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gvx edited this page Apr 13, 2011 · 4 revisions

I use the word TOS here to refer to the topmost item on the stack.

The header stack action gives an idea what happens to the stack if a certain function is executed. (a b — c d) means a is TOS before execution, and c is afterwards.

Name Purpose Stack action
. Prints TOS. (v — )
swap Swaps the two topmost items on the stack. (x y — y x)
(print-stack) Debugging only. Prints all items on the stack. Implementation dependent. N/A
dup Duplicates TOS (note: this does not make copies of stacks, see copy-stack for that). (x — x x)
drop Drops TOS. (x — )
get Gets the value of a variable by ident. (i — v)
getglobal Gets the value of a variable by ident, but only look at global scope. (i — v)
set Sets the value of a variable. (i v — )
setglobal Sets the value of a variable, but ignore any relevant local declarations. (i v — )
local Works like set, but makes the variable local to the current closure. (i v — )
type Returns the type of a certain value. Returns an ident of the type. (v — t)
[] Creates a new stack object and pushes it unto the stack. ( — s)
push-to Pushes a value to a stack object. (s v — )
pop-from Pops a value from a stack object. (s — v)
call Calls a function if relevant. Pushes value to stack otherwise. call 'abc' is equivalent to abc. (x — v?)
error, raise Raises an error. Takes two arguments: the error name and a trace-back stack. (n s — )
=, equal Compares for equality. Pushes a 1 to the stack if equal, a 0 otherwise. (x y — b)
!=, not-equal Compares for inequality. Pushes a 1 to the stack if unequal, a 0 otherwise. (x y — b)
<, less Pushes 1 if x < y, 0 otherwise. (x y — b)
<=, less-or-equal Pushes 1 if x <= y, 0 otherwise. (x y — b)
>, greater Pushes 1 if x > y, 0 otherwise. (x y — b)
>=, greater-or-equal Pushes 1 if x >= y, 0 otherwise. (x y — b)
not The Boolean inverse of the argument (x — b)
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