echo -e "=\e[0;32m=Green=\e[0m="
echo -e "=\e[0;34m=Blue=\e[0m=\e[1;34m=BoldBlue=\e[0m"
tput bold; echo hello
for c in {0..255}; do tput setaf $c; tput setaf $c | cat -v; echo =$c; done
tput setaf 95; tput setaf 95 | cat -v; echo =95
bat -A /etc/hosts
bm <command> # batman (replacing man) only good in full-screen
cat /proc/cpuinfo
find /boot/vmli* # lists available kernels
i localectl
slock # unlocks when correct user pw is entered
:Q qt6
- Trusted Users
fd -tf .desktop $OSAB
locate -r '\.desktop$' > $machLg/desktops.txt
r /usr/share/applications
rg Exec= /usr/share/applications # check others
- r unRaw the keyboard
- e tErminate all processes
- i kIll all processes
- s Sync (flush data)
- u Unmount all
- b reBoot
r $OSAB $ulLA
r $ulLA/ml-$host/etc/fstab
rsync -irtv --delete $OSAB/ ~/Play0/OSAB
v $OSAB $ulLA
i hier
(= usr files) in$OSAB/Bash/bashrc-generic)
font-manager &
fd -L architects
fd -L broot
fd -L consolas
fd -L symbola
C $ITscc/linux/forArch-fonts
cd /etc/fonts # to explore the configuration files
doas fc-cache -f # regenerates the cache
fc-list | grep Caskaydia
fc-list | grep Deja
fc-list | grep Lohit
fc-list | grep ubuntu
fc-list -v ubuntumono
fc-list > $machLg/fclist.txt
fc-scan /usr/share/fonts/ubuntu/UbuntuMono-R.ttf
In a folder of possible fonts, to check if any are already installed: for font in $(ls); do fc-list $font; done
fontpreview -h
uses fzf
- Headhunter
- Henny Penny
- HVD Steinzeit
- icomoon
gio mime
handlr -h
handlr get .png
handlr list # neatly presented [Default Applications]
mimeo -m <fileToOpen> # reports mimetype
r /usr/share/applications # the *.desktop files
~/.config/mimeapps.list # the default applications
bpytop # supersedes bashtop
h = F1
b = left = previous
n = right = next
e toggles it
spacebar toggles open/closed a branch
cat /etc/group # list all groups on the system
id jo # show uid, gid, and groups for jo
sudo du -h --max-depth=1 /usr
sudo du -h --max-depth=1 /usr/share
sudo du -sh /boot /etc /home /root /usr
journalctl --disk-usage
journalctl --list-boots
journalctl --verify
journalctl | grep Consumed
backed up in $AjB/bash_profile
journalctl -b # for this boot
journalctl -b -1 # for previous boot
journalctl -b -1 -e # shows end of -n1000
journalctl -b -1 -r # newest first
journalctl -b -g 'EFI v' # shows EFI version
xrandr --output DVI-0 --auto --primary --output VGA-0 --auto --left-of DVI-0
modkey+c = c:kill()
modkey+p = hotkeys_popup
openbox --reconfigure
Alt+Space => show client menu for active window
Ctrl+Alt+arrows => move to desktop
Shift+Alt+arrows => move to desktop, bringing current window along
win+1 => move the window to monitor 1
win+2 => move the window to monitor 2
win+a => Galculator
win-d => ToggleShowDesktop
win-f => ToggleMaximize
win-F1-4 => GoToDesktop 1-4
win-k => keepassxc
win-o => $Obc/rc/
win-r => Resize
win-u => urxvt
win-S-Left/Right/Up/Down => DirectionalCycleWindows <direction>
win+t => last tmux buffer to X11 clipboard
killall -SIGUSR1 tint2 # reloads
fgconsole # reports tty number
watch -n1 "date '+%D%n%T' | figlet -k"
scroll don't work in tmux
bash $ulLB/colours/256/
bash $ulLB/colours/256/
bash $ulLB/colours/ # nice one-line gradient
colorscript -r # shell-color-scripts
terminal-colors # shows what the terminal can do (console only 8 colours)
terminal-colors -l # with #xxxxxx's
terminal-colors -o # ANSI escape codes
bash $ulLB/colours/256/
