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Smartpool is a future-aware threadpool designed to grant great control over the behavior of the pool. It requires a little bit of coding to get up and running, but can remain reactive in many high-backpressure situations, or situations where the pool has to shut down in a specific way. If there's some specific priority scheme missing from the pool, this library can be easily extended to achieve the desired behavior.


  • High-performance concurrency
  • Future awareness
  • Multiple priority levels
  • Customizable task prioritization behavior
  • Partitioning task channels by their behavior when the pool closes
  • Scoped operations
  • Scheduled operations
  • Spatial prioritization, with the smartpool-spatial crate
  • Use on stable channel
  • Round-robin scheduler
  • Shortest deadline first
  • Extensible
  • Data-driven
  • BPA-free
  • 20% more gucci than our competitors, and with 70% more buzzwords


The smartpool architecture has a few foundational concepts:

  • Channels
  • Levels
  • Schedulers
  • Pool


A channel is some source that tasks can be polled from. Usually, a channel is some sort of task queue, which the programmer can insert tasks into. These channels can have any exotic method of prioritization, such as soonest deadline first or spatial prioritization.

From an abstract standpoint, a channel does not actually have to be a queue which can be inserted into; it only has to be pollable. For example, a channel could be made to mine bitcoin, simulate protein folding, or asynchronously download tasks from a network.


A level is a group of channels that have the same category of priority. This sounds vague because the exact meaning of a level is dependent on the scheduler.


Schedulers determine how the pool prioritizes different levels. While channels are completely extensible, schedulers unfortunately are not; they currently require modification to the core logic of the pool. As of the initial release of this project, two schedulers exist:

  • Highest Level First
    • The pool will always poll for a task from the highest level available.
  • Round Robin
    • The pool will alternate between different levels in a loop, allocating a specific duration of real world time to each.


A pool is the actual collection of threads, and other data used to manage it. The pool is divided into two parts:

  • An OwnedPool, which denotes ownership of the pool, and can be used to close the pool and wait for it to properly close
  • An Arc<Pool>, a shareable handle which can be used to access its channels.


Smartpool is a future-aware threadpool. This means that it efficiently and idiomatically handles coroutines which can yield. In the event that a task yields, it must be re-inserted into some channel. After a task is taken from a channel, and it yields, it is re-inserted into some followup channel. The exact decision of which channel becomes the followup channel is configured by the user.

It can improve average time to completion for a channel's followup channel to be of a higher priority level than the original channel. Essentially, this is because that causes the threadpool is "commit" it completing a task after it has started that task, and not become "distracted" with other tasks.


An OwnedPool can be used to properly close its corresponding threadpool. The close method produces a future, which can either be discarded or awaited.

Each channel can configure whether or not it is complete_on_close. When a threadpool closes, if it still contains tasks, all task in channels that are complete_on_close will be run to completion, whereas tasks in other channels will be completely ignored (and eventually, dropped).

Even if a coroutine from a complete_on_close channel is currently blocking on some external condition, the threadpool will wait for the coroutine to wake up, then drive it to completion, before closing.

Example Code

extern crate smartpool;
extern crate atomic;
extern crate num_cpus;
extern crate futures;

use futures::prelude::*;
use smartpool::prelude::*;
use std::sync::Arc;

// we will use a submodule to define our pool behavior
mod my_pool {
    // the prelude::setup module is a special prelude for defining pool behavior
    use smartpool::prelude::setup::*;
    use num_cpus;

    // enum for a channel in the pool
    #[derive(Copy, Clone, Eq, PartialEq, Debug)]
    pub enum MyPoolChannel {
    // the pool behavior
    pub struct MyPool {
        // we can only submit time-critical tasks here
        // the multi channel creates an array of the inner channel type, and alternates
        // between them round-robin using an atomic integer.
        // this reduces thread contention.
        pub realtime: MultiChannel<VecDequeChannel>,
        // we can submit tasks here which should be executed soonish, but try to keep backpressure low
        pub responsive: MultiChannel<VecDequeChannel>,
        // the backlog can be a lot of extra stuff that needs to get run
        pub backlog: MultiChannel<VecDequeChannel>,
        // another backlog channel with a SDF scheduler
        pub backlog_deadline: MultiChannel<ShortestDeadlineFirst>,
    impl MyPool {
        // constructor is useful
        pub fn new() -> Self {
            MyPool {
                realtime: MultiChannel::new(4, VecDequeChannel::new),
                responsive: MultiChannel::new(4, VecDequeChannel::new),
                backlog: MultiChannel::new(4, VecDequeChannel::new),
                backlog_deadline: MultiChannel::new(4, ShortestDeadlineFirst::new),
    // implementing pool behavior allows it to initialize a threadpool
    impl PoolBehavior for MyPool {
        type ChannelKey = MyPoolChannel;

