Release 1.3.0 is a feature release bringing a slew of updates.
Noteworthy features:
- #37: Support for the Riak Search HTTP Interface (Mathias Meyer)
- #36: Support to store large files in Luwak (Mathias Meyer)
- #35: Convenience methods to enable, disable and check search indexing on Riak buckets (Mathias Meyer)
- #34: Port of Ripple's test server to Python, allows faster testing thanks to an in-memory Riak instance (Mathias Meyer)
- #31: New transports: A Protocol Buffers connection cache (riak.transports.pbc.RiakPbcCacheTransport), a transport to reuse the underlying TCP connections by setting SO_REUSEADDR on the socket (riak.transports.http.RiakHttpReuseTransport), and one that tries to reuse connections to the same host (riak.transports.http.RiakHttpPoolTransport) (Gilles Devaux)
- #33: Respect maximum link header size when using HTTP. Link header is now split up into multiple headers when it exceeds the maximum size of 8192 bytes. (Mathias Meyer)
- #41: Connections potentially not returned to the protocol buffers connection pool. (Reid Draper)
- #42: Reset protocol buffer connection up on connection error (Brett Hoerner)
Release 1.2.2 is a minor patch release.
Noteworthy fixes and improvements:
- #29: Add an nicer API for using key filters with MapReduce (Eric Moritz)
- #13 and #24: Let Riak generate a key when none is specified (Mark Erdmann)
- #28: Function aliases for the Riak built-in MapReduce functions (Eric Moritz)
- #20: Add a convenience method to create Riak object directly from file (Ana Nelson)
- #16: Support return_body parameter when creating a new object (Stefan Praszalowicz, Andy Gross)
- #17: Storing an object fails when it doesn't exist in Riak (Eric Moritz, Andy Gross)
- #18: Ensure that a default content type is set when none specified (Andy Gross)
- #22: Fix user meta data support (Mathias Meyer)
- #23: Fix links to the wiki (Mikhail Sobolev)
- #25: Enable support for code coverage when running tests (Mikhail Sobolev)
- #26: Debian packaging (Dmitry Rozhkov)