diff --git a/assets/docker/mssql/docker-compose.yml b/assets/docker/mssql/docker-compose.yml
index 75d14da44009..b8b0f293493f 100644
--- a/assets/docker/mssql/docker-compose.yml
+++ b/assets/docker/mssql/docker-compose.yml
@@ -12,7 +12,7 @@ services:
- "1433:1433"
image: mcr.microsoft.com/mssql/server:2019-latest
- command: sh -c 'sleep 10 && /opt/mssql-tools/bin/sqlcmd -U sa -P "ReallyStrongPwd1234%^&*" -Q "CREATE DATABASE test_ci;"'
+ command: sh -c 'sleep 10 && /opt/mssql-tools18/bin/sqlcmd -C -U sa -P "ReallyStrongPwd1234%^&*" -Q "CREATE DATABASE test_ci;"'
network_mode: service:mssql-db
diff --git a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/_aws_secrets_manager.md b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/_aws_secrets_manager.md
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index 000000000000..26ab35754486
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/_aws_secrets_manager.md
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+import GxData from '../../_core_components/_data.jsx'
+import PreReqFileDataContext from '../../_core_components/prerequisites/_file_data_context.md'
+### Prerequisites
+- An AWS Secrets Manager instance. See [AWS Secrets Manager](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/secretsmanager/latest/userguide/tutorials_basic.html).
+- The ability to install Python packages with `pip`.
+- .
+### Procedure
+1. Set up AWS Secrets Manager support.
+ To use the AWS Secrets Manager with {GxData.product_name} you will first need to install the `great_expectations` Python package with the `aws_secrets` requirement. To do this, run the following command:
+ ```bash title="Terminal"
+ pip install 'great_expectations[aws_secrets]'
+ ```
+2. Reference AWS Secrets Manager variables in `config_variables.yml`.
+ By default, `config_variables.yml` is located at: 'gx/uncomitted/config_variables.yml' in your File Data Context.
+ Values in `config_variables.yml` that start with `secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager` will be substituted with corresponding values from the AWS Secrets Manager. However, if the keywords following `secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager` do not correspond to keywords in AWS Secrets Manager no substitution will occur.
+ You can reference other stored credentials within the keywords by wrapping their corresponding variable in `${` and `}`. When multiple references are present in a value, the secrets manager substitution takes place after all other substitutions have occurred.
+ An entire connection string can be referenced from the secrets manager. In this example, `dev_db_credentials` is the Secret Name in AWS Secrets Manager, and `connection_string` is the Secret Key that corresponds to the value to be retrieved:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ my_aws_creds: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|connection_string
+ ```
+ Or each component of the connection string can be referenced separately. In these examples, `dev_db_credentials` remains the Secret Name in AWS Secrets Manager. However, rather than retrieving the value of the Secret Key `connection_string`, Secret Keys for individual parts of the connection string are provided for retrieval:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ drivername: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|drivername
+ host: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|host
+ port: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|port
+ username: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|username
+ password: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|password
+ database: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:dev_db_credentials|database
+ ```
+ Note that the last seven characters of an AWS Secrets Manager arn are automatically generated by AWS and are not mandatory to retrieve the secret. For example, the following two values retrieve the same secret:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ secret1: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:my_secret-1zAyu6
+ secret2: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:my_secret
+ ```
+3. Optional. Reference versioned secrets.
+ Unless otherwise specified, the latest version of the secret is returned by default. To get a specific version of the secret you want to retrieve, specify its version UUID. For example:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ versioned_secret: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:my_secret:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000
+ ```
+4. Optional. Retrieve specific secrets from a JSON string.
+ To retrieve a specific secret from a JSON string, include the JSON key after a pipe character `|` at the end of the secrets keywords. For example:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ json_secret: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:my_secret|
+ versioned_json_secret: secret|arn:aws:secretsmanager:${AWS_REGION}:${ACCOUNT_ID}:secret:my_secret:00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000|
+ ```
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/_azure_key_vault.md b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/_azure_key_vault.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..7d2c36af7b1e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/_azure_key_vault.md
@@ -0,0 +1,62 @@
+import GxData from '../../_core_components/_data.jsx'
+import PreReqFileDataContext from '../../_core_components/prerequisites/_file_data_context.md'
+### Prerequisites
+- An [Azure Key Vault instance with configured secrets](https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/key-vault/general/overview).
+- The ability to install Python packages with `pip`.
+- .
+### Procedure
+1. Set up Azure Key Vault support.
+ To use Azure Key Vault with {GxData.product_name} you will first need to install the `great_expectations` Python package with the `azure_secrets` requirement. To do this, run the following command:
+ ```bash title="Terminal"
+ pip install 'great_expectations[azure_secrets]'
+ ```
+2. Reference Azure Key Vault variables in `config_variables.yml`.
+ By default, `config_variables.yml` is located at: 'gx/uncomitted/config_variables.yml' in your File Data Context.
+ Values in `config_variables.yml` that match the regex `^secret\|https:\/\/[a-zA-Z0-9\-]{3,24}\.vault\.azure\.net` will be substituted with corresponding values from Azure Key Vault. However, if the keywords in the matching regex do not correspond to keywords in Azure Key Vault no substitution will occur.
+ You can reference other stored credentials within the regex by wrapping their corresponding variable in `${` and `}`. When multiple references are present in a value, the secrets manager substitution takes place after all other substitutions have occurred.
+ An entire connection string can be referenced from the secrets manager:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ my_abs_creds: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}.vault.azure.net/secrets/dev_db_credentials|connection_string
+ ```
+ Or each component of the connection string can be referenced separately:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ drivername: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}.vault.azure.net/secrets/dev_db_credentials|host
+ host: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}.vault.azure.net/secrets/dev_db_credentials|host
+ port: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}.vault.azure.net/secrets/dev_db_credentials|port
+ username: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}.vault.azure.net/secrets/dev_db_credentials|username
+ password: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}.vault.azure.net/secrets/dev_db_credentials|password
+ database: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}.vault.azure.net/secrets/dev_db_credentials|database
+ ```
+3. Optional. Reference versioned secrets.
+ Unless otherwise specified, the latest version of the secret is returned by default. To get a specific version of the secret you want to retrieve, specify its version id (32 alphanumeric characters). For example:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ versioned_secret: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}.vault.azure.net/secrets/my-secret/a0b00aba001aaab10b111001100a11ab
+ ```
+4. Optional. Retrieve specific secrets for a JSON string.
+ To retrieve a specific secret for a JSON string, include the JSON key after a pipe character `|` at the end of the secrets regex. For example:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ json_secret: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}.vault.azure.net/secrets/my-secret|
+ versioned_json_secret: secret|https://${VAULT_NAME}.vault.azure.net/secrets/my-secret/a0b00aba001aaab10b111001100a11ab|
+ ```
diff --git a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/_gcp_secret_manager.md b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/_gcp_secret_manager.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..3b7b7c714ca0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/_gcp_secret_manager.md
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+import GxData from '../../_core_components/_data.jsx'
+import PreReqFileDataContext from '../../_core_components/prerequisites/_file_data_context.md'
+### Prerequisites
+- A [GCP Secret Manager instance with configured secrets](https://cloud.google.com/secret-manager/docs/quickstart).
+- The ability to install Python packages with `pip`.
+- .
+### Procedure
+1. Set up Azure Key Vault support.
+ To use Azure Key Vault with {GxData.product_name} you will first need to install the `great_expectations` Python package with the `gcp` requirement. To do this, run the following command:
+ ```bash title="Terminal"
+ pip install 'great_expectations[gcp]'
+ ```
+2. Reference GCP Secret Manager variables in `config_variables.yml`.
+ By default, `config_variables.yml` is located at: 'gx/uncomitted/config_variables.yml' in your File Data Context.
+ Values in `config_variables.yml` that match the regex `^secret\|projects\/[a-z0-9\_\-]{6,30}\/secrets` will be substituted with corresponding values from GCP Secret Manager. However, if the keywords in the matching regex do not correspond to keywords in GCP Secret Manager no substitution will occur.
+ You can reference other stored credentials within the regex by wrapping their corresponding variable in `${` and `}`. When multiple references are present in a value, the secrets manager substitution takes place after all other substitutions have occurred.
