diff --git a/gio/tests/dbus_peer.rs b/gio/tests/dbus_peer.rs
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..67e66b35bd90
--- /dev/null
+++ b/gio/tests/dbus_peer.rs
@@ -0,0 +1,157 @@
+// Take a look at the license at the top of the repository in the LICENSE file.
+fn test_gdbus_peer_connection() {
+ use gio::{
+ glib::{self, VariantTy},
+ prelude::*,
+ DBusConnection, DBusConnectionFlags, DBusNodeInfo, Socket,
+ };
+ use std::os::{fd::IntoRawFd, unix::net::UnixStream};
+ const EXAMPLE_XML: &str = r#"
+ pub async fn spawn_server(fd: UnixStream) -> DBusConnection {
+ let socket = unsafe { Socket::from_fd(fd.into_raw_fd()) }.unwrap();
+ let socket_connection = socket.connection_factory_create_connection();
+ let guid = gio::dbus_generate_guid();
+ dbg!("server connecting");
+ let connection = DBusConnection::new_future(
+ &socket_connection,
+ Some(&guid),
+ .union(DBusConnectionFlags::DELAY_MESSAGE_PROCESSING),
+ None,
+ )
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ dbg!("server connected");
+ let interface_info = DBusNodeInfo::for_xml(EXAMPLE_XML)
+ .unwrap()
+ .lookup_interface("com.github.gtk_rs")
+ .unwrap();
+ let _id = connection
+ .register_object("/com/github/gtk_rs", &interface_info)
+ .method_call(
+ |_connection,
+ _sender,
+ _object_path,
+ _interface_name,
+ _method_name,
+ parameters,
+ invocation| {
+ dbg!(
+ _sender,
+ _object_path,
+ _interface_name,
+ _method_name,
+ ¶meters,
+ &invocation
+ );
+ let name = parameters.child_get::(0);
+ invocation.return_value(Some(&(format!("Hello {name}!"),).to_variant()));
+ },
+ )
+ .build()
+ .unwrap();
+ dbg!("server starts message processing");
+ connection.start_message_processing();
+ dbg!("server awaiting calls");
+ connection
+ }
+ pub async fn spawn_client(fd: UnixStream) -> DBusConnection {
+ let socket_client = unsafe { Socket::from_fd(fd.into_raw_fd()) }.unwrap();
+ let socket_connection_client = socket_client.connection_factory_create_connection();
+ dbg!("client connecting");
+ let connection = DBusConnection::new_future(
+ &socket_connection_client,
+ None,
+ None,
+ )
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ dbg!("client connected");
+ connection
+ }
+ let ctx = glib::MainContext::default();
+ let (x, y) = std::os::unix::net::UnixStream::pair().unwrap();
+ x.set_nonblocking(true).unwrap();
+ y.set_nonblocking(true).unwrap();
+ ctx.block_on(async move {
+ let ctx = glib::MainContext::default();
+ let server = ctx.spawn_local(spawn_server(x));
+ let client = ctx.spawn_local(spawn_client(y));
+ let server = server.await.unwrap();
+ let client = client.await.unwrap();
+ dbg!("calling method");
+ let result = client
+ .call_future(
+ None,
+ "/com/github/gtk_rs",
+ "com.github.gtk_rs",
+ "Hello",
+ Some(&("World",).into()),
+ Some(VariantTy::new("(s)").unwrap()),
+ gio::DBusCallFlags::NONE,
+ 10000,
+ )
+ .await
+ .unwrap();
+ dbg!("method called");
+ dbg!(&result);
+ dbg!("closing client");
+ client.close_future().await.unwrap();
+ dbg!("closed client, closing server");
+ server.close_future().await.unwrap();
+ dbg!("closed server");
+ drop(client);
+ drop(server);
+ assert_eq!(result.child_get::(0), "Hello World!");
+ glib::timeout_future_with_priority(
+ glib::Priority::LOW,
+ std::time::Duration::from_millis(50),
+ )
+ .await;
+ });