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+authors: Stephen Levine (stephen.levine@goteleport.com) & Hugo Hervieux (hugo.hervieux@goteleport.com)
+state: draft
+# RFD 0184 - Agent Automatic Updates
+## Required Approvers
+* Engineering: @russjones
+* Product: @klizhentas || @xinding33
+* Security: Doyensec
+## What
+This RFD proposes a new mechanism for scheduled, automatic updates of Teleport agents.
+Users of Teleport will be able to use the tctl CLI to specify desired versions, update schedules, and a rollout strategy.
+Agents will be updated by a new `teleport-update` binary, built from `tools/teleport-update` in the Teleport repository.
+All agent installations are in-scope for this proposal, including agents installed on Linux servers and Kubernetes.
+The following anti-goals are out-of-scope for this proposal, but will be addressed in future RFDs:
+- Signing of agent artifacts (e.g., via TUF)
+- Teleport Cloud APIs for updating agents
+- Improvements to the local functionality of the Kubernetes agent for better compatibility with FluxCD and ArgoCD
+- Support for progressive rollouts of tbot, when not installed on the same system as a Teleport agent
+This RFD proposes a specific implementation of several sections in https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/pull/39217.
+Additionally, this RFD parallels the auto-update functionality for client tools proposed in https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/pull/39805.
+## Why
+1. We want customers to run the latest release of Teleport so that they are secure and have access to the latest
+ features.
+2. We do not want customers to deal with the pain of updating agents installed on their own infrastructure.
+3. We want to reduce the operational cost of customers running old agents.
+ For Cloud customers, this will allow us to support fewer simultaneous cluster versions and reduce support load.
+ For self-hosted customers, this will reduce support load associated with debugging old versions of Teleport.
+4. Providing 99.99% availability for customers requires us to maintain high availability at the agent-level
+ as well as the cluster-level.
+The current systemd updater does not meet those requirements:
+- The use of package managers (apt and yum) to apply updates leads users to accidentally upgrade Teleport.
+- The installation process is complex, and users often end up installing the wrong version of Teleport.
+- The update process does not provide sufficient safeties to protect against broken agent updates.
+- Customers decline to adopt the existing updater because they want more control over when updates occur.
+- We do not offer a nice user experience for self-hosted users. This results in a marginal automatic updates
+ adoption and does not reduce the support cost associated with upgrading self-hosted clusters.
+## How
+The new agent automatic updates system will rely on a separate `teleport-update` binary controlling which Teleport version is
+installed. Automatic updates will be implemented incrementally:
+- Phase 1: Introduce a new, self-updating updater binary which does not rely on package managers. Allow tctl to roll out updates to all agents.
+- Phase 2: Add the ability for the agent updater to immediately revert a faulty update.
+- Phase 3: Introduce the concept of agent update groups and make users chose the order in which groups are updated.
+- Phase 4: Add a feedback mechanism for the Teleport inventory to track the agents of each group and their update status.
+- Phase 5: Add the canary deployment strategy: a few agents are updated first, if they don't die, the whole group is updated.
+- Phase 6: Add the ability to perform slow and incremental version rollouts within an agent update group.
+- Phase 7: If needed, backup local agent DB and restore during agent rollbacks.
+The updater will be usable after phase 1 and will gain new capabilities after each phase.
+After phase 2, the new updater will have feature-parity with the existing updater script.
+The existing auto-updates mechanism will remain unchanged and fully-functional throughout the process.
+It will be deprecated in the future.
+Future phases might change as we are working on the implementation and collecting real-world feedback and experience.
+We will introduce two user-facing resources:
+1. The `autoupdate_config` resource, owned by the Teleport user. This resource allows Teleport users to configure:
+ - Whether automatic updates are enabled, disabled, or temporarily suspended
+ - The order in which agents should be updated (`dev` before `staging` before `prod`)
+ - Days and hours when agent updates should start
+ - Configuration for client auto-updates (e.g., `tsh` and `tctl`), which are out-of-scope for this RFD
+ The resource will look like:
+ ```yaml
+ kind: autoupdate_config
+ spec:
+ # existing field, deprecated
+ tools_autoupdate: true/false
+ # new fields
+ tools:
+ mode: enabled/disabled
+ agents:
+ mode: enabled/disabled/suspended
+ schedules:
+ regular:
+ - name: dev
+ days: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu"]
+ start_hour: 0
+ alert_after: 4h
+ canary_count: 5 # added in phase 5
+ max_in_flight: 20% # added in phase 6
+ - name: prod
+ days: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu"]
+ start_hour: 0
+ wait_days: 1 # update this group at least 1 day after the previous one
+ alert_after: 4h
+ canary_count: 5 # added in phase 5
+ max_in_flight: 20% # added in phase 6
+ ```
+2. The `autoupdate_version` resource, with `spec` owned by the Teleport cluster administrator (e.g. Teleport Cloud operators).
+ ```yaml
+ kind: autoupdate_version
+ spec:
+ tools:
+ target_version: vX
+ agents:
+ start_version: v1
+ target_version: v2
+ schedule: regular
+ strategy: halt-on-failure
+ mode: enabled
+ ```
+We will also introduce an internal resource, tracking the agent rollout status. This resource is
+owned by Teleport. Users and cluster operators can read its content but cannot create/update/upsert/delete it.
+This resource is editable via select RPCs (e.g. start or rollback a group).
+The system will look like:
+flowchart TD
+ user(fa:fa-user User)
+ operator(fa:fa-user Operator)
+ auth[Auth Service]
+ proxy[Proxy Service]
+ updater[teleport-updater]
+ agent[Teleport Agent]
+ autoupdate_config@{shape: notch-rect}
+ autoupdate_version@{shape: notch-rect}
+ autoupdate_rollout@{shape: notch-rect}
+ updater_status@{shape: notch-rect, label: "updater.yaml"}
+ user -->|defines update schedule| autoupdate_config
+ operator -->|choses target version| autoupdate_version
+ autoupdate_config --> auth
+ autoupdate_version --> auth
+ auth -->|Describes desired state for each agent group| autoupdate_rollout
+ autoupdate_rollout --> proxy
+ proxy -->|Serves update instructions
via /find| updater
+ updater -->|Writes status| updater_status
+ updater_status --> agent
+ agent -->|Reports version and status via HelloMessage and InstanceHeartbeat| auth
+You can find more details about each resource field [in the dedicated resource section](#teleport-resources).
+## Details
+This section contains the proposed implementation details and is mainly relevant for Teleport developers and curious
+users who want to know the motivations behind this specific design.
+### Product requirements
+The following product requirements were defined by our leadership team:
+1. Phased rollout for Cloud tenants. We should be able to control the agent version per-tenant.
+2. Bucketed rollout that customers have control over.
+ - Control the bucket update day
+ - Control the bucket update hour
+ - Ability to pause a rollout
+3. Customers should be able to run "apt-get upgrade" without updating Teleport.
+ Installation from a package manager should be possible, but the version should still be controlled by Teleport.
+4. Self-managed updates should be a first class citizen. Teleport must advertise the desired agent and client version.
+5. Self-hosted customers should be supported, for example, customers whose own internal customer is running a Teleport agent.
+6. Upgrading leaf clusters is out-of-scope.
+7. Rolling back after a broken update should be supported. Roll forward gets you 99.9%, we need rollback for 99.99%.
+8. We should have high quality metrics that report the version they are running and if they are running automatic
+ updates. For both users and us.
+9. Best effort should be made so automatic updates should be applied in a way that sessions are not terminated. (Currently only supported for SSH)
+10. All backends should be supported.
+11. Teleport Discover installation (curl one-liner) should be supported.
+12. We need to support Docker image repository mirrors and Teleport artifact mirrors.
+13. I should be able to install an auto-updating deployment of Teleport via whatever mechanism I want to, including OS packages such as apt and yum.
+14. If new instances join a bucket outside the upgrade window, and you are within your compatibility window, wait until your next group update start.
+ If you are not within your compatibility window, attempt to upgrade right away.
+15. If an agent comes back online after some period of time, and it is still compatible with
+ control plane, it should wait until the next upgrade window to be upgraded.
+16. Regular agent updates for Cloud tenants should complete in less than a week.
+ (Select tenants may support longer schedules, at the Cloud team's discretion.)
+17. A Cloud customer should be able to pause, resume, and rollback and existing rollout schedule.
+ A Cloud customer should not be able to create new rollout schedules.
+ Teleport can create as many rollout schedules as it wants.
+18. A user logged-in to the agent host should be able to disable agent auto-updates and pin a version for that particular host.
+### User Stories
+#### As a Teleport Cloud operator I want to be able to update customers agents to a newer Teleport version
+tctl autoupdate agent status
+# Rollout plan created the YYYY-MM-DD
+# Previous version: v1
+# New version: v2
+# Status: enabled
+# Group Name Status Update Start Time Connected Agents Up-to-date agents failed updates
+# ---------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------
+# dev complete YYYY-MM-DD HHh 120 115 2
+# staging complete YYYY-MM-D2 HHh 20 20 0
+# prod not started 234 0 0
+I run
+tctl autoupdate agent-plan new-target v3
+# created new rollout from v2 to v3
+tctl autoupdate agent status
+# Rollout plan created the YYYY-MM-DD
+# Previous version: v2
+# New version: v3
+# Status: enabled
+# Group Name Status Update Start Time Connected Agents Up-to-date agents failed updates
+# ---------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------
+# dev not started 120 0 0
+# staging not started 20 0 0
+# prod not started 234 0 0
+Now, new agents will install v2 by default, and v3 after the maintenance.