+ An entire connection string can be referenced from the secrets manager:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ my_gcp_creds: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/dev_db_credentials|connection_string
+ ```
+ Or each component of the connection string can be referenced separately:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ drivername: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_DRIVERNAME
+ host: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_HOST
+ port: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_PORT
+ username: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME
+ password: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD
+ database: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_DATABASE
+ ```
+3. Optional. Reference versioned secrets.
+ Unless otherwise specified, the latest version of the secret is returned by default. To get a specific version of the secret you want to retrieve, specify its version id. For example:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ versioned_secret: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/my_secret/versions/1
+ ```
+4. Optional. Retrieve specific secrets for a JSON string.
+ To retrieve a specific secret for a JSON string, include the JSON key after a pipe character `|` at the end of the secrets regex. For example:
+ ```yaml title="config_variables.yml"
+ json_secret: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/my_secret|
+ versioned_json_secret: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/my_secret/versions/1|
+ ```
+Configure your Great Expectations project to substitute variables from the Google Cloud Secret Manager. Secrets store substitution uses the configurations from your ``config_variables.yml`` file after all other types of substitution are applied with environment variables.
+Secrets store substitution uses keywords and retrieves secrets from the secrets store for values matching the following regex ``^secret\|projects\/[a-z0-9\_\-]{6,30}\/secrets``. If the values you provide don't match the keywords, the values aren't substituted.
+1. Run the following code to install the ``great_expectations`` package with the ``gcp`` requirement:
+ ```bash
+ pip install 'great_expectations[gcp]'
+ ```
+2. Provide the name of the secret you want to substitute in GCP Secret Manager. For example, ``secret|projects/project_id/secrets/my_secret``.
+ The latest version of the secret is returned by default.
+3. Optional. To get a specific version of the secret, specify its version id. For example, ``secret|projects/project_id/secrets/my_secret/versions/1``.
+4. Optional. To retrieve a specific secret value for a JSON string, use ``secret|projects/project_id/secrets/my_secret|key`` or ``secret|projects/project_id/secrets/my_secret/versions/1|key``.
+5. Save your access credentials or the database connection string to ``great_expectations/uncommitted/config_variables.yml``. For example:
+ ```yaml
+ # We can configure a single connection string
+ my_gcp_creds: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/dev_db_credentials|connection_string
+ # Or each component of the connection string separately
+ drivername: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_DRIVERNAME
+ host: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_HOST
+ port: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_PORT
+ username: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_USERNAME
+ password: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_PASSWORD
+ database: secret|projects/${PROJECT_ID}/secrets/PROD_DB_CREDENTIALS_DATABASE
+ ```
+6. Run the following code to use the `connection_string` parameter values when you add a `datasource` to a Data Context:
+ ```python
+ # We can use a single connection string
+ pg_datasource = context.data_sources.add_or_update_sql(
+ name="my_postgres_db", connection_string="${my_gcp_creds}"
+ )
+ # Or each component of the connection string separately
+ pg_datasource = context.data_sources.add_or_update_sql(
+ name="my_postgres_db", connection_string="${drivername}://${username}:${password}@${host}:${port}/${database}"
+ )
+ ```
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/_secrets_managers.md b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/_secrets_managers.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..ee2f6b181471
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/_secrets_managers.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
+import GxData from '../../_core_components/_data.jsx'
+import AwsSecretsManager from './_aws_secrets_manager.md';
+import GcpSecretManager from './_gcp_secret_manager.md';
+import AzureKeyVault from './_azure_key_vault.md';
+{GxData.product_name} supports the AWS Secrets Manager, Google Cloud Secret Manager, and Azure Key Vault secrets managers.
+Use of a secrets manager is optional. [Credentials can be securely stored as environment variables or entries in a yaml file](#configure-credentials) without referencing content stored in a secrets manager.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/access_secrets_managers.md b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/access_secrets_managers.md
index e69de29bb2d1..3fa2f43412ce 100644
--- a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/access_secrets_managers.md
+++ b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/access_secrets_managers.md
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+title: Access secrets managers
+description: Access credentials that are stored in AWS Secrets Manager, GCP Secret Manager, or Azure key vault.
