Hl7v2 Clojure library.
- Minimize the need for interoperability with existing Java libraries.
- Leverage Clojure's native data structures and built-in tools, such as the powerful Zipper API.
- Gain full control over specifications, including field names, data types, and additional fields.
com.github.guijealth/hl7v2 {:git/tag "0.1.0-SNAPSHOT", :git/sha "a6f53a9"}
A comprehensive library of trigger-events structures can be found in structures folder. Each structure is represented as a Hiccup data structure describing the trigger-event, which you can modify as needed. Currently, structures for versions v2.3.1, v2.5.1, and v2.9 have been generated. If additional versions are required, please make a request. Structure management is beyond the scope of this lib. Developers are expected to copy the desired structure from this repository and include it as part of their codebase.
example of structure: structures/v2.5.1/ORU_R01.edn
Parse er7 formatted hl7 message, any io/reader
input is allowed.
(require '[clojure.edn :as edn])
(require '[clojure.java.io :as io])
(require '[hl7v2.core :refer [parse-hl7 format-hl7]])
(parse-hl7 (io/file "test/hl7v2/data/oru-r01.hl7")
(edn/read-string (slurp "structures/v2.5.1/ORU_R01.edn")))
view result
;;=> {:MSH
;; {:field-separator "|",
;; :application-acknowledgment-type "AL",
;; :accept-acknowledgment-type "AL",
;; :dateortime-of-message {:time "20150602100012.43+0100"},
;; :message-control-id "20251014154001-425",
;; :security "DEADBEEF",
;; :version-id {:version-id "2.5.1"},
;; :sending-application {:namespace-id "LabApp", :universal-id "", :universal-id-type "ISO"},
;; :message-profile-identifier [{:entity-identifier "LRI..get..."}],
;; :sending-facility {:namespace-id "LabFac", :universal-id "", :universal-id-type "ISO"},
;; :sequence-number "",
;; :country-code "USA",
;; :receiving-application {:namespace-id "OrdApp", :universal-id "", :universal-id-type "ISO"},
;; :receiving-facility {:namespace-id "OrdFac", :universal-id "", :universal-id-type "ISO"},
;; :continuation-pointer "",
;; :message-type {:message-code "ORU", :trigger-event "R01", :message-structure "ORU_R01"},
;; :encoding-characters "^~\\&#",
;; :principal-language-of-message {:identifier "en-US", :text "", :name-of-coding-system "ISO639"},
;; :character-set ["UNICODE UTF-8"],
;; :processing-id {:processing-id "P"},
;; :alternate-character-set-handling-scheme ""},
;; {:PID
;; {:religion {:identifier "CHR", :text "Christian", :name-of-coding-system "HL70006"},
;; :administrative-sex "F",
;; :mothers-identifier [{:id-number ""}],
;; :ssn-number-patient "",
;; :mothers-maiden-name [{:family-name ""}],
;; :birth-order "2",
;; :drivers-license-number-patient
;; {:license-number "12345", :issuing-state-province-country "MI", :expiration-date "20180219"},
;; :multiple-birth-indicator "Y",
;; :birth-place {1 "1025 House Lane", 2 "", 3 "Ann Arbor", 4 "MI", 5 "99999", 6 "USA", 7 "H", 8 "", 9 "WA"},
;; :identity-unknown-indicator "",
;; :set-id-pid "1",
;; :race
;; [{:identifier "1002-5", :text "American Indian or Alaska Native", :name-of-coding-system "HL70005"}
;; {:identifier "2106-3", :text "White", :name-of-coding-system "HL70005"}],
;; :patient-death-indicator "N",
;; :veterans-military-status {:identifier ""},
;; :nationality {:identifier ""},
;; :patient-alias [{:family-name ""}],
;; :county-code "",
;; :dateortime-of-birth {:time "197006010912"},
;; :patient-address
;; [{:city "Ann Arbor",
;; :countyorparish-code "WA",
;; :other-designation "Appt 123",
;; :address-type "H",
;; :state-or-province "MI",
;; :street-address "1000 House Lane",
;; :zip-or-postal-code "99999",