+> [!NOTE]
+> If the previous maintenance was not finished, I will install v2 on new prod agents while the rest of prod is still running v1.
+> This is expected as we don't want to keep track of an infinite number of versions.
+> If this is an issue I can create a v1 -> v3 rollout instead.
+> ```bash
+> tctl autoupdate agent-plan new-target v3 --previous-version v1
+> # created new update plan from v1 to v3
+> ```
+#### As a Teleport Cloud operator I want to minimize damage caused by broken versions to ensure we maintain 99.99% availability
+##### Failure mode 1(a): the new version crashes
+I create a new deployment with a broken version. The version is deployed to a few instances picked randomly.
+Those instances are called the canaries. As the new version has an issue, one or many of those canary instances can't run the
+new version and their updater has to revert to the previous one. The agents connect back online and
+advertise they have failed to update. The maintenance is stuck until every instance that got selected to test the new version
+is back online, and running the new version.
+Autoupdate agent rollout
+kind: autoupdate_agent_rollout
+ version_config:
+ start_version: v1
+ target_version: v2
+ schedule: regular
+ strategy: halt-on-failure
+ mode: enabled
+ groups:
+ - name: dev
+ start_time: 2020-12-09T16:09:53+00:00
+ initial_count: 100
+ present_count: 100
+ failed_count: 0
+ progress: 0
+ state: canaries
+ canaries:
+ - updater_uuid: abc
+ host_uuid: def
+ hostname: foo.example.com
+ success: false
+ last_update_time: 2020-12-10T16:09:53+00:00
+ last_update_reason: canaryTesting
+ - name: staging
+ start_time: 0000-00-00
+ initial_count: 0
+ present_count: 0
+ failed_count: 0
+ progress: 0
+ state: unstarted
+ last_update_time: 2020-12-10T16:09:53+00:00
+ last_update_reason: newAgentPlan
+I and the customer get an alert if the test instances are not running the expected version after an hour.
+Teleport cloud operators and the customer can look up the hostname and host UUID of the test instances
+to identify which one(s) failed to update and go troubleshoot.
+Customers receive cluster alerts, while Cloud receives alerts driven by Teleport metrics.
+The rollout resumes.
+If the issue is related to a specific instance and not the new Teleport version (e.g. VM out of disk space),
+the user can instruct teleport to pick 5 new canary instances.
+##### Failure mode 1(b): the new version crashes, but not on the canaries
+This scenario is the same as the previous one but the Teleport agent bug only manifests on select agents.
+For example: [the agent fails to read cloud-provider specific metadata and crashes](https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/issues/42312).
+This can also be caused by a specific Teleport service crashing. For example, the discovery service is crashing but
+all other services are OK. As most instances are running ssh_service, the discovery_service instances are less likely
+to get picked.
+The version is deployed to a few instances picked randomly but none of them runs on the affected cloud provider.
+The canary instances can update properly and the update is sent to every instance of the group.
+All agents are updated, and all agents hosted on the cloud provider affected by the bug crash.
+The updaters of the affected agents will attempt to self-heal by reverting to the previous version.
+Once the previous Teleport version is running, the agents from the affected cloud platform will advertise the update
+failed, and they had to rollback.
+If too many agents failed, this will block the group from transitioning from `active` to `done`, protecting the future
+groups from the faulty updates.
+##### Failure mode 2(a): the new version crashes, and the old version cannot start
+I create a new deployment with a broken version. The version is deployed to a few instances picked randomly.
+Those instances are called the canaries. As the new version has an issue, one or many of those canary instances can't
+run the new version. Their updater also fails to revert to the previous version.
+The group update is stuck until the canary comes back online and runs the latest version.
+The customer and Teleport cloud receive an alert. Both customer and Teleport cloud can retrieve the
+host id and hostname of the faulty canary instances. With this information they can go troubleshoot the failed agents.
+##### Failure mode 2(b): the new version crashes, and the old version cannot start, but not on the canaries
+This scenario is the same as the previous one but the Teleport agent bug only manifests on select agents.
+For example: a clock drift blocks agents from re-connecting to Teleport.
+The canaries might not select one of the affected agent and allow the update to proceed.
+All agents are updated, and all agents hosted on the cloud provider affected by the bug crash.
+The updater fails to self-heal as the old version does not start anymore.
+If too many agents fail, this will block the group from transitioning from `active` to `done`, protecting the future
+groups from the faulty updates.
+In this case, it's hard to identify which agent dropped.
+##### Failure mode 3: shadow failure
+Teleport cloud deploys a new version. Agents from the first group get updated.
+The agents are seemingly running properly, but some functions are impaired.
+For example, host user creation is failing.
+Some user tries to access a resource served by the agent, it fails and the user
+notices the disruption.
+The customer can observe the agent update status and see that a recent update
+might have caused this:
+tctl autoupdate agent status
+# Rollout plan created the YYYY-MM-DD
+# Previous version: v2
+# New version: v3
+# Status: enabled
+# Group Name Status Update Start Time Connected Agents Up-to-date agents failed updates
+# ---------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------
+# dev complete YYYY-MM-DD HHh 120 115 2
+# staging in progress (53%) YYYY-MM-D2 HHh 20 10 0
+# prod not started 234 0 0
+Then, the customer or Teleport Cloud team can suspend the rollout:
+tctl autoupdate agent suspend
+# Automatic updates suspended
+# No existing agent will get updated. New agents might install the new version
+# depending on their group.
+At this point, no new agent is updated to reduce the service disruption.
+The customer can investigate, and get help from Teleport's support via a support ticket.
+If the update is really the cause of the issue, the customer or Teleport cloud can perform a rollback:
+tctl autoupdate agent rollback
+# Rolledback groups: [dev, staging]
+# Warning: the automatic agent updates are suspended.
+# Agents will not rollback until you run:
+# $> tctl autoupdate agent resume
+> [!NOTE]
+> By default, all groups not in the "unstarted" state are rolledback.
+> It is also possible to rollback only specific groups.
+tctl autoupdate agent status
+# Rollout plan created the YYYY-MM-DD
+# Previous version: v2
+# New version: v3
+# Status: suspended
+# Group Name Status Update Start Time Connected Agents Up-to-date agents failed updates
+# ---------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------
+# dev rolledback YYYY-MM-DD HHh 120 115 2
+# staging rolledback YYYY-MM-D2 HHh 20 10 0
+# prod not started 234 0 0
+Finally, when the user is happy with the new plan, they can resume the updates.
+This will trigger the rollback.
+tctl autoupdate agent resume
+#### As a Teleport user and a Teleport on-call responder, I want to be able to pin a specific Teleport version of an agent to understand if a specific behaviour is caused by a specific Teleport version
+I connect to the server and lookup its status:
+teleport-update status
+# Running version v16.2.5
+# Automatic updates enabled.
+# Proxy: example.teleport.sh
+# Group: staging
+I try to set a specific version:
+teleport-update use-version v16.2.3
+# Error: the instance is enrolled into automatic updates.
+# You must specify --disable-automatic-updates to opt this agent out of automatic updates and manually control the version.
+I acknowledge that I am leaving automatic updates:
+teleport-update use-version v16.2.3 --disable-automatic-updates
+# Disabling automatic updates. You can re-enable them by running `teleport-update enable`
+# Downloading version 16.2.3
+# Restarting teleport
+# Cleaning up old binaries
+When the issue is fixed, I can enroll back into automatic updates:
+teleport-update enable
+# Enabling automatic updates
+# Proxy: example.teleport.sh
+# Group: staging
+#### As a Teleport user I want to fast-track a group update
+I have a new rollout, completely unstarted, and my current maintenance schedule updates over several days.
+However, the new version contains something that I need as soon as possible (e.g., a fix for a bug that affects me).
+tctl autoupdate agent status
+# Rollout plan created the YYYY-MM-DD
+# Previous version: v2
+# New version: v3
+# Status: enabled
+# Group Name Status Update Start Time Connected Agents Up-to-date agents failed updates
+# ---------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------
+# dev not started 120 0 0
+# staging not started 20 0 0
+# prod not started 234 0 0
+I can trigger the dev group immediately using the command:
+tctl autoupdate agent start-update dev [--force]
+# Dev group update triggered.
+The `--force` flag allows the user to skip progressive deployment mechanism such as canaries or backpressure.
+tctl autoupdate agent mark-done dev
+tctl autoupdate agent status
+# Rollout plan created the YYYY-MM-DD
+# Previous version: v2
+# New version: v3
+# Status: enabled
+# Group Name Status Update Start Time Connected Agents Up-to-date agents failed updates
+# ---------- ----------------- ----------------- ---------------- ----------------- --------------
+# dev not started 120 0 0
+# staging not started 20 0 0
+# prod not started 234 0 0
+#### As a Teleport user, I want to install a new agent automatically updated
+The manual way:
+wget https://cdn.teleport.dev/teleport-update--
+chmod +x teleport-update
+./teleport-update enable --proxy example.teleport.sh --group production
+# Detecting the Teleport version and edition used by cluster "example.teleport.sh"
+# Installing the following teleport version:
+# Version: 16.2.1
+# Edition: Enterprise
+# OS: Linux
+# Architecture: x86
+# Teleport installed
+# Enabling automatic updates, the agent is part of the "production" update group.
+# You can now configure the teleport agent with `teleport configure` or by writing your own `teleport.yaml`.
