diff --git a/apis/config/v1alpha1/projectconfig_types.go b/apis/config/v1alpha1/projectconfig_types.go
index a182146cb..37ac71dfa 100644
--- a/apis/config/v1alpha1/projectconfig_types.go
+++ b/apis/config/v1alpha1/projectconfig_types.go
@@ -75,8 +75,8 @@ type OpenShiftFeatureGates struct {
// More details: https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/latest/networking/understanding-networking.html
OpenShiftRoute bool `json:"openshiftRoute,omitempty"`
- // BaseDomain is used internally for redirect URL in gateway OpenShift auth mode.
- // If empty the operator automatically derives the domain from the cluster.
+ // BaseDomain is used internally for redirect URL in gateway OpenShift auth mode and as Ingress host.
+ // If empty and the route is enabled the operator automatically derives the domain from the cluster.
BaseDomain string `json:"baseDomain,omitempty"`
// ClusterTLSPolicy enables usage of TLS policies set in the API Server.
diff --git a/controllers/tempo/tempostack_create_or_update.go b/controllers/tempo/tempostack_create_or_update.go
index 7783bf908..0b4d0127e 100644
--- a/controllers/tempo/tempostack_create_or_update.go
+++ b/controllers/tempo/tempostack_create_or_update.go
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ func (r *TempoStackReconciler) createOrUpdate(ctx context.Context, log logr.Logg
- if tempo.Spec.Tenants != nil && tempo.Spec.Tenants.Mode == v1alpha1.ModeOpenShift && r.CtrlConfig.Gates.OpenShift.BaseDomain == "" {
+ if r.CtrlConfig.Gates.OpenShift.OpenShiftRoute && r.CtrlConfig.Gates.OpenShift.BaseDomain == "" {
domain, err := gateway.GetOpenShiftBaseDomain(ctx, r.Client)
if err != nil {
return err
diff --git a/docs/operator/feature-gates.md b/docs/operator/feature-gates.md
index 642b435c9..42f824bb7 100644
--- a/docs/operator/feature-gates.md
+++ b/docs/operator/feature-gates.md
@@ -772,8 +772,8 @@ string
- BaseDomain is used internally for redirect URL in gateway OpenShift auth mode.
-If empty the operator automatically derives the domain from the cluster.
+BaseDomain is used internally for redirect URL in gateway OpenShift auth mode and as Ingress host.
+If empty and the route is enabled the operator automatically derives the domain from the cluster.
diff --git a/internal/manifests/queryfrontend/query_frontend.go b/internal/manifests/queryfrontend/query_frontend.go
index 84b82d76d..4ea846b33 100644
--- a/internal/manifests/queryfrontend/query_frontend.go
+++ b/internal/manifests/queryfrontend/query_frontend.go
@@ -73,7 +73,7 @@ func BuildQueryFrontend(params manifestutils.Params) ([]client.Object, error) {
switch tempo.Spec.Template.QueryFrontend.JaegerQuery.Ingress.Type {
case v1alpha1.IngressTypeIngress:
- manifests = append(manifests, ingress(tempo))
+ manifests = append(manifests, ingress(tempo, params.CtrlConfig.Gates.OpenShift.BaseDomain))
case v1alpha1.IngressTypeRoute:
routeObj, err := route(tempo)
if err != nil {
@@ -433,7 +433,7 @@ func services(tempo v1alpha1.TempoStack) []*corev1.Service {
return []*corev1.Service{frontEndService, frontEndDiscoveryService}
-func ingress(tempo v1alpha1.TempoStack) *networkingv1.Ingress {
+func ingress(tempo v1alpha1.TempoStack, openshiftBaseDomain string) *networkingv1.Ingress {
queryFrontendName := naming.Name(manifestutils.QueryFrontendComponentName, tempo.Name)
