Some customers need to select rows from a Database, score and write back the predictions.
Before using DAI, they would convert a model to SQL and execute it, the time to write the SQL was long.
Using DAI and then this program enables them to quickly build and use models.
Both the compiled distribution and source are available.
Available 'as-is' in Distribution
See the source directory for the code Source.
The execution is simple:
java -cp /PostgresData/postgresql-42.2.5.jar:dist/DAIMojoRunner_DB.jar daimojorunner_db.DAIMojoRunner_DB
This is a generic JDBC approach, that allows any JDBC type 4 driver to be specified on the java classpath. The file then defines what driver to use.
You must have a DAI license to score, add the license in one of the standard ways, as a parameter, as a environment vailable for example:
Support encrypted password
Store the encrypted password in the
Encrypt the password from Linux command line: (type in the password):
echo h2oh2o | base64 -i –
Encrypt the password from Windows PowerShell (password passed as h2oh2o) [convert]::toBASe64String([Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes("h2oh2o"))
Save the encrypted string to the SQLPassword parameter
Prompting for password
Set SQLPrompt= Enables prompting for the password in the DAIMojoRunner_DB.propertiesAdd the username to the SQLUser line make sure SQLPassword, is set SQLPassword= Set SQLPrompt=true
Support returning the single or multiple class predictions.
SQLKey is the DB key to use on the update statement If SQLPrediction= then the returned model class names are used and have to match the DB schema.
For example if the target variable is Model_Prediction and it’s a binomial classification the model returns Model_Prediction.0 and Model_Prediction.1 these two columns would need to exist in the DB.
If SQLPrediction=string then that is the name of the column the Model_Prediction will be updated.
Handles nulls in the columns Automatic detection
Logging option To track the execution, add -Dlogging=true to the java command line, this will write the original “row : target prediction” as it runs.
SQLConnectionString= jdbc:sqlserver://:;databaseName=;user=;password=
SQLSelect=select statement
SQLWrite=update set = where =
SQLSelect=select id, loan_amnt, term, int_rate, installment, emp_length, home_ownership, annual_inc, verification_status, addr_state, dti, delinq_2yrs, inq_last_6mths, pub_rec, revol_bal, revol_util, total_acc from "import".loanstats4
SQLWrite=update "import".loanstats4 set where id=
The above will score using pipeline.mojo and use the key 'id' to update the column name from the mojo into the table, to bad_loan.0 and bad_loan.1 must be in the table schema.
If SQLPrediction was set to ModelPrediction (for example) then bad_loan.0 would be written to the table column ModelPrediction.
The driver starts a thread pre core, but you can override this with the -Dthreads= option and -Dcapacity= is the queue size.
On a MacBook to a remote DB, I have seen it achieve 814TPS when setting the threads to 4x the cores and the capacity to 2x the threads setting.
This has been used with a Postgres DB and Microsoft SQL Server 12
Feel free to email me and I will try to help [email protected]