;; :country "USA",
;; :other-geographic-designation ""}],
;; :patient-account-number
;; {:id-number "12345",
;; :check-digit "",
;; :check-digit-scheme "",
;; :assigning-authority {1 "OrdFac", 2 "", 3 "ISO"},
;; :identifier-type-code "AN"},
;; :phone-number-home
;; [{:telephone-number "",
;; :telecommunication-use-code "PRN",
;; :telecommunication-equipment-type "PH",
;; :email-address "",
;; :country-code "1",
;; :areaorcity-code "555",
;; :local-number "555-8473"}
;; {:telephone-number "",
;; :telecommunication-use-code "NET",
;; :telecommunication-equipment-type "Internet",
;; :email-address "[email protected]"}],
;; :patient-name
;; [{:suffix "Jr",
;; :professional-suffix "PhD",
;; :name-representation-code "",
;; :name-validity-range "",
;; :name-type-code "L",
;; :given-name "Eve",
;; :prefix "Dr",
;; :second-and-further-given-names-or-initials-thereof "L",
;; :degree "",
;; :effective-date "20000909",
;; :name-assembly-order "G",
;; :name-context "",
;; :expiration-date "20301231",
;; :family-name "Everywoman"}
;; {:suffix "Jr",
;; :name-representation-code "",
;; :name-validity-range {1 "19700601", 2 "20000908"},
;; :name-type-code "M",
;; :given-name "Eve",
;; :prefix "",
;; :second-and-further-given-names-or-initials-thereof "L",
;; :degree "",
;; :name-assembly-order "G",
;; :name-context "",
;; :family-name "Original"}],
;; :primary-language {:identifier "en-US", :text "", :name-of-coding-system "ISO639"},
;; :phone-number-business
;; [{:telephone-number "",
;; :telecommunication-use-code "WPN",
;; :telecommunication-equipment-type "PH",
;; :email-address "",
;; :country-code "1",
;; :areaorcity-code "555",
;; :local-number "555-1126",
;; :extension "12"}],
;; :ethnic-group [{:identifier "N", :text {1 "Not Hispanic or Latino", 2 "HL70189"}}],
;; :citizenship [{:identifier "NL", :text "Netherlands", :name-of-coding-system "ISO3166"}],
;; :patient-id {:id-number ""},
;; :patient-identifier-list
;; [{:id-number "1032702",
;; :check-digit "",
;; :check-digit-scheme "",
;; :assigning-authority {1 "OrdOrg", 2 "", 3 "ISO"},
;; :identifier-type-code "MR",
;; :assigning-facility {1 "OrdFac", 2 "", 3 "ISO"},
;; :effective-date "20190101",
;; :expiration-date "20290101"}
;; {:id-number "1032702",
;; :check-digit "",
;; :check-digit-scheme "",
;; :assigning-authority {1 "OrdOrg", 2 "", 3 "ISO"},
;; :identifier-type-code "MR",
;; :assigning-facility {1 "OrdFac", 2 "", 3 "ISO"},
;; :effective-date "20190101",
;; :expiration-date "20290101"}],
;; :marital-status {:identifier "M", :text "Married", :name-of-coding-system "HL70002"},
;; :alternate-patient-id-pid [{:id-number ""}],
;; :patient-death-date-and-time {:time ""}},
;; {:PV1
;; {:prior-patient-location {:point-of-care ""},
;; :visit-number
;; {:id-number "81456267",
;; :check-digit "",
;; :check-digit-scheme "",
;; :assigning-authority {1 " AssignAuth", 2 "", 3 "ISO"},
;; :identifier-type-code "VN"},
;; :patient-class {1 "E", 2 "EMERGENCY", 3 "HL70004"},
;; :preadmit-number {:id-number ""},
;; :admitting-doctor [{:id-number ""}],
;; :hospital-service "",
;; :temporary-location {:point-of-care ""},
;; :attending-doctor
;; [{:suffix "",
;; :name-representation-code "G",
;; :name-validity-range "20330101000000",
;; :check-digit-scheme "DN",
;; :name-type-code "9",
;; :assigning-facility "",
;; :given-name "Emily",
;; :identifier-type-code {1 "OrdFac", 2 "", 3 "ISO"},
;; :assigning-authority "L",
;; :prefix "MD",
;; :second-and-further-given-names-or-initials-thereof "",
;; :degree "",
;; :source-table {1 "OrdOrg", 2 "", 3 "ISO"},
;; :id-number "857432",
;; :identifier-check-digit "1000",