+# When the configuration is done, enable and start teleport by running:
+# `systemctl start teleport && systemctl enable teleport`
+The one-liner:
+curl https://cdn.teleport.dev/auto-install | bash -s example.teleport.sh
+# Downloading the teleport updater
+# Detecting the Teleport version and edition used by cluster "example.teleport.sh"
+# Installing the following teleport version:
+# Version: 16.2.1
+# Edition: Enterprise
+# OS: Linux
+# Architecture: x86
+# Teleport installed
+# Enabling automatic updates, the agent is part of the "default" update group.
+# You can now configure the teleport agent with `teleport configure` or by writing your own `teleport.yaml`.
+# When the configuration is finished, enable and start teleport by running:
+# `systemctl start teleport && systemctl enable teleport`
+I can also install teleport using the package manager, then enroll the agent into AUs. See the section below:
+#### As a Teleport user I want to enroll my existing agent into AUs
+I have an agent, installed from a package manager or by manually unpacking the tarball.
+This agent might or might not be enrolled in the previous automatic update mechanism (apt/yum-based).
+I have the teleport updater installed and available in my path.
+I run:
+teleport-update enable --group production
+# Detecting the Teleport version and edition used by cluster "example.teleport.sh"
+# Installing the following teleport version:
+# Version: 16.2.1
+# Edition: Enterprise
+# OS: Linux
+# Architecture: x86
+# Teleport installed, reloading the service.
+# Enabling automatic updates, the agent is part of the "production" update group.
+> [!NOTE]
+> The updater saw the teleport unit running and the existing teleport configuration.
+> It used the configuration to pick the right proxy address. As teleport is already running, the teleport service is
+> reloaded to use the new binary.
+If the agent was previously enrolled into AUs with the old teleport updater package, the `enable` command will also
+remove the old package.
+### Teleport Resources
+#### Autoupdate Config
+This resource is owned by the Teleport cluster user.
+This is how Teleport customers can specify their automatic update preferences.
+kind: autoupdate_config
+ # existing field, deprecated
+ tools_autoupdate: true
+ tools:
+ mode: enabled/disabled
+ agents:
+ # agent_auto_update allows turning agent updates on or off at the
+ # cluster level. Only turn agent automatic updates off if self-managed
+ # agent updates are in place. Setting this to pause will temporarily halt the rollout.
+ mode: enabled/disabled/suspended
+ # strategy to use for the rollout
+ # Supported values are:
+ # - time-based
+ # - halt-on-failure
+ # - halt-on-failure-with-backpressure
+ # defaults to halt-on-failure, might default to halt-on-failure-with-backpressure after phase 6.
+ strategy: halt-on-failure
+ # agent_schedules specifies version rollout schedules for agents.
+ # The schedule used is determined by the schedule associated
+ # with the version in the autoupdate_version resource.
+ # For now, only the "regular" schedule is configurable.
+ schedules:
+ regular:
+ # name of the group. Must only contain valid backend / resource name characters.
+ - name: staging
+ # days specifies the days of the week when the group may be updated.
+ # mandatory value for most Cloud customers: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu"]
+ # default: ["*"] (all days)
+ days: [ “Sun”, “Mon”, ... | "*" ]
+ # start_hour specifies the hour when the group may start upgrading.
+ # default: 0
+ start_hour: 0-23
+ # wait_days specifies how many days to wait after the previous group finished before starting.
+ # This must be 0 when using the `time-based` strategy.
+ # default: 0
+ wait_days: 0-1
+ # canary_count specifies the desired number of canaries to update before any other agents
+ # are updated.
+ # default: 5
+ canary_count: 0-10
+ # max_in_flight specifies the maximum number of agents that may be updated at the same time.
+ # Only valid for the backpressure strategy.
+ # default: 20%
+ max_in_flight: 10-100%
+ # alert_after specifies the duration after which a cluster alert will be set if the group update has
+ # not completed.
+ # default: 4
+ alert_after_hours: 1-8
+ # ...
+Default resource:
+kind: autoupdate_config
+ tools:
+ mode: enabled
+ agents:
+ mode: enabled
+ strategy: halt-on-failure
+ alert_after: 4h
+ schedules:
+ regular:
+ - name: default
+ days: ["Mon", "Tue", "Wed", "Thu"]
+ start_hour: 0
+ canary_count: 5
+ max_in_flight: 20%
+#### Autoupdate version
+The `autoupdate_version` spec is owned by the Teleport cluster administrator.
+In Teleport Cloud, this is the Cloud operations team. For self-hosted setups this is the user with access to the local
+admin socket (tctl on local machine).
+> [!NOTE]
+> This is currently an anti-pattern as we are trying to remove the use of the local administrator in Teleport.
+> However, Teleport does not provide any role/permission that we can use for Teleport Cloud operations and cannot be
+> granted to users. To part with local admin rights, we need a way to have Cloud or admin-only operations.
+> This would also improve Cloud team operations by interacting with Teleport API rather than executing local tctl.
+> Solving this problem is out of the scope of this RFD.
+kind: autoupdate_version
+ tools:
+ target_version: vX
+ agents:
+ # start_version is the desired version for agents before their window.
+ start_version: v1
+ # target_version is the desired version for agents after their window.
+ target_version: v2
+ # schedule to use for the rollout
+ schedule: regular
+ # paused specifies whether the rollout is paused
+ # default: enabled
+ mode: enabled|disabled|suspended
+#### Autoupdate agent rollout
+The `autoupdate_agent_rollout` resource is owned by Teleport. This resource can be read by users but not directly applied.
+To create and reconcile this resource, the Auth service looks up bot `autoupdate_config` and `autoupdate_version` to know the desired mode, versions, and schedule.
+Once the agent rollout is created, the auth uses its status to track the progress of the rollout through the different groups.
+kind: autoupdate_agent_rollout
+ # content copied from the `autoupdate_version.spec.agents`
+ version_config:
+ start_version: v1
+ target_version: v2
+ schedule: regular
+ strategy: halt-on-failure
+ mode: enabled
+ groups:
+ # name of group
+ - name: staging
+ # start_time is the time the upgrade will start
+ start_time: 2020-12-09T16:09:53+00:00
+ # initial_count is the number of connected agents at the start of the window
+ initial_count: 432
+ # missing_count is the number of agents disconnected since the start of the rollout
+ present_count: 53
+ # failed_count is the number of agents rolled-back since the start of the rollout
+ failed_count: 23
+ # canaries is a list of agents used for canary deployments
+ canaries: # part of phase 5
+ # updater_uuid is the updater UUID
+ - updater_uuid: abc123-...
+ # host_uuid is the agent host UUID
+ host_uuid: def534-...
+ # hostname of the agent
+ hostname: foo.example.com
+ # success status
+ success: false
+ # progress is the current progress through the rollout
+ progress: 0.532
+ # state is the current state of the rollout (unstarted, active, done, rollback)
+ state: active
+ # last_update_time is the time of the previous update for the group
+ last_update_time: 2020-12-09T16:09:53+00:00
+ # last_update_reason is the trigger for the last update
+ last_update_reason: rollback
+#### Protobuf
+syntax = "proto3";
+package teleport.autoupdate.v1;
+import "teleport/header/v1/metadata.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/empty.proto";
+import "google/protobuf/timestamp.proto";
+option go_package = "github.com/gravitational/teleport/api/gen/proto/go/teleport/autoupdate/v1;autoupdate";
+// AutoUpdateConfig is a config singleton used to configure cluster
+// autoupdate settings.
+message AutoUpdateConfig {
+ string kind = 1;
+ string sub_kind = 2;
+ string version = 3;
+ teleport.header.v1.Metadata metadata = 4;
+ AutoUpdateConfigSpec spec = 5;
+// AutoUpdateConfigSpec encodes the parameters of the autoupdate config object.
+message AutoUpdateConfigSpec {
+ reserved 1;
+ AutoUpdateConfigSpecTools tools = 2;
+ AutoUpdateConfigSpecAgents agents = 3;
+// AutoUpdateConfigSpecTools encodes the parameters of automatic tools update.
+message AutoUpdateConfigSpecTools {
+ // Mode encodes the feature flag to enable/disable tools autoupdates.
+ Mode mode = 1;
+// AutoUpdateConfigSpecTools encodes the parameters of automatic tools update.
+message AutoUpdateConfigSpecAgents {
+ // mode specifies whether agent autoupdates are enabled, disabled, or paused.
+ Mode agent_auto_update_mode = 1;
+ // strategy to use for updating the agents.
+ Strategy strategy = 2;
+ // maintenance_window_minutes is the maintenance window duration in minutes. This can only be set if `strategy` is "time-based".
+ int64 maintenance_window_minutes = 3;
+ // alert_after_hours specifies the number of hours to wait before alerting that the rollout is not complete.
+ // This can only be set if `strategy` is "halt-on-failure".
+ int64 alert_after_hours = 5;
+ // agent_schedules specifies schedules for updates of grouped agents.
+ AgentAutoUpdateSchedules agent_schedules = 6;
+// Strategy type for the rollout
+enum Strategy {
+ // UNSPECIFIED update strategy
+ // PREVIOUS_MUST_SUCCEED update strategy with no backpressure
+ // TIME_BASED update strategy.
+// AgentAutoUpdateSchedules specifies update scheduled for grouped agents.
+message AgentAutoUpdateSchedules {
+ // regular schedules for non-critical versions.
+ repeated AgentAutoUpdateGroup regular = 1;
+// AgentAutoUpdateGroup specifies the update schedule for a group of agents.
+message AgentAutoUpdateGroup {
+ // name of the group
+ string name = 1;
+ // days to run update
+ repeated Day days = 2;
+ // start_hour to initiate update
+ int32 start_hour = 3;
+ // wait_days after last group succeeds before this group can run. This can only be used when the strategy is "halt-on-failure".