        // configuration data, queried once by the pool
        fn config(&mut self) -> PoolConfig<Self> {
            PoolConfig {
                // as many threads as we have CPU
                threads: num_cpus::get() as u32,
                // use the highest first scheduler
                schedule: ScheduleAlgorithm::HighestFirst,
                // levels, highest to lowest
                levels: vec![
                    // level 0 is just the realtime channel
                    // it will complete on close
                    vec![ChannelParams {
                        key: MyPoolChannel::Realtime,
                        complete_on_close: true,
                    // level 1 is just the responsive channel
                    // it will complete on close
                    vec![ChannelParams {
                        key: MyPoolChannel::Responsive,
                        complete_on_close: true,
                    // level 2 is both backlog channels, together
                    // they will not complete on close
                        ChannelParams {
                            key: MyPoolChannel::Backlog,
                            complete_on_close: false,
                        ChannelParams {
                            key: MyPoolChannel::BacklogDeadline,
                            complete_on_close: false,

        // boilerplate for the engine to access the channels with no dynamic dispatch
        fn touch_channel<O>(&self, key: MyPoolChannel, mut toucher: impl ChannelToucher<O>) -> O {
            match key {
                MyPoolChannel::Realtime => toucher.touch(&self.realtime),
                MyPoolChannel::Responsive => toucher.touch(&self.responsive),
                MyPoolChannel::Backlog => toucher.touch(&self.backlog),
                MyPoolChannel::BacklogDeadline => toucher.touch(&self.backlog_deadline),

        // boilerplate for the engine to access the channels with no dynamic dispatch
        fn touch_channel_mut<O>(&mut self, key: MyPoolChannel, mut toucher: impl ChannelToucherMut<O>) -> O {
            match key {
                MyPoolChannel::Realtime => toucher.touch_mut(&mut self.realtime),
                MyPoolChannel::Responsive => toucher.touch_mut(&mut self.responsive),
                MyPoolChannel::Backlog => toucher.touch_mut(&mut self.backlog),
                MyPoolChannel::BacklogDeadline => toucher.touch_mut(&mut self.backlog_deadline),

        // given a running task which has been produced by a particular channel, then yielded,
        // then become available once again, re-insert it in some channel
        fn followup(&self, from: MyPoolChannel, task: RunningTask) {
            match from {
                MyPoolChannel::Realtime => self.realtime.submit(task),
                MyPoolChannel::Responsive => self.responsive.submit(task),
                MyPoolChannel::Backlog => self.responsive.submit(task),
                MyPoolChannel::BacklogDeadline => self.responsive.submit(task),

use self::my_pool::MyPool;

fn main() {
    // create the threadpool
    let owned: OwnedPool<MyPool> = OwnedPool::new(MyPool::new()).unwrap();
    let pool: Arc<Pool<MyPool>> = owned.pool.clone();

    // spawn a task (use the run function to create a task of pure work)
    pool.realtime.exec(run(|| {
        let mut a: u128 = 0;
        let mut b: u128 = 1;
        for _ in 0..100 {
            let sum = a + b;
            a = b;
            b = sum;
        println!("{}", a);

    // close the pool, and wait for it to finish closing

Scoped Operations

The scoped module allows for the execution of batches of operations which can reference the local stack frame, in a safe way. This can help avoid the performance and elegance penalties that come with sharing data across multithreaded tasks.

Scheduled Operations

The timescheduler module allows for the creation of futures which become available at some moment in the future, or which stream data at a periodic interval. This allows for operations which are scheduled to occur in the future.