;; :name-assembly-order "doctor",
;; :name-context "20100101000000",
;; :family-name "Jones"}],
;; :set-id-pv1 "1",
;; :preadmit-test-indicator "",
;; :referring-doctor [{:id-number ""}],
;; :financial-class [{:financial-class-code "V01", :effective-date "Not VFC Eligible"}],
;; :admission-type {1 "E", 2 "Emergency", 3 "HL70007"},
;; :vip-indicator "",
;; :readmission-indicator "",
;; :consulting-doctor [{:id-number ""}],
;; :admit-source "",
;; :patient-type "",
;; :assigned-patient-location
;; {:facility "",
;; :building "",
;; :comprehensive-location-identifier "",
;; :location-description "",
;; :assigning-authority-for-location "DEPID",
;; :point-of-care "EMERG",
;; :location-status "",
;; :bed "01",
;; :room "101",
;; :floor "",
;; :person-location-type ""},
;; :ambulatory-status [""]},
;; :PV2
;; {:expected-admit-dateortime {:time "201506011609"},
;; :patient-valuables-location "",
;; :admission-level-of-care-code {:identifier "AC", :text "Acute", :name-of-coding-system "HL70432"},
;; :clinic-organization-name [{:organization-name ""}],
;; :visit-publicity-code "F",
;; :actual-length-of-inpatient-stay "",
;; :accommodation-code {:identifier ""},
;; :military-nonavailability-code "",
;; :expected-number-of-insurance-plans "",
;; :visit-description "",
;; :prior-pending-location {:point-of-care ""},
;; :first-similar-illness-date "",
;; :military-partnership-code "",
;; :purge-status-code "",
;; :baby-detained-indicator "",
;; :visit-priority-code {1 "2", 2 "Urgent", 3 "HL72017"},
;; :transfer-reason {:identifier ""},
;; :signature-on-file-date "",
;; :referral-source-code
;; [{:suffix "Jr",
;; :name-representation-code "G",
;; :name-validity-range "20330101000000",
;; :check-digit-scheme "DN",
;; :name-type-code "9",
;; :assigning-facility "",
;; :given-name "Gordon",
;; :identifier-type-code {1 "OrdFac", 2 "", 3 "ISO"},
;; :assigning-authority "L",
;; :prefix "MD",
;; :second-and-further-given-names-or-initials-thereof "Denny",
;; :degree "",
;; :source-table {1 "OrdOrg", 2 "", 3 "ISO"},
;; :id-number "23432",
;; :identifier-check-digit "1000",
;; :name-assembly-order "doctor",
;; :name-context "20100101000000",
;; :family-name "Smith"}],
;; :patient-charge-adjustment-code {:identifier ""},
;; :retention-indicator "",
;; :recurring-service-code "",
;; :admit-reason {:identifier "", :text "Not feeling well"},
;; :patient-status-code "",
;; :previous-treatment-date "",
;; :patient-valuables [""],
;; :employment-illness-related-indicator "",
;; :mode-of-arrival-code {:identifier "A", :text "Ambulance", :name-of-coding-system "HL70430"},
;; :visit-user-code [""],
;; :newborn-baby-indicator "",
;; :special-program-code "",
;; :visit-protection-indicator "N",
;; :expected-surgery-date-and-time {:time ""},
;; :estimated-length-of-inpatient-stay "",
;; :recreational-drug-use-code [{:identifier ""}],
;; :purge-status-date "",
;; :expected-discharge-dateortime {:time ""},
;; :billing-media-code "",
;; :expected-discharge-disposition "",
;; :previous-service-date ""}}},
;; [{:ORC
;; {:ordering-facility-address [{:street-address "OrdFac", :other-designation "", :city "ISO"}],
;; :verified-by
;; [{:suffix "",
;; :check-digit-scheme "",
;; :name-type-code "L",
;; :given-name "Nicholas",
;; :identifier-type-code "NPI",
;; :assigning-authority {1 "", 2 "372526", 3 "L"},
;; :prefix "",
;; :second-and-further-given-names-or-initials-thereof "",
;; :degree "",
;; :source-table "",
;; :id-number "5742200012",
;; :identifier-check-digit "",
;; :family-name "Radon"}],
;; :filler-order-number
;; {:entity-identifier "LAB4432", :namespace-id "LabFac", :universal-id "", :universal-id-type "ISO"},