+ int64 wait_days = 4;
+ // canary_count of agents to use in the canary deployment.
+ int64 canary_count = 5;
+ // max_in_flight specifies agents that can be updated at the same time, by percent.
+ string max_in_flight = 6;
+// Day of the week
+enum Day {
+ DAY_ALL = 1;
+// Mode of operation
+enum Mode {
+ // UNSPECIFIED update mode
+ // DISABLE updates
+ // ENABLE updates
+ // PAUSE updates
+// Schedule type for the rollout
+enum Schedule {
+ // UNSPECIFIED update schedule
+ // REGULAR update schedule
+ // IMMEDIATE update schedule for updating all agents immediately
+// AutoUpdateVersion is a resource singleton with version required for
+// tools autoupdate.
+message AutoUpdateVersion {
+ string kind = 1;
+ string sub_kind = 2;
+ string version = 3;
+ teleport.header.v1.Metadata metadata = 4;
+ AutoUpdateVersionSpec spec = 5;
+// AutoUpdateVersionSpec encodes the parameters of the autoupdate versions.
+message AutoUpdateVersionSpec {
+ // ToolsVersion is the semantic version required for tools autoupdates.
+ reserved 1;
+ AutoUpdateVersionSpecTools tools = 2;
+ AutoUpdateVersionSpecAgents agents = 3;
+// AutoUpdateVersionSpecTools is the spec for the autoupdate version.
+message AutoUpdateVersionSpecTools {
+ // target_version is the target tools version.
+ string target_version = 1;
+// AutoUpdateVersionSpecAgents is the spec for the autoupdate version.
+message AutoUpdateVersionSpecAgents {
+ // start_version is the version to update from.
+ string start_version = 1;
+ // target_version is the version to update to.
+ string target_version = 2;
+ // schedule to use for the rollout
+ Schedule schedule = 3;
+ // autoupdate_mode to use for the rollout
+ Mode autoupdate_mode = 4;
+message AutoUpdateAgentRollout {
+ string kind = 1;
+ string sub_kind = 2;
+ string version = 3;
+ teleport.header.v1.Metadata metadata = 4;
+ AutoUpdateAgentRolloutSpec spec = 5;
+ AutoUpdateAgentRolloutStatus status = 6;
+message AutoUpdateAgentRolloutSpec {
+ // start_version is the version to update from.
+ string start_version = 1;
+ // target_version is the version to update to.
+ string target_version = 2;
+ // schedule to use for the rollout
+ Schedule schedule = 3;
+ // autoupdate_mode to use for the rollout
+ Mode autoupdate_mode = 4;
+ // strategy to use for updating the agents.
+ Strategy strategy = 5;
+message AutoUpdateAgentRolloutStatus {
+ repeated AutoUpdateAgentRolloutStatusGroup groups = 1;
+message AutoUpdateAgentRolloutStatusGroup {
+ // name of the group
+ string name = 1;
+ // start_time of the rollout
+ google.protobuf.Timestamp start_time = 2;
+ // initial_count is the number of connected agents at the start of the window.
+ int64 initial_count = 3;
+ // present_count is the current number of connected agents.
+ int64 present_count = 4;
+ // failed_count specifies the number of failed agents.
+ int64 failed_count = 5;
+ // canaries is a list of canary agents.
+ repeated Canary canaries = 6;
+ // progress is the current progress through the rollout.
+ float progress = 7;
+ // state is the current state of the rollout.
+ State state = 8;
+ // last_update_time is the time of the previous update for this group.
+ google.protobuf.Timestamp last_update_time = 9;
+ // last_update_reason is the trigger for the last update
+ string last_update_reason = 10;
+// Canary agent
+message Canary {
+ // update_uuid of the canary agent
+ string update_uuid = 1;
+ // host_uuid of the canary agent
+ string host_uuid = 2;
+ // hostname of the canary agent
+ string hostname = 3;
+ // success state of the canary agent
+ bool success = 4;
+// State of the rollout
+enum State {
+ // UNSPECIFIED state
+ // UNSTARTED state
+ // CANARY state
+ // ACTIVE state
+ // DONE state
+ // ROLLEDBACK state
+// AutoUpdateService provides an API to manage autoupdates.
+service AutoUpdateService {
+ // GetAutoUpdateConfig gets the current autoupdate config singleton.
+ rpc GetAutoUpdateConfig(GetAutoUpdateConfigRequest) returns (AutoUpdateConfig);
+ // CreateAutoUpdateConfig creates a new AutoUpdateConfig.
+ rpc CreateAutoUpdateConfig(CreateAutoUpdateConfigRequest) returns (AutoUpdateConfig);
+ // CreateAutoUpdateConfig updates AutoUpdateConfig singleton.
+ rpc UpdateAutoUpdateConfig(UpdateAutoUpdateConfigRequest) returns (AutoUpdateConfig);
+ // UpsertAutoUpdateConfig creates a new AutoUpdateConfig or replaces an existing AutoUpdateConfig.
+ rpc UpsertAutoUpdateConfig(UpsertAutoUpdateConfigRequest) returns (AutoUpdateConfig);
+ // DeleteAutoUpdateConfig hard deletes the specified AutoUpdateConfig.
+ rpc DeleteAutoUpdateConfig(DeleteAutoUpdateConfigRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
+ // GetAutoUpdateVersion gets the current autoupdate version singleton.
+ rpc GetAutoUpdateVersion(GetAutoUpdateVersionRequest) returns (AutoUpdateVersion);
+ // CreateAutoUpdateVersion creates a new AutoUpdateVersion.
+ rpc CreateAutoUpdateVersion(CreateAutoUpdateVersionRequest) returns (AutoUpdateVersion);
+ // UpdateAutoUpdateVersion updates AutoUpdateVersion singleton.
+ rpc UpdateAutoUpdateVersion(UpdateAutoUpdateVersionRequest) returns (AutoUpdateVersion);
+ // UpsertAutoUpdateVersion creates a new AutoUpdateVersion or replaces an existing AutoUpdateVersion.
+ rpc UpsertAutoUpdateVersion(UpsertAutoUpdateVersionRequest) returns (AutoUpdateVersion);
+ // DeleteAutoUpdateVersion hard deletes the specified AutoUpdateVersionRequest.
+ rpc DeleteAutoUpdateVersion(DeleteAutoUpdateVersionRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
+ // GetAutoUpdateAgentRollout gets the current autoupdate version singleton.
+ rpc GetAutoUpdateAgentRollout(GetAutoUpdateAgentRolloutRequest) returns (AutoUpdateAgentRollout);
+ // CreateAutoUpdateAgentRollout creates a new AutoUpdateAgentRollout.
+ rpc CreateAutoUpdateAgentRollout(CreateAutoUpdateAgentRolloutRequest) returns (AutoUpdateAgentRollout);
+ // UpdateAutoUpdateAgentRollout updates AutoUpdateAgentRollout singleton.
+ rpc UpdateAutoUpdateAgentRollout(UpdateAutoUpdateAgentRolloutRequest) returns (AutoUpdateAgentRollout);
+ // UpsertAutoUpdateAgentRollout creates a new AutoUpdateAgentRollout or replaces an existing AutoUpdateAgentRollout.
+ rpc UpsertAutoUpdateAgentRollout(UpsertAutoUpdateAgentRolloutRequest) returns (AutoUpdateAgentRollout);
+ // DeleteAutoUpdateAgentRollout hard deletes the specified AutoUpdateAgentRolloutRequest.
+ rpc DeleteAutoUpdateAgentRollout(DeleteAutoUpdateAgentRolloutRequest) returns (google.protobuf.Empty);
+ // TriggerAgentGroup changes the state of an agent group from `unstarted` to `active` or `canary`.
+ rpc TriggerAgentGroup(TriggerAgentGroupRequest) returns (AutoUpdateAgentRollout);
+ // ForceAgentGroup changes the state of an agent group from `unstarted`, `canary`, or `active` to the `done` state.
+ rpc ForceAgentGroup(ForceAgentGroupRequest) returns (AutoUpdateAgentRollout);
+ // ResetAgentGroup resets the state of an agent group.
+ // For `canary`, this means new canaries are picked
+ // For `active`, this means the initial instance count is computed again.
+ rpc ResetAgentGroup(ResetAgentGroupRequest) returns (AutoUpdateAgentRollout);
+ // RollbackAgentGroup changes the state of an agent group to `rolledback`.
+ rpc RollbackAgentGroup(RollbackAgentGroupRequest) returns (AutoUpdateAgentRollout);
+// Request for GetAutoUpdateConfig.
+message GetAutoUpdateConfigRequest {}
+// Request for CreateAutoUpdateConfig.
+message CreateAutoUpdateConfigRequest {
+ AutoUpdateConfig config = 1;
+// Request for UpdateAutoUpdateConfig.
+message UpdateAutoUpdateConfigRequest {
+ AutoUpdateConfig config = 1;
+// Request for UpsertAutoUpdateConfig.
+message UpsertAutoUpdateConfigRequest {
+ AutoUpdateConfig config = 1;
+// Request for DeleteAutoUpdateConfig.
+message DeleteAutoUpdateConfigRequest {}
+// Request for GetAutoUpdateVersion.
+message GetAutoUpdateVersionRequest {}
+// Request for CreateAutoUpdateVersion.
+message CreateAutoUpdateVersionRequest {
+ AutoUpdateVersion version = 1;
+// Request for UpdateAutoUpdateConfig.
+message UpdateAutoUpdateVersionRequest {
+ AutoUpdateVersion version = 1;
+// Request for UpsertAutoUpdateVersion.
