A guide on how to modify data for the GT VA Lab website.
To add/modify/remove gallery images, see gallery.json
Example format:
"image": "file.ext", // **REQUIRED** (place file in /assets/images/gallery/)
"caption": "Sample caption text." // **REQUIRED** (please end caption with date; e.g., "..., January 1970")
To add/modify/remove news, see news.json
Example format:
"date": "MMM YYYY", // **REQUIRED** (e.g., Jan 1970)
"text": "Sample news text." // **REQUIRED** (keep it short please! Can include HTML, e.g., <a> tags for links.)
To add/modify/remove current people, see currentPeople.json
Example format:
"fullName": "Jane Rose Smith", // **REQUIRED**
"firstName": "Jane", // **REQUIRED**
"lastName": "Smith", // **REQUIRED**
"title": "PhD, Computer Science", // **REQUIRED**
"keywords": "Visualization; ...", // **REQUIRED** (separate keywords by a semicolon {;})
"image": "file.ext", // **REQUIRED** (place file in /assets/images/team/)
"email": "username@domain", // **REQUIRED**
"websiteURL": "https://www.website.com/", // **OPTIONAL** (key is required, value can be empty string {""})
"linkedinURL": "https://www.linkedin.com/in/username", // **OPTIONAL** (key is required, value can be empty string {""})
"twitterURL": "https://www.twitter.com/username", // **OPTIONAL** (key is required, value can be empty string {""})
"googlescholarURL": "https://www.scholar.google.com/citations?user=username&hl=en" // **OPTIONAL** (key is required, value can be empty string {""})
To add/modify/remove alumni, see alumni.json
Example format:
"fullName": "Jane Rose Smith", // **REQUIRED**
"firstName": "Jane", // **REQUIRED**
"lastName": "Smith", // **REQUIRED**
"degreeTitle": "PhD", // **REQUIRED**
"websiteURL": "https://www.website.com/" // **OPTIONAL**
To add/modify/remove projects, see projects.json and /projects
Example format:
"title": "Sample project title", // **REQUIRED**
"image": "file.ext", // **OPTIONAL** (place file in /assets/images/projects/)
"pageLink": "/projects/project_title.html", // **OPTIONAL** (must place project_title.html in /projects/)
"text": "Sample project description", // **REQUIRED**
"related": [
"text": "Sample text", // **REQUIRED** (e.g., PDF, Video, PowerPoint, Blog, etc.)
"link": "https://website.com/file.pdf" // **REQUIRED** (or /assets/files/filename.ext)
To add/modify/remove publications, see publications.json and /publications
Example format:
"YYYY": [ // **REQUIRED** (e.g., "1970" | all pubs go under year they were published)
"title": "Sample publication title", // **REQUIRED**
"authors": "Author 1, Author 2, and Author 3", // **REQUIRED**
"venue": "Sample publication venue", // **REQUIRED**
"image": "file.ext", // **OPTIONAL** (place file in /assets/images/publications/)
"actions": [ // **REQUIRED** (key "action" is required, value [array] can be empty)
"text": "PDF", // **REQUIRED** (or Video, PowerPoint, Website, etc.)
"link": "https://www.website.com/file.pdf" // **REQUIRED** (or /assets/files/filename.ext)