;; :parent {:placer-assigned-identifier ""},
;; :enterers-location {:point-of-care ""},
;; :order-status-modifier
;; {:name-of-alternate-coding-system "USA",
;; :coding-system-version-id {1 "S", 2 "Service Location", 3 "HL70190"},
;; :name-of-coding-system "Ann Arbor",
;; :original-text "WA",
;; :alternate-identifier "MI",
;; :alternate-text "99999",
;; :identifier {1 "Emergency Lane", 2 "", 3 "912"},
;; :alternate-coding-system-version-id "",
;; :text "Medical Building I"},
;; :advanced-beneficiary-notice-override-reason {:identifier ""},
;; :order-control "RE",
;; :order-status "CM",
;; :placer-group-number
;; {:entity-identifier "GORD874244", :namespace-id "OrdFac", :universal-id "", :universal-id-type "ISO"},
;; :ordering-facility-phone-number
;; [{:telephone-number {1 "Emergency Lane", 2 "", 3 "911"},
;; :telecommunication-use-code "First Floor",
;; :local-number {1 "S", 2 "Service Location", 3 "HL70190"},
;; :country-code "99999",
;; :speed-dial-code "",
;; :extension "",
;; :extension-prefix "9876",
;; :any-text "WA",
;; :email-address "MI",
;; :telecommunication-equipment-type "Ann Arbor",
;; :unformatted-telephone-number "20100612",
;; :areaorcity-code "USA"}],
;; :order-control-code-reason {:identifier ""},
;; :response-flag "",
;; :ordering-provider
;; [{:suffix "",
;; :check-digit-scheme "",
;; :name-type-code "L",
;; :given-name "Nicholas",
;; :identifier-type-code "NPI",
;; :assigning-authority {1 "", 2 "372526", 3 "L"},
;; :prefix "",
;; :second-and-further-given-names-or-initials-thereof "",
;; :degree "",
;; :source-table "",
;; :id-number "5742200012",
;; :identifier-check-digit "",
;; :family-name "Radon"}],
;; :dateortime-of-transaction {:time "201506011608"},
;; :ordering-facility-name
;; [{:organization-name "2",
;; :organization-name-type-code "Patient has been informed of responsibility, and agrees to pay for service",
;; :id-number "HL70339"}],
;; :action-by [{:id-number ""}],
;; :entering-organization {:identifier ""},
;; :quantityortiming
;; [{:quantity "1", :interval "", :duration "", :start-dateortime "20150601", :end-dateortime "", :priority "R "}],
;; :entered-by
;; [{:suffix "III",
;; :name-representation-code "",
;; :name-validity-range "20140129",
;; :check-digit-scheme "NPI",
;; :name-type-code "",
;; :assigning-facility "",
;; :given-name "Will",
;; :identifier-type-code "",
;; :assigning-authority "L",
;; :prefix "Mr.",
;; :second-and-further-given-names-or-initials-thereof "John",
;; :degree "PA",
;; :source-table {1 "", 2 "372526", 3 "L"},
;; :effective-date "FHL7",
;; :id-number "1234567890",
;; :identifier-check-digit "",
;; :name-assembly-order "",
;; :name-context "G",
;; :family-name "PhysicianAssistant"}],
;; :ordering-provider-address [{:street-address "555-555-9110"}],
;; :advanced-beneficiary-notice-code {:identifier ""},
;; :entering-device {:identifier "E", :text "Emergency", :name-of-coding-system "HL70007"},
;; :order-effective-dateortime {:time ""},
;; :call-back-phone-number {:telephone-number ""},
;; :placer-order-number
;; {:entity-identifier "ORD777888", :namespace-id "OrdFac", :universal-id "", :universal-id-type "ISO"}},
;; :OBR
;; {:diagnostic-serv-sect-id "",
;; :order-callback-phone-number {:telephone-number ""},
;; :placer-field-1 "",
;; :filler-order-number {:entity-identifier ""},
;; :transportation-mode "",
;; :parent {:placer-assigned-identifier ""},
;; :relevant-clinical-information "",
;; :principal-result-interpreter {:name ""},
;; :universal-service-identifier {:identifier ""},
;; :technician [{:name ""}],
;; :specimen-received-dateortime {:time ""},
;; :priority-obr "",
