Goals and intended benefits of this platform
mostly host-platform independent
run inside a common browser or run natively under a common OS
high level universal data format for everything
all data is accessible and easily processed
all programs can easily communicate with each other
"programming" is a primary form of interaction
evaluate anything, anywhere, at any time, and get immediate feedback
computation is lightweight: precise control over resource consumption
capability secure
all programs are safe to run by default
self-contained packaging/migration of any subset of data/platform
everything is network-aware
any subset of anything can be can be distributed
arbitrary topology, with serverless peer-to-peer being typical
secure communication and signatures
privacy-aware, collaborative workspaces
everything is "version controlled" and all dependencies are tracked
there aren't really versions, just alternatives that can coexist
persistent dependency resolution (no hell, no bitrot, no "upgrade regret")
things that you depend on are never updated/replaced/removed implicitly
potential dependency changes are recognized, can be propagated explicitly
recognition may be due to provenance and/or pattern matching
safe to speculatively change anything, the original is not destroyed
dependency resolution changes can always be rolled back
provenance and explanations
when/how was this data computed?
what other data participated and where did it come from?
why is this value what it is?
what would happen if X was changed to Y?
what would have to happen for X to change to Y?
step outward into the metasystem at any time
universal undo/redo beyond any "version control" system
redesign platform and tools to improve, repurpose, or specialize them
clear separation of metasystem avoids unrecoverable accidents and footguns
without loss of expressiveness
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