+hide_feedback_survey: false
+hide_title: false
+import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
+import GxData from '../../_core_components/_data.jsx'
+import AwsSecretsManager from './_aws_secrets_manager.md';
+import GcpSecretManager from './_gcp_secret_manager.md';
+import AzureKeyVault from './_azure_key_vault.md';
+{GxData.product_name} supports the AWS Secrets Manager, Google Cloud Secret Manager, and Azure Key Vault secrets managers.
+Use of a secrets manager is optional. [Credentials can be securely stored as environment variables or entries in a yaml file](core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/configure_credentials.md) without referencing content stored in a secrets manager.
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/_access_credentials.md b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/_access_credentials.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..fbf467bbe8dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/_access_credentials.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+import GxData from '../../_core_components/_data.jsx';
+Securely stored credentials are implemented via string substitution. You can reference your credentials in a Python string by wrapping the variable name they are assigned to in `${` and `}`. Using individual credentials for a connection string would look like:
+```python title="Python"
+Or you could reference a configured variable that contains the full connection string by providing a Python string that contains just a reference to that variable:
+```python title="Python"
+When you pass a string that references your stored credentials to a {GxData.product_name} method that requires string formatted credentials as a parameter the referenced variable in your Python string will be substituted for the corresponding stored value.
diff --git a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/_config_yml.md b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/_config_yml.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..960f22d7e9d9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/_config_yml.md
@@ -0,0 +1,32 @@
+YAML files make variables more visible, are easier to edit, and allow for modularization. For example, you can create a YAML file for development and testing and another for production.
+A File Data Context is required before you can configure credentials in a YAML file. By default, the credentials file in a File Data Context is located at `/great_expectations/uncommitted/config_variables.yml`. The `uncommitted/` directory is included in a default `.gitignore` and will be excluded from version control.
+These examples demonstrate how to save credentials in the form of a connection string for a database. However, the same process can be used for things such as web app tokens or any other credential that can be stored in string format.
+Each entry in `config_variables.yml` should consist of two parts. The first is a variable which you will reference in the place of the credential. The second is the value that should be substituted for that variable when it is referenced. For example:
+```bash title="config_variables.yml"
+```bash title="config_variables.yml"
+POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRING: postgresql+psycopg2://:@:/
+You can also reference your stored credentials within a stored connection string by wrapping their corresponding variable in `${` and `}`. For example:
+```bash title="config_variables.yml"
+Because the dollar sign character `$` is used to indicate the start of a string substitution they should be escaped using a backslash `\` if they are part of your credentials. For example, if your password is `pa$$word` then in the previous examples you would use the command:
+```bash title="Terminal"
+export MY_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pa\$\$word
diff --git a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/_environment_variables.md b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/_environment_variables.md
new file mode 100644
index 000000000000..0a09580d27e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/_environment_variables.md
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+Environment variables provide the quickest way to securely set up your credentials.
+You can set environment variables by replacing the values in `<>` with your information and entering `export =` commands in the terminal or adding the commands to your `~/.bashrc` file. If you use the `export` command from the terminal, the environment variables will not persist beyond the current session. If you add them to the `~/.bashrc` file, the variables will be exported each time you log in.
+You can export credentials as individual components, or as an entire connection string (or token). For example:
+```bash title="Terminal or ~/.bashrc"
+```bash title="Terminal or ~/.bashrc"
+export POSTGRES_CONNECTION_STRING=postgresql+psycopg2://:@:/
+You can also reference your stored credentials within a stored connection string by wrapping their corresponding variable in `${` and `}`. For example:
+```bash title="Terminal or ~/.bashrc"
+Because the dollar sign character `$` is used to indicate the start of a string substitution they should be escaped using a backslash `\` if they are part of your credentials. For example, if your password is `pa$$word` then in the previous examples you would use the command:
+```bash title="Terminal or ~/.bashrc"
+export MY_POSTGRES_PASSWORD=pa\$\$word
diff --git a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/configure_credentials.md b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/configure_credentials.md
index e69de29bb2d1..250f40ed02e0 100644
--- a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/configure_credentials.md
+++ b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/configure_credentials.md
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+title: Configure credentials, tokens, and connection strings
+description: Securely store and retrieve credentials using string substitution and Environment Variables or an uncommitted credentials file.
+hide_feedback_survey: false
+hide_title: false
+import GxData from '../../_core_components/_data.jsx'
+import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs';
+import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem';
+import EnvironmentVariables from './_environment_variables.md';
+import ConfigYml from './_config_yml.md';
+import AccessCredentials from './_access_credentials.md'
+Credentials, whether they are tokens for accessing third party apps such as Slack or connection strings for accessing your data, should be stored securely outside of version control. {GxData.product_name} allows you to securely store credentials of all types as environment variables on a local system, or as entries in an uncommitted config file. These credentials are then referenced by variable name in your version controlled code, and implemented by GX through string substitution.
+### Prerequisites
+- The ability to set environment variables or a File Data Context.
+{GxData.product_name} also supports referencing credentials that have been stored in the AWS Secrets Manager, Google Cloud Secret Manager, and Azure Key Vault secrets managers. To set up {GxData.product_name} to access one of these secrets managers you will additionally require:
+- The ability to install Python modules with `pip`.
+### Procedure
+1. Assign the credentials to a reference variable.
+ GX supports the following methods of securely storing credentials. Chose one to implement for your connection string:
+2. Access your credentials in Python strings.
diff --git a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/connect_to_data/configure_credentials/_configure_credentials.md b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/connect_to_data/configure_credentials/_configure_credentials.md
index ace97de9b836..b7269f98941a 100644
--- a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/connect_to_data/configure_credentials/_configure_credentials.md
+++ b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/connect_to_data/configure_credentials/_configure_credentials.md
@@ -44,3 +44,7 @@ To connect GX to your SQL data, you will first need your connection string and c
3. Access your credentials in Python strings.
+4. Optional. Access credentials stored in a secret manager.
+ {GxData.product_name} supports the AWS Secrets Manager, Google Cloud Secret Manager, and Azure Key Vault secrets managers. For more information on how to set up string substitutions that pull credentials from these sources, see [Access secrets managers](core/configure_project_settings/access_secrets_managers/access_secrets_managers.md).
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/connect_to_data/sql_data/sql_data.md b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/connect_to_data/sql_data/sql_data.md
index 0e6a34d0d349..dd47d27a83c9 100644
--- a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/connect_to_data/sql_data/sql_data.md
+++ b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/connect_to_data/sql_data/sql_data.md
@@ -31,10 +31,6 @@ All other SQL dialects are handled through the python module `SQLAlchemy`. You
-## Reference a Secrets Manager
## Create a SQL Data Source
Data Sources tell GX where your data is located and how to connect to it. With SQL databases this is done through a connection string you will provide.
diff --git a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/trigger_actions_based_on_results/create_a_checkpoint_with_actions.md b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/trigger_actions_based_on_results/create_a_checkpoint_with_actions.md
index 6486ea8fac09..fc66e051e7fc 100644
--- a/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/trigger_actions_based_on_results/create_a_checkpoint_with_actions.md
+++ b/docs/docusaurus/docs/core/trigger_actions_based_on_results/create_a_checkpoint_with_actions.md
@@ -37,8 +37,6 @@ A Checkpoint executes one or more Validation Definitions and then performs a set
After a Checkpoint receives Validation Results from running a Validation Definition, it executes a list of Actions. The returned Validation Results determine what task is performed for each Action. Actions can include updating Data Docs with the new Validation Results or sending alerts when validations fail. The Actions list is executed once for each Validation Definition in a Checkpoint.
- You can find the available Actions that come with GX in the [GX API documenation alongside the Checkpoint class](/reference/api/Checkpoint_class.mdx).
Actions can be imported from the `great_expectations.checkpoint.actions` module:
```python title="Python"
@@ -61,7 +59,7 @@ A Checkpoint executes one or more Validation Definitions and then performs a set
- In the above example, string substitution is used to pull the value of `slack_token` from an environment variable. For more information on securely storing credentials and access tokens see [Connect to Data using SQL: Configure Credentials](/core/connect_to_data/sql_data/sql_data.md#configure-credentials).
+ In the above example, string substitution is used to pull the value of `slack_token` from an environment variable. For more information on securely storing credentials and access tokens see [Configure credentials](/core/configure_project_settings/configure_credentials/configure_credentials.md).
If the list of Actions for a Checkpoint is empty, the Checkpoint can still run. Its Validation Results are saved to the Data Context, but no tasks are executed.