;; :collection-volume {:quantity ""},
;; :reason-for-study [{:identifier ""}],
;; :results-rptorstatus-chng-dateortime {:time ""},
;; :set-id-obr "1",
;; :charge-to-practice {:monetary-amount ""},
;; :transcriptionist [{:name ""}],
;; :danger-code {:identifier ""},
;; :placer-field-2 "",
;; :ordering-provider [{:id-number ""}],
;; :collector-identifier [{:id-number ""}],
;; :filler-field-2 "",
;; :parent-result {:parent-observation-identifier ""},
;; :observation-dateortime {:time "20251014154001"},
;; :specimen-source {:specimen-source-name-or-code ""},
;; :filler-field-1 "",
;; :quantityortiming [{:quantity "", :interval "", :duration "", :start-dateortime "", :end-dateortime ""}],
;; :scheduled-dateortime {:time ""},
;; :result-copies-to [{:id-number ""}],
;; :assistant-result-interpreter [{:name ""}],
;; :requested-dateortime {:time ""},
;; :observation-end-dateortime {:time ""},
;; :placer-order-number {:entity-identifier ""},
;; :specimen-action-code "",
;; :result-status ""}}
;; {:OBR
;; {:diagnostic-serv-sect-id "",
;; :order-callback-phone-number
;; {:telephone-number "",
;; :telecommunication-use-code "WPN",
;; :telecommunication-equipment-type "PH",
;; :email-address "",
;; :country-code "1",
;; :areaorcity-code "555",
;; :local-number "5559908",
;; :extension "34"},
;; :placer-field-1 "",
;; :filler-order-number
;; {:entity-identifier "LAB4432", :namespace-id "LabFac", :universal-id "", :universal-id-type "ISO"},
;; :relevant-clinical-information "",
;; :universal-service-identifier {:identifier "51523-9", :text "Grass Pollen Mix", :name-of-coding-system "LN"},
;; :specimen-received-dateortime {:time ""},
;; :priority-obr "R",
;; :collection-volume {:quantity ""},
;; :results-rptorstatus-chng-dateortime {:time "201506011811"},
;; :set-id-obr "1",
;; :charge-to-practice {:monetary-amount ""},
;; :danger-code {:identifier ""},
;; :placer-field-2 "",
;; :ordering-provider
;; [{:suffix "",
;; :check-digit-scheme "",
;; :name-type-code "L",
;; :given-name "Nicholas",
;; :identifier-type-code "NPI",
;; :assigning-authority {1 "", 2 "372526", 3 "L"},
;; :prefix "",
;; :second-and-further-given-names-or-initials-thereof "",
;; :degree "",
;; :source-table "",
;; :id-number "5742200012",
;; :identifier-check-digit "",
;; :family-name "Radon"}],
;; :collector-identifier [{:id-number ""}],
;; :filler-field-2 "",
;; :parent-result {:parent-observation-identifier ""},
;; :observation-dateortime {:time "201506011608"},
;; :specimen-source {:specimen-source-name-or-code ""},
;; :filler-field-1 "",
;; :quantityortiming
;; [{:quantity "1", :interval "", :duration "", :start-dateortime "20150601", :end-dateortime "", :priority "R"}],
;; :result-copies-to
;; [{:suffix "",
;; :check-digit-scheme "",
;; :name-type-code "L",
;; :given-name "Pafford",
;; :identifier-type-code "NPI",
;; :assigning-authority {1 "", 2 "372526", 3 "L"},
;; :prefix "",
;; :second-and-further-given-names-or-initials-thereof "",
;; :degree "",
;; :source-table "",
;; :id-number "10092000194",
;; :identifier-check-digit "",
;; :family-name "Hamlin"}],
;; :requested-dateortime {:time "201506011608"},
;; :observation-end-dateortime {:time ""},
;; :placer-order-number
;; {:entity-identifier "ORD777888", :namespace-id "OrdFac", :universal-id "", :universal-id-type "ISO"},
;; :specimen-action-code "",
;; :result-status "F"},
;; :NTE
;; [{:set-id-nte "1",
;; :source-of-comment "",
;; :comment ["Allergy test interpretations are subjective."],
;; :comment-type {:identifier "RE"}}],
;; [{:OBX
;; {:performing-organization-address {:street-address ""},
;; :observation-value ["3.9"],
;; :set-id-obx "1",