The behavior of the pool can be easily extended by third party libraries, simply by implementing the Channel interface, as well as optionally Exec or ExecParam.

The Algorithm

The internal algorithm is relatively simple, after being abstracted into several levels and separated into modules. No thread cooperates with any other thread, and each thread has identical behavior. Each thread simply attempts to find the highest priority level with an available task, and poll a task from some channel in that level, then run it. When there are multiple channels in a level, it simply alternates between them, round-robin, with an atomic integer. Each channel internally uses a data structure, wrapped with a mutex, and is pushed to and polled from by use of internal mutability.

However, this algorithm still presents some troublesome issues to be resolved:

  • How does the pool keep track of which channels and which levels have tasks in them?
  • How does the pool properly sleep when there are no tasks, and then wake up when tasks become available somewhere, without introducing global contention?
  • How can the concept of coroutines, which can yield and then be notified asynchronously, be integrated in to the pool in a minimally expensive way?

Status field

The first two issues are addressed with the atomicmonitor abstraction, which lives in its own crate. To summarize, the atomicmonitor behaves like a monitor over atomic data, which is mutated atomically, and can often be less contentious than a traditional monitor.

Each mutex-guarded data structure that may correspond to the availability of a task in a particular channel (which is usually 1 per channel) corresponds to a bit in a shared AtomicMonitor<u64>. This atomic u64 is a bitfield, where each bit represents whether there are any tasks in a particular mutex-guarded structure. The channel must simply maintain the validity of this bit when adding or removing elements to its queue data structure. When the value of a particular bit changes, the atomic monitor is updated with atomic bitwise AND and OR instructions.

When the threadpool is checking for whether there are any tasks in a particular level, it can simply load the bitfield, AND it with the mask for all the bits corresponding to channels in that level, and check for equality to 0x0.

More significantly, however, is that for the threadpool to properly handle sleeping in a minimal-cost way, it simply has to block on the atomicmonitor on the condition that the bitfield is not equal to 0x0.

Atomic responsibility transfer

The third issue, that of efficiently handling coroutines with regard to rust's ownership schemes, is handled by another algorithm which was invented for this threadpool: atomic responsibility transfer of pointers to owned heap data.

When the smartpool runs poll_future_notify on a coroutine, it attempts to drive the coroutine to completion. At this point, the coroutine can return two possible results

  • Done (success or failure)
  • Blocking

In the event that the future returns blocking, at some point in the future, the coroutine will become available, and a callback which we passed into poll_future_notify will be activated.

This would seem to suggest a simple approach to handling notification: for the notification handler callback to simply re-submit the task to the followup queue. However, there is one architecture detail that complicates this:

For the pool to properly shutdown, including waiting on yielded coroutines on channels which are complete_on_close before eventually driving them to completion, an atomicmonitor must be maintained which counts all of the externally blocked coroutines which come from channels which are complete_on_close. This atomic integer must be incremented, and then decremented, in that order, during the time when the pool is blocked from closing by an external task. This detail makes handling ownership with regard to running tasks surprisingly complicated.

As a solution to this issue, we introduce two atomic data, which exist for every task:

  • Atomic<bool> spawn_counted
    • tied into the RunningTask
  • Atomic<RunStatus> status
    • shared between the running task and the notify callback
    • 3 possible states
      • NotRequestedAndWillBeTakenCareOf
      • RequestedAndWillBeTakenCareOf
      • NotRequestedAndWillNotBeTakenCareOf

When a RunningTask begins to run, it is moved onto the heap, and turned into a raw pointer. Our algorithms take manual responsibility for handling its borrowing and lifetime semantics.

The exact ways in which these atomic data are used are best expressed through code, and the implications regarding why this code is necessary is best expressed through tinkering with the code and attempting to run the automated tests. This code can be found in the run submodule within the pool module file.


The unit tests for this crate contain performance tests of various pool setups, the results of which can be seen by setting the rust log level to INFO or above while running the tests.

One such very unscientific test performs 1,000 batches of 1,000 atomic scoped operations (to eliminate reference counting costs). This test, running in release mode, on a windows 10 ultrabook laptop, yields an average operation time of:

824 nanoseconds