bash $ulLB/colours/256/
bash $ulLB/colours/
bash $ulLB/colours/
figlet Joseph Harriott
watch -n1 "date '+%T'|figlet" # clock
- figlet(6)
selects terminal width (instead of-w 80
ft # $OSAB/Bash/bashrc-generic
showfigfonts Deauram > ~/FIGletFonts.txt; sed -i 's/ \+$//' ~/FIGletFonts.txt
then reduced and copied to $ulLB/FIGletFontsDeauram.txt
termdown --help | mo
termdown -b 10
Alt+s --> urxvt-searchable-scrollback
appres urxvt
gets weird sizes, and doesn't work in tmux
printf '\e]710;%s\007' "xft:Hack:Bold:pixelsize=12"
printf '\e]710;%s\007' "xft:UbuntuMono:Bold:pixelsize=12"
printf '\e]710;%s\007' "xft:Consolas:Bold:pixelsize=12"
resize -s 65 120 # good for half of ViewSonic VX2025wm
can't decode a Bash environment variable- TMUX(1)
stty -a
tput works
is set to 'linux'- can login concurrently to jo
- Ctrl+Alt+F2 anywhere brings up getty for virtual console tty2
bm copyq
pgrep copyq
copyq help | mo
n $ITscr/CP/encoding/textWrangling-vi
rsync -aAivX --delete $vimfiles/ ~/Play0/vfb
C /usr/share/nvim/runtime/ftplugin
C /usr/share/nvim/runtime/syntax
r ~/.local/share/nvim
r ~/.vimswap
i vim
n ~/.vimswap
r $vimfiles
gvim --help | mo
gvim -geom 200 # height parameter is omitted as it's having no effect
r /usr/share/vim/vimfiles/syntax
r /usr/share/vim/vim91/pack/dist/opt/
C /usr/share/vim/vim91/syntax/
C /usr/share/vim/vim91
r /usr/share/nvim/runtime
nvim-treesitter shared objects: ls ~/.local/share/nvim/lazy/nvim-treesitter/parser
i yt-dlp
r /etc/httpd/conf
sudo rm -r /srv/http/*
HTTP Server
configured in $OSAB/bs-4-whenWM/
sudo systemctl disable httpd.service --now
sudo systemctl enable httpd.service --now
sudo systemctl restart httpd.service; systemctl status httpd.service
sudo systemctl start httpd.service
sudo systemctl stop httpd.service
systemctl status httpd.service
dropbox & # as in $Obc/autostart/autostart
killall dropbox
lsof -c dropbox
pkill dropbox; dropbox &
find $Drpbx -path $Drpbx/conflicted -prune -o -name "* conflicted copy*"
find -name "* conflicted copy*" -exec rm -f {} \;
find -name "*(Copie en conflit de *"
rclone lsd ZCzNc:
s ~/.config/rclone/rclone.conf # pw is disguised
grep -r "Georita" *
rsync -irtv --delete $maild/ ~/Arch/maild-$(date '+%Y%m%d%H%M')
fd . */*/cur | wc -l # all of my seen emails
fd . */*/new # as yet unseen, a few
fd . */*/tmp # usually nothing here, can be ignored
f => forward
F => toggle important flag (= Star in Gmail)
echo "content" | nmz -s "subject" [email protected] -a <attachment1> -a <attachment2> ...
nmse najac date:2022
nmse from:/gough/ date:2023
nmse from:/j.harriott/ date:2023
nmse tag:cz tag:zou '*lait*'
nmse tag:cz tag:zou | wc -l
nmse tag:zou date:2023
nmse tag:zou date:june2023
nmse '"pattern with spaces"'
- yahoo!mail
nmse 'orf*' # finds ORFILA
Only possible at end of string...
URLs (such as in an email sent from mutt
) unclickable - so better to send to them with Thunderbird
default-release: find -name "* conflicted copy*" -exec rm -f {} \;
locks: pb $Thb/linuxlock; pb $Thb/Win10ProLock
r $JHm
, jt
defined in $AjB/bashrc-wm
/etc/nginx/nginx.conf #
r /usr/share/nginx/html
rsync -irtv --delete /usr/share/nginx/test/ $jtULl/Arch/networking-usr-share-nginx-test
sudo systemctl disable nginx.service --now
sudo systemctl enable nginx.service --now
sudo systemctl restart nginx.service
systemctl status nginx.service
i sshd_config
i w3m
ws ''
wp # in Paris