;; :observation-result-status "F",
;; :reserved-for-harmonization-with-v26 "",
;; :observation-identifier
;; {:identifier "64991-3", :text "Kentucky blue grass IgE Ab ", :name-of-coding-system "LN"},
;; :performing-organization-name {:organization-name ""},
;; :observation-subid "1",
;; :probability "",
;; :references-range "<0.10",
;; :dateortime-of-the-analysis {:time "201506011605"},
;; :effective-date-of-reference-range-values {:time ""},
;; :abnormal-flags [{1 "A", 2 "Abnormal", 3 "HL70078"}],
;; :user-defined-access-checks "",
;; :equipment-instance-identifier [{:entity-identifier ""}],
;; :producers-reference {:identifier ""},
;; :units {:identifier "kU/L"},
;; :nature-of-abnormal-test [""],
;; :observation-method [{:identifier ""}],
;; :responsible-observer [{:id-number ""}],
;; :value-type "DT",
;; :dateortime-of-the-observation {:time "201506011608"},
;; :performing-organization-medical-director {:id-number ""}}}
;; {:OBX
;; {:observation-value ["68"],
;; :set-id-obx "1",
;; :observation-result-status "R",
;; :observation-identifier {:identifier "HR"},
;; :observation-subid "",
;; :probability "",
;; :references-range "",
;; :abnormal-flags [""],
;; :units {:identifier "/min"},
;; :nature-of-abnormal-test [""],
;; :value-type "ST"}}
;; {:OBX
;; {:observation-value ["0"],
;; :set-id-obx "2",
;; :observation-result-status "R",
;; :observation-identifier {:identifier "PVC"},
;; :observation-subid "",
;; :probability "",
;; :references-range "",
;; :abnormal-flags [""],
;; :units {:identifier "#/min"},
;; :nature-of-abnormal-test [""],
;; :value-type "ST"}}
;; {:OBX
;; {:observation-value ["14"],
;; :set-id-obx "3",
;; :observation-result-status "R",
;; :observation-identifier {:identifier "RR"},
;; :observation-subid "",
;; :probability "",
;; :references-range "",
;; :abnormal-flags [""],
;; :units {:identifier "breaths/min"},
;; :nature-of-abnormal-test [""],
;; :value-type "ST"}}
;; {:OBX
;; {:observation-value ["28"],
;; :set-id-obx "4",
;; :observation-result-status "R",
;; :observation-identifier {:identifier "CO2EX"},
;; :observation-subid "",
;; :probability "",
;; :references-range "",
;; :abnormal-flags [""],
;; :units {:identifier "mm(hg)"},
;; :nature-of-abnormal-test [""],
;; :value-type "ST"}}
;; {:OBX
;; {:observation-value ["3"],
;; :set-id-obx "5",
;; :observation-result-status "R",
;; :observation-identifier {:identifier "CO2IN"},
;; :observation-subid "",
;; :probability "",
;; :references-range "",
;; :abnormal-flags [""],
;; :units {:identifier "mm(hg)"},
;; :nature-of-abnormal-test [""],
;; :value-type "ST"}}
;; {:OBX
;; {:observation-value ["14"],
;; :set-id-obx "6",
;; :observation-result-status "R",
;; :observation-identifier {:identifier "CO2RR"},
;; :observation-subid "",
;; :probability "",
;; :references-range "",
;; :abnormal-flags [""],
;; :units {:identifier "breaths/min"},
;; :nature-of-abnormal-test [""],
;; :value-type "ST"}}
;; {:OBX
;; {:observation-value ["71"],
;; :set-id-obx "7",
;; :observation-result-status "R",
;; :observation-identifier {:identifier "SPO2R"},
;; :observation-subid "",
;; :probability "",
;; :references-range "",
;; :abnormal-flags [""],
;; :units {:identifier "/min"},
;; :nature-of-abnormal-test [""],
;; :value-type "ST"}}
;; {:OBX
;; {:observation-value ["100"],
;; :set-id-obx "8",
;; :observation-result-status {1 {1 "R"}},
;; :observation-identifier {:identifier "SPO2P"},
;; :observation-subid "",
;; :probability "",
;; :references-range "",
;; :abnormal-flags [""],
;; :units {:identifier "%"},
;; :nature-of-abnormal-test [""],
;; :value-type "ST"}}]}]}]}
Encode hl7 data into er7 format.