+message UpsertAutoUpdateVersionRequest {
+ AutoUpdateVersion version = 1;
+// Request for DeleteAutoUpdateVersion.
+message DeleteAutoUpdateVersionRequest {}
+// Request for GetAutoUpdateAgentRollout.
+message GetAutoUpdateAgentRolloutRequest {}
+// Request for CreateAutoUpdateAgentRollout.
+message CreateAutoUpdateAgentRolloutRequest {
+ AutoUpdateAgentRollout plan = 1;
+// Request for UpdateAutoUpdateConfig.
+message UpdateAutoUpdateAgentRolloutRequest {
+ AutoUpdateAgentRollout plan = 1;
+// Request for UpsertAutoUpdateAgentRollout.
+message UpsertAutoUpdateAgentRolloutRequest {
+ AutoUpdateAgentRollout plan = 1;
+// Request for DeleteAutoUpdateAgentRollout.
+message DeleteAutoUpdateAgentRolloutRequest {}
+message TriggerAgentGroupRequest {
+ // group is the agent update group name whose maintenance should be triggered.
+ string group = 1;
+ // desired_state describes the desired start state.
+ // When left empty, defaults to canary if they are supported.
+ State desired_state = 2;
+message ForceAgentGroupRequest {
+ // group is the agent update group name whose state should be forced to `done`.
+ string group = 1;
+message ResetAgentGroupRequest {
+ // group is the agent update group name whose state should be reset.
+ string group = 1;
+message RollbackAgentGroupRequest {
+ // group is the agent update group name whose state should change to `rolledback`.
+ string group = 1;
+### Backend logic to progress the rollout
+#### Rollout strategies
+We support two rollout strategies, for two distinct use-cases:
+- `halt-on-failure` for damage reduction of a faulty update
+- `time-based` for time-constrained maintenances
+In `halt-on-failure`, the update proceeds from the first group to the last group, ensuring that each group
+successfully updates before allowing the next group to proceed. By default, only 5 agent groups are allowed. This
+mitigates very long rollout plans. This is the strategy that offers the best availability. A group finishes its update
+once most of its agents are running the correct version. Agents that missed the group update will try to catch
+back as soon as possible.
+In `time-based` maintenances, agents update as soon as their maintenance window starts. There is no dependency
+between groups. This strategy allows Teleport users to setup reliable follow-the-sun updates and enforce the
+maintenance window more strictly. A group finishes its update at the end of the maintenance window, regardless
+of the new version adoption rate. Agents that missed the maintenance window will not attempt to
+update until the next maintenance window.
+After phase 6, a third strategy, `backpressure` will be added. This strategy will behave the same way `halt-on-failure`
+does, except the agents will be progressively rolled-out within a group.
+#### Agent update mode
+The agent auto update mode is specified by both Cloud (via `autoupdate_version`)
+and by the customer (via `autoupdate_config`). The agent update mode controls whether
+the cluster in enrolled into automatic agent updates.
+The agent update mode can take 3 values:
+1. disabled: teleport should not manage agent updates
+2. paused: the updates are temporarily suspended, we honour the existing rollout state
+3. enabled: teleport can update agents
+The cluster agent rollout mode is computed by taking the lowest value.
+For example:
+- Cloud says `enabled` and the customer says `enabled` -> the updates are `enabled`
+- Cloud says `enabled` and the customer says `suspended` -> the updates are `suspended`
+- Cloud says `disabled` and the customer says `suspended` -> the updates are `disabled`
+- Cloud says `disabled` and the customer says `enabled` -> the updates are `disabled`
+The Teleport cluster only progresses the rollout if the mode is `enabled`.
+#### Group States
+Let `v1` be the previous version and `v2` the target version.
+A group can be in 5 states:
+- `unstarted`: the group update has not been started yet.
+- `canary`: a few canaries are getting updated. New agents should run `v1`. Existing agents should not attempt to update
+ and keep their existing version.
+- `active`: the group is actively getting updated. New agents should run `v2`, existing agents are instructed to update
+ to `v2`.
+- `done`: the group has been updated. New agents should run `v2`.
+- `rolledback`: the group has been rolledback. New agents should run `v1`, existing agents should update to `v1`.
+The finite state machine for the `halt-on-failure` is the following:
+flowchart TD
+ unstarted((unstarted))
+ canary((canary))
+ active((active))
+ done((done))
+ rolledback((rolledback))
+ unstarted -->|TriggerGroupRPCStart conditions are met| canary
+ canary -->|Canaries came back alive| active
+ canary -->|ForceGroupRPC| done
+ canary -->|RollbackGroupRPC| rolledback
+ active -->|ForceGroupRPCSuccess criteria met| done
+ done -->|RollbackGroupRPC| rolledback
+ active -->|RollbackGroupRPC| rolledback
+ canary -->|ResetGroupRPC| canary
+ active -->|ResetGroupRPC| active
+The finite state machine for the `time-based` is the following:
+flowchart TD
+ unstarted((unstarted))
+ canary((canary))
+ active((active))
+ done((done))
+ rolledback((rolledback))
+ unstarted -->|TriggerGroupRPCStart conditions are met| canary
+ canary -->|Canaries came back alive and window is still active| active
+ canary -->|ForceGroupRPC
Canaries came back alive and window is over| done
+ canary -->|RollbackGroupRPC| rolledback
+ active -->|ForceGroupRPCEnd of window| done
+ done -->|Beginning of window| active
+ done -->|RollbackGroupRPC| rolledback
+ active -->|RollbackGroupRPC| rolledback
+ canary -->|ResetGroupRPC| canary
+> [!NOTE]
+> Once we have a proper feedback mechanism (phase 5) we might introduce a new `unfinished` state, similar to done, but
+> which indicates that not all agents got updated when using the `time-based` strategy. This does not change the update
+> logic but might be clearer for the end user.
+#### Starting a group
+A group can be started if the following criteria are met
+- for the `halt-on-failure` strategy:
+ - all of its previous group are in the `done` state
+ - it has been at least `wait_days` since the previous group update started
+ - the current week day is in the `days` list
+ - the current hour equals the `hour` field
+- for the `time-based` strategy:
+ - the current week day is in the `days` list
+ - the current hour equals the `hour` field
+When all those criteria are met, the auth will transition the group into a new state.
+If `canary_count` is not null, the group transitions to the `canary` state.
+Else it transitions to the `active` state.
+In phase 4, at the start of a group rollout, the Teleport auth servers record the initial number connected agents.
+The number of updated and non-updated agents is tracked by the auth servers. This will be used later to evaluate the
+update success criteria.
+#### Canary testing (phase 5)
+A group in `canary` state will be randomly assigned `canary_count` canary agents.
+Auth servers will select those canaries by reading them from the auth instance inventory and writing them to the `canaries` list in `agent_rollout_plan` status.
+The proxies will instruct those canaries to update immediately.
+During each reconciliation loop, the auth will lookup the instance heartbeat of each canary in the backend and update `agent_rollout_plan` status if needed.
+Once all canaries have a heartbeat containing the new version (the heartbeat must not be older than 20 minutes),
+they successfully came back online and the group can transition to the `active` state.
+If canaries never update, report rollback, or disappear, the group will stay stuck in `canary` state.
+An alert will eventually fire, warning the user about the stuck update.
+> [!NOTE]
+> In the first version, canary selection will happen randomly. As most instances are running the ssh_service and not
+> the other ones, we are less likely to catch an issue in a less common service.
+> An optimisation would be to try to pick canaries maximizing the service coverage.
+> This would make the test more robust and provide better availability guarantees.
+#### Updating a group
+A group in `active` mode is currently being updated. The conditions to leave `active` mode and transition to the
+`done` mode will vary based on the phase and rollout strategy.
+- for the `halt-on-failure` strategy:
+ - Phase 3: we don't have any information about agents. The group transitions to `done` 60 minutes after its start.
+ - Phase 4: we know about the connected agent count and the connected agent versions. The group transitions to `done` if:
+ - at least `(100 - max_in_flight)%` of the agents are still connected
+ - at least `(100 - max_in_flight)%` of the agents are running the new version
+ - Phase 6: we incrementally update the progress, this adds a new criteria: the group progress is at 100%
+- for the `time-based` strategy:
+ - the group transitions to the `done` state `maintenance_window_minutes` minutes after the `active` transition.
+ The rollout's `start_time` must be used to do this transition, not the schedule's `start_hour`.
+ This will allow the user to trigger manual out-of-maintenance updates if needed.
+The phase 6 backpressure calculations are covered in the Backpressure Calculations section below..
+### Manually interacting with the rollout
+For user:
+tctl autoupdate agent suspend/resume
+tctl autoupdate agent enable/disable
+tctl autoupdate agent status
+tctl autoupdate agent status
+tctl autoupdate agent start [--no-canary]
+tctl autoupdate agent force
+tctl autoupdate agent reset
+tctl autoupdate agent rollback [|--all]
+For admin
+tctl autoupdate agent-plan target [--previous-version ]
+tctl autoupdate agent-plan enable/disable
+tctl autoupdate agent-plan suspend/resume
+### Editing the plan
+The updater will receive `agent_auto_update: true` from the time is it designated for update until the `target_version` in `autoupdate_version` (below) changes.
+Changing the `target_version` resets the schedule immediately, clearing all progress.
+[TODO: What is the use-case for this? can we do like with target_version and reset all instead of trying to merge the state]
+Changing the `start_version` in `autoupdate_version` changes the advertised `start_version` for all unfinished groups.
+Changing `agent_schedules` will preserve the `state` of groups that have the same name before and after the change.
+However, any changes to `agent_schedules` that occur while a group is active will be rejected.
