Pre-settings to configure the Elastic Stack (after its initial installation)
Provide set of configuration files for:
- Elasticsearch indexing
- Logstash data collect and treatment (collection, parsing, extracting, cleaning)
- Filebeat template to transfert your logs to logstash
- Kibana visualization, filter and dashboard
Two deployment scenarios and each one is provided with VM and docker methods:
1 - VM
is to setup the OScd {app} && ./
in the application folder is to install the application
2 - Docker
deploy the Elastic stack with the stack configuration placed in the docker-compose file. Run 2 indexes.docker-compose_single-node.yml
deploy one component of the stackdocker-compose_hot-warm.yml
deploy 3 * ES-master, 3 * ES-hot, 3 * ES-warm and one component of the stack
Set up the OS and install and configure the main components of the Elastic stack. Each of them is provided with a bash script and set of configuration files ready to use or at least to adapt for a specific production environment.
This package is an old update coming from the 2.4 versions and up-to-date to run on 6.5.0 cluster. Some previous configuration has been kept and it's generally when a major change have been done (impacting the applications).
To ensure the security without the x-pack extra licence, SearchGuard is used and specific note file can be found on the following liink:
Search Guard will increase the security and add AUTH and TLS methode. At this moment only the montioring is not fully secured as HTTP only is allowed on this module (re-only ^^).
Target is to apply the best Practice for a real usage.
Repartition by instance (Virtual Machine/Docker) 0/ Source
- Install: filebeat (one of the agents of the Elastic stack), syslog-ng
- Source: local files
- Target: logstash
- What: Dedicated VM where the data source is/come from
1/ Data collection
Install: logstash
Source: (file)beat, stream
Target: elasticsearch
What: 1/ Input: Collect all sources 2/ Filter: Extract the data according to the prototype 3/ Output: push it to elasticsearch
2/ Index
- Install: elasticsearch
- Source: logstash
- Target: client
- What: Store and index the data and provide API features to consum data and to manage the cluster
3/ Display
- Install: kibana
- Source: elasticsearch
- Target: human
- What: Provide web interface for the ES API access and to perform analytics, alerting, dashboarding, monitoring and machine learning jobs
Specific study must be done on your targeted environment to establish the nodes repartition and them sizing according to the role that they will have. Example if you need to provide high search performance it can be interesting to separate the node in charge of and increase its resources... For that two examples are provided:
- elasticsearch/elasticsearch.yml: one ES node with all-in-one, simple & easy for demo
- elasticsearch/example-hot_warm: set of ES files with hot-warm design described as follow:
- 3 * master nodes (8GB,2CPU,32GB)
- 3 * hot data nodes (32GB,8CPU,500GB)
- 3 * warm data nodes (32GB,8CPU,2TB)
- 1 * machine learning node (8GB,2CPU,32GB)
The installation scripts have been written based on CentOS-7 64, compatible with current AWS AMI.
has been used to install the package via the Elastic RPM repository.
Thanks to adapt to your environment so if your settings doesn't match...
Preconfigured files have been provided to be used as-it-is for a all-in-one server. The instance should follow this settings for the single-node design:
- elasticsearch with 4GB dedicated memory
- kibana with 8GB dedicated memory
- logstash with 2GB dedicated memory
And this settings for the hot-warm design:
- elasticsearch with 4GB dedicated memory
- kibana with 8GB dedicated memory
- logstash with 2GB dedicated memory
PS: the memory is configured in the jvm.options file. PS: a factor 2 should be considered in total for the system+app
The configuration is done without the licensed features and so without the necessary security. Up to you to activate the ES security according to your license. An example of securisation is done with SearchGuard.
git clone
cd ElasticStack-toolbox/
cd elasticsearch
Global file to manage the elasticsearch indexer according to the logstash and filebeat env to set. You have 2 templates and you must choose one of them depending of you want to use Search Guard or not.
- With the standard security to activate: elastic/elasticsearch.yml
- With Search Guard security: elastic/elasticsearch-searchguard.yml
git clone
cd ElasticStack-toolbox/
cd kibana
git clone
cd ElasticStack-toolbox/
cd logstash
git clone
cd ElasticStack-toolbox/
cd filebeat
git clone
\cp -fr ElasticSearch-toolbox/conf/logtash/* /etc/logstash/conf.d/
systemctl restart logstash
Lot of filters are ready and just you need to adapt your input (connectors) according to your systems.
The configuration files have been recorded in a dedicated folder according to them usage:
- logstash/conf.d/1-input/syslog.conf : UDP/5000
- logstash/conf.d/1-input/beats.conf : TCP/5044
- logstash/conf.d/1-input/bot.conf : TCP/5055
Most of them with based on the patterns included in the logstash-patterns-core distribution. Remember to adapt the clientip if you want to use the map, (geo)location...
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/syslog.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/beats.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/syslog.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/apache.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/audit.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/login.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/bot.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/redis.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/aws.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/cisco.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/mongodb.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/nagios.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/java.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/haproxy.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/ruby.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/netscreen.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/sharewall.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/postgresql.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/rails.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/bro.conf
- logstash/conf.d/2-filter/cucmcdr.conf
Elasticsearch only at this time... to be continued.
Remember to adapt the elasticsearch.conf
output file according to your ES.
Provide log template to quickly integrate on your host where the data should come.
- syslog
- audit
- redis
- apache
- apache-other-vhost
- apache-error
- dpkg
- cucm-cdr
- cucm-cmr
- bot: based on JSON and dynamic index
git clone
cp ElasticSearch-toolbox/conf/filebeat/* /etc/filebeat/
systemctl restart filebeat
I've not integrated the mecanism to get the CDR/CMR from the CUCM, up to you to add your choice. FYI on my side I use the same mechanism than for the log files. In that case you can use the same design and tools to manage your log files and CDR/CMR files coming from your Unified Communication environment and also from your Visio Conferencing system. PS it's time to open your S3 or Glacier to make it as permanent application backup...
Job ongoing
Job ongoing
Thanks to Damienetwork and its website. At this time validated only for the Cisco CUCM (Call Manager) for these version:
- 6
- 8
- 10
Thanks to:manicas and its article
GeoIP is included in apache and syslog conf...
- To continue in other configuration
- Or can declared as generic field under 'clientip' name
- Unarchive the package
- Copy the content in your logstash configuration folder
- Adapt the conf to your elasticseaerch server in the 3xx output
- Download the GeoIP database
- Install the CUCM CDR/CDR features
- syslog
- filebeat
- syslog
- auditlog
- apache
- CUCM/TMS logs
- logstash
- NodeJS bot
- Python bot
- syslog
- apache
- audit
- login
- bot
- logstash
- elasticsearch
- redis
Thanks to these useful articles to go deeper in the design and the index knowledge.