This document describes a textual syntax for ONNX models, which is currently an experimental feature. The syntax enables a compact and readable representation of ONNX models. It is motivated by a couple of use-cases. One is to enable compact description of test-cases and its use in CI (both in the ONNX repo as well as in other dependent repos such as ONNX-MLIR). The second is to help simplify the definition of ONNX functions. Several of the existing function-definitions are verbose, and the use of this syntax will lead to more compact, readable, and easier-to-maintain function definitions. Efficient representation and efficient parsing of very large tensor-constants is not a goal. Alternative methods should be used for that.
The key parser methods are the OnnxParser::Parse
methods, used as below.
const char* code = R"ONNX(
ir_version: 7,
opset_import: [ "" : 10 ]
agraph (float[N, 128] X, float[128, 10] W, float[10] B) => (float[N, 10] C)
T = MatMul(X, W)
S = Add(T, B)
C = Softmax(S)
ModelProto model;
OnnxParser::Parse(model, code);
See the test-cases for more examples illustrating the API and syntax.
The grammar below describes the syntax:
id-list ::= id (',' id)*
tensor-dim ::= '?' | id | int-constant
tensor-dims ::= tensor-dim (',' tensor-dim)*
tensor-type ::= prim-type | prim-type '[' ']' | prim-type '[' tensor-dims ']'
type ::= tensor-type
value-info ::= type id
value-infos ::= value-info (',' value-info)*
value-info-list ::= '(' value-infos? ')'
prim-constants ::= prim-constant (',' prim-constant)*
tensor-constant ::= tensor-type '{' prim-constants '}'
single-attr-value ::= tensor-constant | graph | prim-constant
attr-value-list ::= '[' single-attr-value (',' single-attr-value)* ']'
attr-value ::= single-attr-value | attr-value-list
attr ::= id '=' attr-value
attr-list ::= '<' attr (',' attr)* '>'
node ::= id-list? '=' qualified-id attr-list? '(' id-list? ')'
| id-list? '=' qualified-id '(' id-list? ')' attr-list
node-list ::= '{' node* '}'
graph ::= id value-info-list '=>' value-info-list node-list
other-data ::= id ':' value
other-data-list ::= '<' other-data (',' other-data)* '>'
fun-attr-list ::= '<' id-list '>'
fun-input-list ::= '(' id-list ')'
fun-output-list ::= '(' id-list ')'
function ::= other-data-list? id fun-attr-list? fun-input-list '=>' fun-output-list node-list
model ::= other-data-list? graph function*