+Releasing new agent versions multiple times a week has the potential to starve dependent groups from updates.
+Note that the `default` group applies to agents that do not specify a group name.
+If a `default` group is not present, the last group is treated as the default.
+### Updater APIs
+#### Update requests
+Teleport proxies will be updated to serve the desired agent version and edition from `/v1/webapi/find`.
+The version served from that endpoint will be configured using new `autoupdate_version` resource.
+Whether the Teleport updater querying the endpoint is instructed to upgrade (via the `agent_auto_update` field) is
+dependent on:
+- The `host=[uuid]` parameter sent to `/v1/webapi/find`
+- The `group=[name]` parameter sent to `/v1/webapi/find`
+- The group state from the `autoupdate_agent_rollout` status (this also contains the version from `autoupdate_version`)
+To ensure that the updater is always able to retrieve the desired version, instructions to the updater are delivered via
+unauthenticated requests to `/v1/webapi/find`. Teleport proxies modulate the `/v1/webapi/find` response given the host
+UUID and group name.
+When the updater queries the proxy via `/v1/webapi/find?host=[uuid]&group=[name]`, the proxies query the
+`autoupdate_agent_rollout` to determine the value of `agent_auto_update: true`.
+The boolean is returned as `true` in the case that the provided `host` contains a UUID that is under the progress
+percentage for the `group`:
+`as_numeral(host_uuid) / as_numeral(max_uuid) < progress`
+The returned JSON looks like:
+ "server_edition": "enterprise",
+ "auto_update": {
+ "agent_version": "15.1.1",
+ "agent_auto_update": true,
+ "agent_update_jitter_seconds": 10
+ },
+ // ...
+- Agents will only update if `agent_auto_update` is `true`, but new installations will use `agent_version` regardless of
+ the value in `agent_auto_update`.
+- The edition served is the cluster edition (enterprise, enterprise-fips, or oss) and cannot be configured.
+- The group name is read from `/var/lib/teleport/versions/update.yaml` by the updater.
+- The UUID is read from `/tmp/teleport_update_uuid`, which `teleport-update` regenerates when missing.
+- the jitter is served by the teleport cluster and depends on the rollout strategy (60s by default, 10s when using
+ the backpressure strategy).
+Let `v1` be the previous version and `v2` the target version, the response matrix is the following:
+##### Rollout status: disabled
+| Group state | Version | Should update |
+| * | v2 | false |
+##### Rollout status: paused
+| Group state | Version | Should update |
+| unstarted | v1 | false |
+| canary | v1 | false |
+| active | v2 | false |
+| done | v2 | false |
+| rolledback | v1 | false |
+##### Rollout status: enabled
+| Group state | Version | Should update |
+| unstarted | v1 | false |
+| canary | v1 | false, except for canaries |
+| active | v2 | true if UUID <= progress |
+| done | v2 | true if `halt-on-failure`, false if `time-based` |
+| rolledback | v1 | true |
+#### Updater status reporting
+The updater reports status through the agent. The agent has two ways of reporting the update information:
+- via instance heartbeats
+- via the hello message, when registering against an auth server
+Instance heartbeat happen infrequently, based on the cluster size they can take up to 17 minutes to happen.
+However, they are exposed to the user via existing `tctl inventory` method and will allow users to query which instance
+is running which version and belongs to which group.
+Hello messages are sent on connection and are used to build the serve's local inventory.
+This information is available almost instantaneously after the connection and can be cheaply queried by the auth (
+everything is in memory). The inventory is then used to count the local instances and drive the rollout.
+Both instance heartbeats and Hello merssages will be extended to incorporate and send data that is written to
+`/var/lib/teleport/versions/update.yaml` and `/tmp/teleport_update_uuid` by the `teleport-update` binary.
+The following data related to the update is sent by the agent:
+- `agent_update_start_time`: timestamp of individual agent's upgrade time
+- `agent_update_start_version`: current agent version
+- `agent_update_rollback`: whether the agent was rolled-back automatically
+- `agent_update_uuid`: Auto-update UUID
+- `agent_update_group`: Auto-update group name
+Auth servers use their local instance inventory to calculate rollout statistics and write them to `/autoupdate/[group]/[auth ID]` (e.g., `/autoupdate/staging/58526ba2-c12d-4a49-b5a4-1b694b82bf56`).
+Every minute, auth servers persist the version counts:
+- `agent_data[group].stats[version]`
+ - `count`: number of currently connected agents at `version` in `group`
+ - `failed_count`: number of currently connected agents at `version` in `group` that experienced a rollback or inability to upgrade
+ - `lowest_uuid`: lowest UUID of all currently connected agents at `version` in `group`
+ - `count`: number of connected agents at `version` in `group` at start of window
+- `agent_data[group]`
+ - `canaries`: list of updater UUIDs to use for canary deployments
+Expiration time of the persisted key is 1 hour.
+To progress the rollout, auth servers will range-read keys from `/autoupdate/[group]/*`, sum the counts, and write back to the `autoupdate_agent_rollout` status on a one-minute interval.
+- To calculate the initial number of agents connected at the start of the window, each auth server will write the summed count of agents to `autoupdate_agent_rollout` status, if not already written.
+- To calculate the canaries, each auth server will write a random selection of all canaries to `autoupdate_agent_rollout` status, if not already written.
+- To determine the progress through the rollout, auth servers will write the calculated progress to the `autoupdate_agent_rollout` status using the formulas, declining to write if the current written progress is further ahead.
+If `/autoupdate/[group]/[auth ID]` is older than 1 minute, we do not consider its contents.
+This prevents double-counting agents when auth servers are killed.
+#### Backpressure Calculations
+initial_count[group] = sum(agent_data[group].stats[*]).count
+Each auth server will calculate the progress as
+`( max_in_flight * initial_count[group] + agent_data[group].stats[target_version].count ) / initial_count[group]` and
+write the progress to `autoupdate_agent_rollout` status. This formula determines the progress percentage by adding a
+`max_in_flight` percentage-window above the number of currently updated agents in the group.
+However, if `as_numeral(agent_data[group].stats[not(target_version)].lowest_uuid) / as_numeral(max_uuid)` is above the
+calculated progress, that progress value will be used instead. This protects against a statistical deadlock, where no
+UUIDs fall within the next `max_in_flight` window of UUID space, by always permitting the next non-updated agent to
+To ensure that the rollout is halted if more than `max_in_flight` un-updated agents drop off, an addition restriction
+must be imposed for the rollout to proceed:
+`agent_data[group].stats[*].count > initial_count[group] - max_in_flight * initial_count[group]`
+To prevent double-counting of agents when considering all counts across all auth servers, only agents connected for one
+minute will be considered in these formulas.
+### Linux Agents
+We will ship a new auto-updater binary for Linux servers written in Go that does not interface with the system package manager.
+It will be distributed within the existing `teleport` packages, and additionally, in a dedicated `teleport-update-vX.Y.Z.tgz` tarball.
+It will manage the installation of the correct Teleport agent version manually.
+It will read the unauthenticated `/v1/webapi/find` endpoint from the Teleport proxy, parse new fields on that endpoint, and install the specified agent version according to the specified update plan.
+It will download the correct version of Teleport as a tarball, unpack it in `/var/lib/teleport`, and ensure it is symlinked from `/usr/local/bin`.
+Source code for the updater will live in the main Teleport repository, with the updater binary built from `tools/teleport-update`.
+#### Installation
+Package-initiated install:
+$ apt-get install teleport
+$ teleport-update enable --proxy example.teleport.sh
+# if not enabled already, configure teleport and:
+$ systemctl enable teleport
+Packageless install:
+$ curl https://cdn.teleport.dev/teleport-update.tgz | tar xzf
+$ ./teleport-update enable --proxy example.teleport.sh
+# if not enabled already, configure teleport and:
+$ systemctl enable teleport
+For grouped updates, a group identifier may be configured:
+$ teleport-update enable --proxy example.teleport.sh --group staging
+For air-gapped Teleport installs, the agent may be configured with a custom tarball path template:
+$ teleport-update enable --proxy example.teleport.sh --template 'https://example.com/teleport-{{ .Edition }}-{{ .Version }}-{{ .Arch }}.tgz'
+(Checksum will use template path + `.sha256`)
+For Teleport installs with custom data directories, the data directory must be specified on each binary invocation:
+$ teleport-update enable --proxy example.teleport.sh --data-dir /var/lib/teleport
+For managing multiple Teleport installs, the install suffix must be specified on each binary invocation:
+$ teleport-update enable --proxy example.teleport.sh --install-suffix clusterA
+This will create suffixed directories for binaries (`/usr/local/teleport/clusterA/bin`) and systemd units (`teleport-clusterA`).
