Run with NODE_ENV
set to production
. This is the way you would pass in secrets and other runtime configurations to your application as well.
-e "NODE_ENV=production"
Node.js was not designed to run as PID 1 which leads to unexpected behaviour when running inside of Docker. For example, a Node.js process running as PID 1 will not respond to SIGTERM
) and similar signals. As of Docker 1.3, you can use the --init
flag to wrap your Node.js process with a lightweight init system that properly handles running as PID 1.
docker run -it --init node
You can also include tini directly in your Dockerfile, ensuring your process is always started with an init wrapper.
By default, Docker runs container as root which inside of the container can pose as a security issue. You would want to run the container as an unprivileged user wherever possible. The node images (with the exception of the onbuild
variant) provide the node
user for such purpose. The Docker Image can than be run with the node
user in the following way:
-u "node"
When using the onbuild
variant, add the user like so:
FROM node:4.1.2-onbuild
# Add our user and group first to make sure their IDs get assigned consistently
RUN groupadd -r node && useradd -r -g node node
When using the alpine
variant, add the user like so:
FROM node:7.3.0-alpine
RUN addgroup -S node && adduser -S -g node node
By default, any Docker Container may consume as much of the hardware such as CPU and RAM. If you are running multiple containers on the same host you should limit how much memory they can consume.
-m "300M" --memory-swap "1G"
When creating an image, you can bypass the package.json
's start
command and bake it directly into the image itself. This reduces the number of processes running inside of your container.
CMD ["node","index.js"]
Here is an example of how you would run a default Node.JS Docker Containerized application:
$ docker run \
-e "NODE_ENV=production" \
-u "node" \
-m "300M" --memory-swap "1G" \
-w "/home/node/app" \
--name "my-nodejs-app" \
node [script]
The Docker team has provided a tool to analyze your running containers for potential security issues. You can download and run this tool from here: