The Egeria project provides content (standards, data, code and documentation) that is intended for wide consumption across many types of organizations - from those that rely on data in their operation - to organizations that have products or technology designed to help manage data and its related processing.
A project of this scope requires input from a wide range of subject matter experts with different backgrounds and allegiances. As such we need a set of principles, roles and operating practices to ensure the results of our contributions are useful, have high quality and are widely consumable.
The principles set the tone of the operation of Egeria:
- The activities of the project ensure open collaboration. Through this open collaboration we aim to build a community of people who are interested in the success of the project.
- The scope of the content is determined by the individuals who are actively contributing.
- The resulting content is licensed under the Apache 2.0 license.
- An individual's privileges and position is awarded through their contribution and engagement.
These principles should be respected as the procedures used to manage the Egeria project are evolved and matured.
Anyone can become a member of the Egeria community by signing up to the the Egeria mailing list, joining the slack community, attending the project online meetings or contributing content to one of more of the GitHub repositories.
The Community Guide describes how to connect to these channels.
All participants in the Egeria community are bound by the ODPi's Code of Conduct.
As a member you are able to attend our meetings, just to listen, or to play an active part in the discussion. The online meetings are recorded to allow community members to catch up if they are not able to attend the live meeting. When you attend the community meetings specifically, your name will be recorded in the meeting minutes along with any remarks or suggestions you make. The agenda and minutes of our community meetings are publicly available on the Egeria wiki.
A member may make contributions to the Egeria content by submitting a GitHub pull request on the appropriate Git repository. This will be reviewed and processed by the Egeria maintainers. The process for making a contribution is described in the Egeria Dojo education. Each contribution is signed by the contributor to confirm they agree to our Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).
Community members can progress to be Egeria Contributors and then Egeria Maintainers.
Egeria contributors are members who have actively taken additional steps to promote and foster the success of Egeria and its acceptance/adoption across the IT community. The activities that contributors engage in might include:
- Provide best practices for information governance, lineage, metadata management and other related disciplines during active discussions and/or development of material
- Actively participate in meetings and discussions
- Promote the goals of ODPi Egeria and the benefits of open metadata to the IT community (deliver presentations, informal talks, assist at trade shows, independent blogs, etc.)
- Assist in the recruitment of new members
- Contribute where appropriate to documentation and code reviews, specification development, demonstration assets and other artifacts that help move Egeria forward
Being recognized as an Egeria contributor is done by nomination of an Egeria maintainer with a majority vote of Egeria maintainers to confirm. Once confirmed, you will receive an Egeria Contributor badge to add to your social profiles and/or website, and can publicly refer to yourself as an Egeria contributor.
Egeria's contributors are recognized in the contributors list
Maintainers are members of the Egeria community that have permission to change the Egeria content. This may be content that they have created themselves, or has been provided by another member. Maintainers also have responsibility for helping other project members with their contributions. This includes:
- Monitoring email aliases.
- Monitoring Slack (delayed response is perfectly acceptable).
- Triage GitHub issues and perform pull request reviews for other maintainers and the community.
- Make sure that ongoing git pull requests are moving forward at the right pace or closing them.
- In general continue to be willing to spend at least 25% of one's time working on the project (approximately 1.25 business days per week).
New maintainers are voted onto the maintainers list by the existing maintainers - see maintainer list.
A person wishing to become a maintainer sends a note to the existing mailing list at [email protected], listing their Egeria contributions to date and requesting to be made a maintainer. The maintainers vote and if a majority agree then the requester is added to the maintainers list and given write access to the Egeria Git repositories.
Once confirmed, you will receive an an Egeria Maintainer badge to add to to add to your social profiles and/or website, and can publicly refer to yourself as an Egeria maintainer.
If a maintainer is no longer interested or cannot perform the maintainer duties listed above, they should volunteer to be moved to emeritus status. In extreme cases this can also occur by a vote of the maintainers per the voting process below. Emeritus maintainers can rejoin the maintainer list through a vote of the existing maintainers.
The leadership of ODPi Egeria is granted through a vote of the Egeria maintainers. ODPi Egeria is currently led by Mandy Chessell.
Some meetings are face-to-face, but most are conference calls.
Attendance at meetings is open to all. Conference calls can be joined without an explicit invitation.
However, due to physical security requirements at some of the venues we use,
it is necessary to ensure you are added to the invitee list of any face-to-face meetings
that you wish to attend and complete the necessary formalities for the venue.
For example, the face-to-face meeting may be at a conference that requires you to register for the conference to attend. Or a meeting may be at an organization's offices that are required to maintain a list of everyone on site.
Egeria uses the LF AI & Data Slack community to provide an ongoing dialogue between members. This creates a recorded discussion of design decisions and discussions that complement the project meetings.
Follow the link above and register with the LF AI & Data slack service using your email address. Once signed in you can see all of the active slack channels. The main slack channel for the Egeria project is called #egeria-discussion
Additional channels are added from time to time as new workgroups and discussion topics are established. For Egeria these channel names will begin with '#egeria', you can also view slack channels from other LF AI & Data projects.
Egeria uses the announce list to advertise events and news for the community, in addition to the discussion list for more general discussion.
The Egeria content is managed in GitHub under It may be developed using patches, branches from master, or forks/git pull requests. Each change should have a GitHub issue explaining why the change is being made. The new or updated content should follow the Egeria developer guidelines.
When new content proposed to the project, the person contributing is required to sign the contribution to confirm it conforms to the Developer Certificate of Origin (DCO).
The Egeria team aim to create an official release of the open metadata and governance capability every month. This release will be available to include in products and other technology through Maven's Central Repository, or through a download from the ODPi site. Details of the releases are maintained in the release notes.
In between official releases, the latest build is also available to developers in GitHub.
The process for creating a release is described in the developer-resources
In general, we prefer that technical issues and maintainer membership are amicably worked out between the persons involved. If a dispute cannot be decided independently, the maintainers can be called in to decide an issue. If the maintainers themselves cannot decide an issue, the issue will be resolved by voting. The voting process is a simple majority in which each maintainer receives one vote.
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License: CC BY 4.0, Copyright Contributors to the ODPi Egeria project.