A conditional melody generative system. Paper link:
Kindly check the result demo folder for the generated results. For input data format check the npy files in the result demo folder.
- tensorflow 1.14
- midiutil
- numpy
- pandas
- Training script: run_xx.sh; Generation script: generate_xx.sh; Evaluation script: comp_successbar_ratio.py
- 2t_fc: 2 tier without acc. time info;
- 3t_fc: 3 tier without acc. time info;
- adrm2t_fc: 2 tier with acc. time info;
- adrm3t_fc: 3 tier with acc. time info;
- adrm3t_fc_rs: 3 tier with acc. time info with residual conn.;
- bln_attn_fc: baseline attentionrnn;
- bln_fc: baseline vanila rnn;