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whatsapp-api-calls-client Library for JavaScript


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This library helps you easily create a JavaScript/TypeScript application to receive incoming calls and start outgoing calls via WhatsApp using the API service To use this library, you need to obtain your ID_INSTANCE and API_TOKEN_INSTANCE from control panel. The library is free for developers.


The API is based on WebSockets and the WebRTC protocol.

Pros of using WebRTC:

  • Availability in browsers;
  • Low latency;
  • Congestion control;
  • Mandatory encryption.

Installing & Importing

Library supports both browser environment without package managers and Node/Webpack apps with package manager that can handle require or import module expressions.

Installing for webpack and npm based apps:

npm i @green-api/whatsapp-api-calls-client-js

Way to import the library in a project:

Using ES6 JavaScript or TypeScript

import { GreenApiVoipClient } from '@green-api/whatsapp-api-calls-client-js';

Import & installing for vanilla JavaScript modify index.html:

<script src=""></script>


To use the library, you need a GREEN-API account on and authentication completed by mobile WhatsApp app. To register the account, you must proceed to the control panel. After registering you get unique pair of ID_INSTANCE and API_TOKEN_INSTANCE keys.

WhatsApp mobile app authentication may be achieved by control panel. You need to scan QR-code generated within the control panel.


The GreenApiVoipClient class emits several important events that you can listen to in order to manage the lifecycle of a call.


import { GreenApiVoipClient } from '@green-api/whatsapp-api-calls-client-js';

// Initialize the GreenApiVoipClient
const greenApiVoipClient = new GreenApiVoipClient();

// Example initialization options, replace with your actual instance details
const initOptions = {
  idInstance: 'your-id-instance',
  apiTokenInstance: 'your-api-token-instance',

// Initialize the client
greenApiVoipClient.init(initOptions).then(() => {
  console.log('GreenApiVoipClient initialized and connected.');
}).catch(error => {
  console.error('Failed to initialize GreenApiVoipClient:', error);

Handling Incoming Calls

const callBtns = document.getElementById('initBtns');
const audioElement = document.createElement('audio'); // audio element to play the sound

// Subscribe to the incoming call event and get call info from WhatsApp
greenApiVoipClient.addEventListener('incoming-call', (event) => {

  // Render accept and reject call buttons
  const acceptCallBtn = document.createElement('button');
  const rejectCallBtn = document.createElement('button');
  acceptCallBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
    await greenApiVoipClient.acceptCall();
  rejectCallBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
    await greenApiVoipClient.rejectCall();

  callBtns.append(acceptCallBtn, rejectCallBtn);

greenApiVoipClient.addEventListener('remote-stream-ready', (event) => {
  // Assign remote media stream value from event so you can hear the voice of the other call participant
  audioElement.srcObject = event.detail;

Making Outgoing Calls

const callBtn = document.getElementById('call');
const audioElement = document.getElementById('remote'); // audio element to play the sound

callBtn.addEventListener('click', async () => {
  try {
    await greenApiVoipClient.startCall('Receiver phone number');
  } catch (err) {

greenApiVoipClient.addEventListener('remote-stream-ready', (event) => {
  // Assign remote media stream value from event so you can hear the voice of the other call participant
  audioElement.srcObject = event.detail;

Demo examples on Vanilla JS & React

You can find our demo examples:

Download the required example from the repository at the link. Then following steps in the project folder:

npm install

npm run dev

npm install runs only once during the first installation.

After that, the client web interface will be available for you at the specified address, for example:

npm run dev

> [email protected] dev
> vite

VITE v5.2.11 ready in 969 ms

➜ Local: http://localhost:80/
➜ Network: use --host to expose
➜ press h + enter to show help

Open the link in your preferred browser. For work with the app, use idInstance and apiTokenInstance from control panel. After authorization, you can receive incoming calls and make outgoing ones.

To stop the server, press Ctrl + C and after press the Y button in your terminal.


For more detailed information, please refer to the Step by step guide.

Third-party Libraries


Licensed under the Creative Commons License. For additional information, see LICENSE.