+#### Filesystem
+For a default install, without --install-suffix:
+$ tree /var/lib/teleport
+└── versions
+ ├── 15.0.0
+ │ ├── bin
+ │ │ ├── tsh
+ │ │ ├── tbot
+ │ │ ├── ... # other binaries
+ │ │ ├── teleport-update
+ │ │ └── teleport
+ │ ├── etc
+ │ │ └── systemd
+ │ │ └── teleport.service
+ │ └── backup
+ │ ├── sqlite.db
+ │ └── backup.yaml
+ ├── 15.1.1
+ │ ├── bin
+ │ │ ├── tsh
+ │ │ ├── tbot
+ │ │ ├── ... # other binaries
+ │ │ ├── teleport-update
+ │ │ └── teleport
+ │ └── etc
+ │ └── systemd
+ │ └── teleport.service
+ └── update.yaml
+$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/tsh
+/usr/local/bin/tsh -> /var/lib/teleport/versions/15.0.0/bin/tsh
+$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/tbot
+/usr/local/bin/tbot -> /var/lib/teleport/versions/15.0.0/bin/tbot
+$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/teleport
+/usr/local/bin/teleport -> /var/lib/teleport/versions/15.0.0/bin/teleport
+$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/teleport-update
+/usr/local/bin/teleport-update -> /var/lib/teleport/versions/15.0.0/bin/teleport-update
+$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/systemd/system/teleport.service
+/usr/local/lib/systemd/system/teleport.service -> /var/lib/teleport/versions/15.0.0/etc/systemd/teleport.service
+With --install-suffix clusterA:
+$ tree /var/lib/teleport/install/clusterA
+└── versions
+ ├── 15.0.0
+ │ ├── bin
+ │ │ ├── tsh
+ │ │ ├── tbot
+ │ │ ├── ... # other binaries
+ │ │ ├── teleport-update
+ │ │ └── teleport
+ │ ├── etc
+ │ │ └── systemd
+ │ │ └── teleport.service
+ │ └── backup
+ │ ├── sqlite.db
+ │ └── backup.yaml
+ ├── 15.1.1
+ │ ├── bin
+ │ │ ├── tsh
+ │ │ ├── tbot
+ │ │ ├── ... # other binaries
+ │ │ ├── teleport-update
+ │ │ └── teleport
+ │ └── etc
+ │ └── systemd
+ │ └── teleport.service
+ └── update.yaml
+└── versions
+ ├── system # if installed via OS package
+ ├── bin
+ │ ├── tsh
+ │ ├── tbot
+ │ ├── ... # other binaries
+ │ ├── teleport-update
+ │ └── teleport
+ └── etc
+ └── systemd
+ └── teleport.service
+$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/tsh
+/usr/local/teleport/clusterA/bin/tsh -> /var/lib/teleport/install/clusterA/versions/15.0.0/bin/tsh
+$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/tbot
+/usr/local/teleport/clusterA/bin/tbot -> /var/lib/teleport/install/clusterA/versions/15.0.0/bin/tbot
+$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/teleport
+/usr/local/teleport/clusterA/bin/teleport -> /var/lib/teleport/install/clusterA/versions/15.0.0/bin/teleport
+$ ls -l /usr/local/bin/teleport-update
+/usr/local/teleport/clusterA/bin/teleport-update -> /var/lib/teleport/install/clusterA/versions/15.0.0/bin/teleport-update
+$ ls -l /usr/local/lib/systemd/system/teleport-clusterA.service
+/usr/local/lib/systemd/system/teleport-clutserA.service -> /var/lib/teleport/install/clusterA/versions/15.0.0/etc/systemd/teleport.service
+##### update.yaml
+This file stores configuration for `teleport-update`.
+All updates are applied atomically using renameio.
+version: v1
+kind: update_config
+ # proxy specifies the Teleport proxy address to retrieve the agent version and update configuration from.
+ proxy: mytenant.teleport.sh
+ # group specifies the update group
+ group: staging
+ # url_template specifies a custom URL template for downloading Teleport.
+ # url_template: ""
+ # enabled specifies whether auto-updates are enabled, i.e., whether teleport-update update is allowed to update the agent.
+ enabled: true
+ # start_time specifies the start time of the most recent update.
+ start_time: 2020-12-09T16:09:53+00:00
+ # active_version specifies the active (symlinked) deployment of the teleport agent.
+ active_version: 15.1.1
+ # version_history specifies the previous deployed versions, in order by recency.
+ version_history: ["15.1.3", "15.0.4"]
+ # rollback specifies whether the most recent version was deployed by an automated rollback.
+ rollback: true
+ # error specifies the last error encounted
+ error: ""
+##### backup.yaml
+This file stores metadata about an individual backup of the Teleport agent's sqlite DB.
+version: v1
+kind: db_backup
+ # proxy address from the backup
+ proxy: mytenant.teleport.sh
+ # version from the backup
+ version: 15.1.0
+ # time the backup was created
+ creation_time: 2020-12-09T16:09:53+00:00
+#### Runtime
+The `teleport-update` binary will run as a periodically executing systemd service which runs every 10 minutes.
+The systemd service will run:
+$ teleport-update update
+After it is installed, the `update` subcommand will no-op when executed until configured with the `teleport-update` command:
+$ teleport-update enable --proxy mytenant.teleport.sh --group staging
+If the proxy address is not provided with `--proxy`, the current proxy address from `teleport.yaml` is used, if present.
+The `enable` subcommand will change the behavior of `teleport-update update` to update teleport and restart the existing agent, if running.
+It will also run update teleport immediately, to ensure that subsequent executions succeed.
+Both `update` and `enable` will maintain a shared lock file preventing any re-entrant executions.
+The `enable` subcommand will:
+1. If an updater-incompatible version of the Teleport package is installed, fail immediately.
+2. Query the `/v1/webapi/find` endpoint.
+3. If the current updater-managed version of Teleport is the latest, jump to (15).
+4. Ensure there is enough free disk space to update Teleport via `unix.Statfs()` and `content-length` header from `HEAD` request.
+5. Download the desired Teleport tarball specified by `agent_version` and `server_edition`.
+6. Download and verify the checksum (tarball URL suffixed with `.sha256`).
+7. Extract the tarball to `/var/lib/teleport/versions/VERSION` and write the SHA to `/var/lib/teleport/versions/VERSION/sha256`.
+8. Verify that the downloaded binaries are valid executables on the host.
+9. Replace any existing binaries or symlinks with symlinks to the current version.
+10. Backup `/var/lib/teleport/proc/sqlite.db` into `/var/lib/teleport/versions/OLD-VERSION/backup/sqlite.db` and create `backup.yaml`.
+11. Restart the agent if the systemd service is already enabled.
+12. Set `active_version` in `update.yaml` if successful or not enabled.
+13. Replace the symlinks/binaries and `/var/lib/teleport/proc/sqlite.db` and quit (exit 1) if unsuccessful.
+14. Remove all stored versions of the agent except the current version and last working version.
+15. Configure `update.yaml` with the current proxy address and group, and set `enabled` to true.
+The `disable` subcommand will:
+1. Configure `update.yaml` to set `enabled` to false.
+When `update` subcommand is otherwise executed, it will:
+1. Check `update.yaml`, and quit (exit 0) if `enabled` is false, or quit (exit 1) if `enabled` is true and no proxy address is set.
+2. Query the `/v1/webapi/find` endpoint.
+3. Check that `agent_auto_updates` is true, quit otherwise.
+4. If the current version of Teleport is the latest, quit.
+5. Wait `random(0, agent_update_jitter_seconds)` seconds.
+6. Ensure there is enough free disk space to update Teleport via `unix.Statfs()` and `content-length` header from `HEAD` request.
+7. Download the desired Teleport tarball specified by `agent_version` and `server_edition`.
+8. Download and verify the checksum (tarball URL suffixed with `.sha256`).
+9. Extract the tarball to `/var/lib/teleport/versions/VERSION` and write the SHA to `/var/lib/teleport/versions/VERSION/sha256`.
+10. Verify that the downloaded binaries are valid executables on the host.
+11. Update symlinks to point at the new version.
+12. Backup `/var/lib/teleport/proc/sqlite.db` into `/var/lib/teleport/versions/OLD-VERSION/backup/sqlite.db` and create `backup.yaml`.
+13. Restart the agent if the systemd service is already enabled.
+14. Set `active_version` in `update.yaml` if successful or not enabled.
+15. Replace the old symlinks/binaries and `/var/lib/teleport/proc/sqlite.db` and quit (exit 1) if unsuccessful.
+16. Remove all stored versions of the agent except the current version and last working version.
+To guarantee auto-updates of the updater itself, all commands will first check for an `active_version`, and reexec using the `teleport-update` at that version if present and different.
+The `/usr/local/bin/teleport-update` symlink will take precedence to avoid reexec in most scenarios.
+To ensure that SELinux permissions do not prevent the `teleport-update` binary from installing/removing Teleport versions, the updater package will configure SELinux contexts to allow changes to all required paths.
+To ensure that backups are consistent, the updater will use the [SQLite backup API](https://www.sqlite.org/backup.html) to perform the backup.
+The `teleport` apt and yum packages will contain a system installation of Teleport in `/usr/local/teleport-system/`.
+Post package installation, the `link` subcommand is executed automatically to link the system installation when no auto-updater-managed version of Teleport is linked:
+/usr/local/bin/teleport -> /usr/local/teleport-system/bin/teleport
+/usr/local/bin/teleport-update -> /usr/local/teleport-system/bin/teleport-update
+#### Failure Conditions
+If the new version of Teleport fails to start, the installation of Teleport is reverted as described above.
+If `teleport-update` itself fails with an error, and an older version of `teleport-update` is available, the update will retry with the older version.
+If the agent losses its connection to the proxy, `teleport-update` updates the agent to the group's current desired version immediately.
+Known failure conditions caused by intentional configuration (e.g., updates disabled) will not trigger retry logic.
+#### Status
+To retrieve known information about agent updates, the `status` subcommand will return the following:
+ "agent_version_installed": "15.1.1",
+ "agent_version_desired": "15.1.2",
+ "agent_version_previous": "15.1.0",
+ "agent_update_time_last": "2020-12-10T16:00:00+00:00",
+ "agent_update_time_jitter": 600,
+ "agent_updates_enabled": true
+### Downgrades
+Downgrades may be necessary in cases where we have rolled out a bug or security vulnerability with critical impact.
+To initiate a downgrade, `agent_version` is set to an older version than it was previously set to.