labels := manifestutils.ComponentLabels(manifestutils.QueryFrontendComponentName, tempo.Name)
@@ -449,6 +449,12 @@ func ingress(tempo v1alpha1.TempoStack) *networkingv1.Ingress {
+ host := tempo.Spec.Template.QueryFrontend.JaegerQuery.Ingress.Host
+ // On OpenShift always use baseDomain, but on kubernetes it should be possible to configure the default backend
+ if host == "" && openshiftBaseDomain != "" {
+ host = fmt.Sprintf("%s-%s.%s", tempo.Name, tempo.Namespace, openshiftBaseDomain)
+ }
backend := networkingv1.IngressBackend{
Service: &networkingv1.IngressServiceBackend{
Name: queryFrontendName,
@@ -458,13 +464,13 @@ func ingress(tempo v1alpha1.TempoStack) *networkingv1.Ingress {
- if tempo.Spec.Template.QueryFrontend.JaegerQuery.Ingress.Host == "" {
+ if host == "" {
ingress.Spec.DefaultBackend = &backend
} else {
pathType := networkingv1.PathTypePrefix
ingress.Spec.Rules = []networkingv1.IngressRule{
- Host: tempo.Spec.Template.QueryFrontend.JaegerQuery.Ingress.Host,
+ Host: host,
IngressRuleValue: networkingv1.IngressRuleValue{
HTTP: &networkingv1.HTTPIngressRuleValue{
Paths: []networkingv1.HTTPIngressPath{
diff --git a/internal/manifests/queryfrontend/query_frontend_test.go b/internal/manifests/queryfrontend/query_frontend_test.go
index 938db204d..29bb1cc67 100644
--- a/internal/manifests/queryfrontend/query_frontend_test.go
+++ b/internal/manifests/queryfrontend/query_frontend_test.go
@@ -434,6 +434,69 @@ func TestQueryFrontendJaegerIngress(t *testing.T) {
}, objects[3].(*networkingv1.Ingress))
+func TestQueryFrontendJaegerIngressEmptyHostOpenShift(t *testing.T) {
+ tempo := v1alpha1.TempoStack{
+ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
+ Name: "test",
+ Namespace: "project1",
+ },
+ Spec: v1alpha1.TempoStackSpec{
+ Template: v1alpha1.TempoTemplateSpec{
+ QueryFrontend: v1alpha1.TempoQueryFrontendSpec{
+ JaegerQuery: v1alpha1.JaegerQuerySpec{
+ Enabled: true,
+ Ingress: v1alpha1.IngressSpec{
+ Type: v1alpha1.IngressTypeIngress,
+ Host: "",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }
+ ing := ingress(tempo, "apps-crc.testing")
+ require.NotNil(t, ing)
+ pathType := networkingv1.PathTypePrefix
+ assert.Equal(t, &networkingv1.Ingress{
+ ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{
+ Name: "tempo-test-query-frontend",
+ Namespace: "project1",
+ Labels: map[string]string{
+ "app.kubernetes.io/component": "query-frontend",
+ "app.kubernetes.io/instance": "test",
+ "app.kubernetes.io/managed-by": "tempo-operator",
+ "app.kubernetes.io/name": "tempo",
+ },
+ },
+ Spec: networkingv1.IngressSpec{
+ Rules: []networkingv1.IngressRule{
+ {
+ Host: "test-project1.apps-crc.testing",
+ IngressRuleValue: networkingv1.IngressRuleValue{
+ HTTP: &networkingv1.HTTPIngressRuleValue{
+ Paths: []networkingv1.HTTPIngressPath{
+ {
+ Path: "/",
+ PathType: &pathType,
+ Backend: networkingv1.IngressBackend{
+ Service: &networkingv1.IngressServiceBackend{
+ Name: "tempo-test-query-frontend",
+ Port: networkingv1.ServiceBackendPort{
+ Name: "jaeger-ui",
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ },
+ }, ing)
func TestQueryFrontendJaegerRoute(t *testing.T) {
objects, err := BuildQueryFrontend(manifestutils.Params{Tempo: v1alpha1.TempoStack{
ObjectMeta: metav1.ObjectMeta{