(require '[clojure.edn :as edn])
(require '[clojure.java.io :as io])
(require '[hl7v2.core :refer [parse-hl7 format-hl7]])
(let [struc (edn/read-string (slurp "structures/v2.5.1/ORU_R01.edn"))]
(-> (io/file "test/hl7v2/data/oru-r01.hl7")
(parse-hl7 struc)
(format-hl7 struc)))
view result
;;=> "MSH|^~\\&#|LabApp^^ISO|LabFac^^ISO|OrdApp^^ISO|OrdFac^^ISO|20150602100012.43+0100|DEADBEEF|ORU^R01^ORU_R01|20251014154001-425|P|2.5.1|||AL|AL|USA|UNICODE UTF-8|en-US^^ISO639||LRI..get...
;; PID|1||1032702^^^OrdOrg&^MR^OrdFac&^20190101^20290101~1032702^^^OrdOrg&^MR^OrdFac&^20190101^20290101||Everywoman^Eve^L^Jr^Dr^^L^^^^G^20000909^20301231^PhD~Original^Eve^L^Jr^^^M^^^19700601&20000908^G||197006010912|F||1002-5^American Indian or Alaska Native^HL70005~2106-3^White^HL70005|1000 House Lane^Appt 123^Ann Arbor^MI^99999^USA^H^^WA||^PRN^PH^^1^555^555-8473~^NET^Internet^[email protected]|^WPN^PH^^1^555^555-1126^12|en-US^^ISO639|M^Married^HL70002|CHR^Christian^HL70006|12345^^^OrdFac&^AN||12345^MI^20180219||N^Not Hispanic or Latino&HL70189|1025 House Lane^^Ann Arbor^MI^99999^USA^H^^WA|Y|2|NL^Netherlands^ISO3166||||N|
;; PV1|1|E^EMERGENCY^HL70004|EMERG^101^01^^^^^^^^DEPID|E^Emergency^HL70007|||857432^Jones^Emily^^^MD^^OrdOrg&^L^9^1000^DN^OrdFac&^^G^20100101000000^20330101000000^doctor||||||||||||81456267^^^ AssignAuth&^VN|V01^Not VFC Eligible
;; PV2|||^Not feeling well|||||201506011609|||||23432^Smith^Gordon^Denny^Jr^MD^^OrdOrg&^L^9^1000^DN^OrdFac&^^G^20100101000000^20330101000000^doctor||||||||F|N|||2^Urgent^HL72017|||||||||||||A^Ambulance^HL70430||AC^Acute^HL70432
;; ORC|RE|ORD777888^OrdFac^^ISO|LAB4432^LabFac^^ISO|GORD874244^OrdFac^^ISO|CM||1^^^20150601^^R ||201506011608|1234567890^PhysicianAssistant^Will^John^III^Mr.^PA^&372526&L^L^^^NPI^^^^G^20140129^^FHL7|5742200012^Radon^Nicholas^^^^^^&372526&L^L^^^NPI|5742200012^Radon^Nicholas^^^^^^&372526&L^L^^^NPI||||||E^Emergency^HL70007|||2^Patient has been informed of responsibility, and agrees to pay for service^HL70339|OrdFac^^ISO|Emergency Lane&&911^First Floor^Ann Arbor^MI^99999^USA^S&Service Location&HL70190^^WA^9876^^20100612|555-555-9110|Emergency Lane&&912^Medical Building I^Ann Arbor^MI^99999^USA^S&Service Location&HL70190^^WA|
;; OBR|1||||||20251014154001||||||||||||||||||||^^^^|||||||||
;; OBR|1|ORD777888^OrdFac^^ISO|LAB4432^LabFac^^ISO|51523-9^Grass Pollen Mix^LN|R|201506011608|201506011608|||||||||5742200012^Radon^Nicholas^^^^^^&372526&L^L^^^NPI|^WPN^PH^^1^555^5559908^34|||||201506011811|||F||1^^^20150601^^R|10092000194^Hamlin^Pafford^^^^^^&372526&L^L^^^NPI
;; NTE|1^^Allergy test interpretations are subjective.^RE
;; OBX|1|DT|64991-3^Kentucky blue grass IgE Ab ^LN|1|3.9|kU/L|<0.10|A^Abnormal^HL70078|||F|||201506011608|||||201506011605||||||