+Downgrades are challenging, because `sqlite.db` used by newer version of Teleport may not be valid for older versions of Teleport.
+When Teleport is downgraded to a previous version that has a backup of `sqlite.db` present in `/var/lib/teleport/versions/OLD-VERSION/backup/`:
+1. `/var/lib/teleport/versions/OLD-VERSION/backup/backup.yaml` is validated to determine if the backup is usable (proxy and version must match, age must be less than cert lifetime, etc.)
+2. If the backup is valid, Teleport is fully stopped, the backup is restored along with symlinks, and the downgraded version of Teleport is started.
+3. If the backup is invalid, we refuse to downgrade.
+Downgrades are applied with `teleport-update update`, just like upgrades.
+The above steps modulate the standard workflow in the section above.
+If the downgraded version is already present, the uncompressed version is used to ensure fast recovery of the exact state before the failed upgrade.
+To ensure that the target version is was not corrupted by incomplete extraction, the downgrade checks for the existence of `/var/lib/teleport/versions/TARGET-VERSION/sha256` before downgrading.
+To ensure that the DB backup was not corrupted by incomplete copying, the downgrade checks for the existence of `/var/lib/teleport/versions/TARGET-VERSION/backup/backup.yaml` before restoring.
+Teleport must be fully-stopped to safely replace `sqlite.db`.
+When restarting the agent during an upgrade, `SIGHUP` is used.
+When restarting the agent during a downgrade, `systemd stop/start` are used before/after the downgrade.
+Teleport CA certificate rotations will break rollbacks.
+In the future, this could be addressed with additional validation of the agent's client certificate issuer fingerprints.
+For now, rolling forward will allow recovery from a broken rollback.
+Given that rollbacks may fail, we must maintain the following invariants:
+1. Broken rollbacks can always be reverted by reversing the rollback exactly.
+2. Broken versions can always be reverted by rolling back and then skipping the broken version.
+When rolling forward, the backup of the newer version's `sqlite.db` is only restored if that exact version is the roll-forward version.
+Otherwise, the older, rollback version of `sqlite.db` is preserved (i.e., the newer version's backup is not used).
+This ensures that a version update which broke the database can be recovered with a rollback and a new patch.
+It also ensures that a broken rollback is always recoverable by reversing the rollback.
+Example: Given v1, v2, v3 versions of Teleport, where v2 is broken:
+1. v1 -> v2 -> v1 -> v3 => DB from v1 is migrated directly to v3, avoiding v2 breakage.
+2. v1 -> v2 -> v1 -> v2 -> v3 => DB from v2 is recovered, in case v1 database no longer has a valid certificate.
+### Manual Workflow
+For use cases that fall outside of the functionality provided by `teleport-update`, we provide an alternative manual workflow using the `/v1/webapi/find` endpoint.
+This workflow supports customers that cannot use the auto-update mechanism provided by `teleport-update` because they use their own automation for updates (e.g., JamF or Ansible).
+Cluster administrators that want to self-manage agent updates may manually query the `/v1/webapi/find` endpoint using the host UUID, and implement auto-updates with their own automation.
+Cluster administrators that choose this path may use the `teleport` package without auto-updates enabled locally.
+### Installers
+The following install scripts will be updated to install the latest updater and run `teleport-update enable` with the proxy address:
+- [/api/types/installers/agentless-installer.sh.tmpl](https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/blob/d0a68fd82412b48cb54f664ae8500f625fb91e48/api/types/installers/agentless-installer.sh.tmpl)
+- [/api/types/installers/installer.sh.tmpl](https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/blob/d0a68fd82412b48cb54f664ae8500f625fb91e48/api/types/installers/installer.sh.tmpl)
+- [/lib/web/scripts/oneoff/oneoff.sh](https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/blob/d0a68fd82412b48cb54f664ae8500f625fb91e48/lib/web/scripts/oneoff/oneoff.sh)
+- [/lib/web/scripts/node-join/install.sh](https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/blob/d0a68fd82412b48cb54f664ae8500f625fb91e48/lib/web/scripts/node-join/install.sh)
+- [/assets/aws/files/install-hardened.sh](https://github.com/gravitational/teleport/blob/d0a68fd82412b48cb54f664ae8500f625fb91e48/assets/aws/files/install-hardened.sh)
+Eventually, additional logic from the scripts could be added to `teleport-update`, such that `teleport-update` can configure teleport.
+Moving additional logic into the updater is out-of-scope for this proposal.
+To create pre-baked VM or container images that reduce the complexity of the cluster joining operation, two workflows are permitted:
+- Install the `teleport` package and defer `teleport-update enable`, Teleport configuration, and `systemctl enable teleport` to cloud-init scripts.
+ This allows both the proxy address and token to be injected at VM initialization. The VM image may be used with any Teleport cluster.
+ Installers scripts will continue to function, as the package install operation will no-op.
+- Install the `teleport` package and run `teleport-update enable` before the image is baked, but defer final Teleport configuration and `systemctl enable teleport` to cloud-init scripts.
+ This allows the proxy address to be pre-set in the image. `teleport.yaml` can be partially configured during image creation. At minimum, the token must be injected via cloud-init scripts.
+ Installers scripts would be skipped in favor of the `teleport configure` command.
+It is possible for a VM or container image to be created with a baked-in join token.
+We should recommend against this workflow for security reasons, since a long-lived token improperly stored in an image could be leaked.
+Alternatively, users may prefer to skip pre-baked agent configuration, and run one of the script-based installers to join VMs to the cluster after the VM is started.
+Documentation should be created covering the above workflows.
+### Documentation
+The following documentation will need to be updated to cover the new updater workflow:
+- https://goteleport.com/docs/choose-an-edition/teleport-cloud/downloads
+- https://goteleport.com/docs/installation
+- https://goteleport.com/docs/upgrading/self-hosted-linux
+- https://goteleport.com/docs/upgrading/self-hosted-automatic-agent-updates
+Additionally, the Cloud dashboard tenants downloads tab will need to be updated to reference the new instructions.
+### Details - Kubernetes Agents
+The Kubernetes agent updater will be updated for compatibility with the new scheduling system.
+This means that it will stop reading update windows using the authenticated connection to the proxy, and instead update when indicated by the `/v1/webapi/find` endpoint.
+Rollbacks for the Kubernetes updater, as well as packaging changes to improve UX and compatibility, will be covered in a future RFD.
+## Migration
+The existing update system will remain in-place until the old auto-updater is fully deprecated.
+Both update systems can co-exist on the same machine.
+The old auto-updater will update the system package, which will not affect the `teleport-update`-managed installation.
+Eventually, the `cluster_maintenance_config` resource and `teleport-ent-upgrader` package will be deprecated.
+## Security
+The initial version of automatic updates will rely on TLS to establish
+connection authenticity to the Teleport download server. The authenticity of
+assets served from the download server is out of scope for this RFD. Cluster
+administrators concerned with the authenticity of assets served from the
+download server can use self-managed updates with system package managers which
+are signed.
+The Update Framework (TUF) will be used to implement secure updates in the future.
+Anyone who possesses an updater UUID can determine when that host is scheduled to update by repeatedly querying the public `/v1/webapi/find` endpoint.
+It is not possible to discover the current version of that host, only the designated update window.
+## Logging
+All installation steps will be logged locally, such that they are viewable with `journalctl`.
+Care will be taken to ensure that updater logs are sharable with Teleport Support for debugging and auditing purposes.
+When TUF is added, that events related to supply chain security may be sent to the Teleport cluster via the Teleport Agent.
+## Alternatives
+### `teleport update` Subcommand
+`teleport-update` is intended to be a minimal binary, with few dependencies, that is used to bootstrap initial Teleport agent installations.
+It may be baked into AMIs or containers.
+If the entire `teleport` binary were used instead, security scanners would match vulnerabilities all Teleport dependencies, so customers would have to handle rebuilding artifacts (e.g., AMIs) more often.
+Deploying these updates is often more disruptive than a soft restart of the agent triggered by the auto-updater.
+`teleport-update` will also handle `tbot` updates in the future, and it would be undesirable to distribute `teleport` with `tbot` just to enable automated updates.
+Finally, `teleport-update`'s API contract with the cluster must remain stable to ensure that outdated agent installations can always be recovered.
+The first version of `teleport-update` will need to work with Teleport v14 and all future versions of Teleport.
+This contract may be easier to manage with a separate artifact.
+### Mutually-Authenticated RPC for Update Boolean
+Agents will not always have a mutually-authenticated connection to auth to receive update instructions.
+For example, the agent may be in a failed state due to a botched upgrade, may be temporarily stopped, or may be newly installed.
+In the future, `tbot`-only installations may have expired certificates.
+Making the update boolean instruction available via the `/webapi/find` TLS endpoint reduces complexity as well as the risk of unrecoverable outages.
+## Execution Plan
+1. Implement Teleport APIs for new scheduling system (without backpressure strategy, canaries, or completion tracking)
+2. Implement new Linux server auto-updater in Go, including systemd-based rollbacks.
+3. Implement changes to Kubernetes auto-updater.
+4. Test extensively on all supported Linux distributions.
+5. Prep documentation changes.
+6. Release via `teleport` package and script for package-less installation.
+7. Release documentation changes.
+8. Communicate to users that they should update to the new system.
+9. Begin deprecation of old auto-updater resources, packages, and endpoints.
+10. Add healthcheck endpoint to Teleport agents and incorporate into rollback logic.
+11. Add progress and completion checking.
+12. Add canary functionality.
+13. Add backpressure functionality if necessary.
+14. Add DB backups if necessary.