+ {% if participant.balance > 0 %}
You have a balance of ${{ participant.balance }}.
+ What should we do with it?
If neither option works for you, please contact
+ support to otherwise deal with your balance before
+ closing your account.
+ {% endif %}
Personal Information
We immediately clear out most of the information in your
+ profile (though it may still exist in our database in event
+ logs, to be fully deleted once we sort out our data
+ retention policy).
Things we clear immediately include your “making the
+ world better” statement, any funding goal, the tips
+ you're receiving, and those you're giving. You'll also be
+ removed from any communities and teams you were a part of. If
+ you're closing a team account, all team members will be removed
+ from the team.
We specifically don't delete your past giving and
+ receiving history on the site, because that information also
+ belongs equally to other users (the ones you gave to and
+ received from).
After you close your account, your profile page will say,
+ “The account owner has closed this account.”
We may give your username to someone else if they ask for
+ it, but not for at least a year after you close your account
+ (unless we determine that you've been infringing a
+ trademark).
Until we give your username to someone else, you can use it
+ again if you ever decide to rejoin Gittip. Simply sign in.
We have no control over links to your profile from other
+ places on the Internet.
We have no control over content indexed by search engines
+ like Google.