;; OBX|1|ST|HR||68|/min|||||R
;; OBX|2|ST|PVC||0|#/min|||||R
;; OBX|3|ST|RR||14|breaths/min|||||R
;; OBX|4|ST|CO2EX||28|mm(hg)|||||R
;; OBX|5|ST|CO2IN||3|mm(hg)|||||R
;; OBX|6|ST|CO2RR||14|breaths/min|||||R
;; OBX|7|ST|SPO2R||71|/min|||||R
;; OBX|8|ST|SPO2P||100|%|||||R"
Advanced features can be used from the namespaces:
...doc [wip]
Convert an hl7 into a clojure zipper, so you can use it for creating, searching and changing(CRUD) nodes of the hl7 message.
(require '[clojure.edn :as edn])
(require '[clojure.java.io :as io])
(require '[clojure.zip :as zip])
(require '[hl7v2.core :refer [parse-hl7 format-hl7]])
(require '[hl7v2.zipper :as hz])
(let [struc (edn/read-string (slurp "structures/v2.5.1/ORU_R01.edn"))]
(->> (parse-hl7 (io/file "test/hl7v2/data/oru-r01.hl7") struc)
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(map zip/node)
(filter (fn [node]
(and (= :OBX (hz/hl7-seg-id node))
(= "CO2RR" (get-in node [:OBX :observation-identifier :identifier])))))))
;;=> ({:OBX
;; {:observation-value ["14"],
;; :set-id-obx "6",
;; :observation-result-status "R",
;; :observation-identifier {:identifier "CO2RR"},
;; :observation-subid "",
;; :probability "",
;; :references-range "",
;; :abnormal-flags [""],
;; :units {:identifier "breaths/min"},
;; :nature-of-abnormal-test [""],
;; :value-type "ST"}})
(require '[clojure.edn :as edn])
(require '[clojure.java.io :as io])
(require '[clojure.zip :as zip])
(require '[hl7v2.core :refer [parse-hl7 format-hl7]])
(require '[hl7v2.zipper :as hz])
(letfn [(edit-obx [loc]
(zip/edit loc assoc-in [:OBX :abnormal-flags] ["H"]))]
(let [struc (edn/read-string (slurp "structures/v2.5.1/ORU_R01.edn"))]
(->> (parse-hl7 (io/file "test/hl7v2/data/oru-r01.hl7") struc)
(iterate zip/next)
(take-while (complement zip/end?))
(filter (fn [loc]
(let [node (zip/node loc)]
(and (= :OBX (hz/hl7-seg-id node))
(= "CO2RR" (get-in node [:OBX :observation-identifier :identifier]))))))
;; ...
;; :units {:identifier "mm(hg)"},
;; :nature-of-abnormal-test [""],
;; :value-type "ST"}}
;; {:OBX
;; {:observation-value ["14"],
;; :set-id-obx "6",
;; :observation-result-status "R",
;; :observation-identifier {:identifier "CO2RR"},
;; :observation-subid "",
;; :probability "",
;; :references-range "",
;; :abnormal-flags ["H"],
;; :units {:identifier "breaths/min"},
;; :nature-of-abnormal-test [""],
;; :value-type "ST"}}
;; {:OBX
;; {:observation-value ["71"],
;; :set-id-obx "7",
;; :observation-result-status "R",
;; :observation-identifier {:identifier "SPO2R"},
;; ...
Standard: https://www.hl7.org/implement/standards/product_brief.cfm?product_id=185
Schema: https://www.hl7.org/documentcenter/private/standards/V251/HL7-xml%20v2.5.1.zip