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+# Updating OpenTelemetry Collector dependencies
+The Agent depends on various OpenTelemetry (Otel) modules such as these:
+The dependencies mostly come from these repositories:
+* [opentelemetry-collector](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector)
+* [opentelemetry-collector-contrib](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib)
+* [opentelemetry-go](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go)
+Unfortunately, updating Otel dependencies is not straightforward:
+* Some of the modules in `opentelemetry-collector` come from a [grafana/opentelemetry-collector](https://github.com/grafana/opentelemetry-collector) fork.
+ * This is mostly so that we can include metrics of Collector components with the metrics shown under the Agent's `/metrics` endpoint.
+* All Collector and Collector-Contrib dependencies should be updated at the same time, because they
+ are kept in sync on the same version.
+ * E.g. if we use `v0.85.0` of `go.opentelemetry.io/collector`, we also use `v0.85.0` of `spanmetricsprocessor`.
+ * This is in line with how the Collector itself imports dependencies.
+ * It helps us avoid bugs.
+ * It makes it easier to communicate to customers the version of Collector which we use in the Agent.
+ * Unfortunately, updating everything at once makes it tedious to check if any of our docs or code need updating due to changes in Collector components. A lot of these checks are manual - for example, cross checking the Otel config and Otel documentation between versions.
+ * There are some exceptions for modules which don't follow the same versioning. For example, `collector/pdata` is usually on a different version, like `v1.0.0-rcv0013`.
+## Updating walkthrough
+### Update the Grafana fork of Otel Collector
+1. Create a new release branch from the [opentelemetry release branch](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector) with a `-grafana` suffix under [grafana/opentelemetry-collector](https://github.com/grafana/opentelemetry-collector). For example, if porting branch `v0.86.0`, make a branch under the fork repo called `0.86-grafana`.
+2. Check which branch of the fork repo the Agent currently uses.
+3. See what commits were pushed onto that branch to customize it.
+4. Create a PR to cherry-pick the same commits to the new branch. See the [changes to the 0.85 branch](https://github.com/grafana/opentelemetry-collector/pull/8) for an example PR.
+### Update the Agent's dependencies
+1. Make sure we use the same version of Collector and Collector-Contrib for all relevant modules. For example, if we use version `v0.86.0` of Collector, we should also use version `v0.86.0` for all Contrib modules.
+2. Update the `replace` directives in the go.mod file to point to the latest commit of the forked release branch. Use a command like this:
+ ```
+ go mod edit -replace=go.opentelemetry.io/collector=github.com/grafana/opentelemetry-collector@asdf123jkl
+ ```
+ Repeat this for any other modules where a replacement is necessary. For debugging purposes, you can first have the replace directive pointing to your local repo.
+3. Note that sometimes Collector depends on packages with "rc" versions such as `v1.0.0-rcv0013`. This is ok, as long as the go.mod of Collector also references the same versions - for example, [pdata](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/blob/v0.81.0/go.mod#L25) and [featuregate](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/blob/v0.81.0/go.mod#L24).
+### Update otelcol Flow components
+1. Note which Otel components are in use by the Agent.
+ * For every "otelcol" Flow component there is usually a corresponding Collector component.
+ * For example, the Otel component used by [otelcol.auth.sigv4](https://grafana.com/docs/agent/latest/flow/reference/components/otelcol.auth.sigv4/) is [sigv4auth](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/main/extension/sigv4authextension).
+ * In some cases we don't use the corresponding Collector component:
+ * For example, [otelcol.receiver.prometheus](https://grafana.com/docs/agent/latest/flow/reference/components/otelcol.receiver.prometheus/) and [otelcol.exporter.prometheus](https://grafana.com/docs/agent/latest/flow/reference/components/otelcol.exporter.prometheus/).
+ * Those components usually have a note like this:
+ > NOTE: otelcol.exporter.prometheus is a custom component unrelated to the prometheus exporter from OpenTelemetry Collector.
+2. Make a list of the components which have changed since the previously used version.
+ 1. Go through the changelogs of both [Collector](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector/releases) and [Collector-Contrib](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/releases).
+ 2. If a component which is in use by the Agent has changed, note it down.
+3. For each Otel component which has changed, compare how they changed.
+ 1. Compare the old and new version of Otel's documentation.
+ 2. Compare the config.go file to see if new parameters were added.
+4. Update the Agent's code and documentation where needed.
+ * Pay attention to stability labels:
+ * Never lower the stability label in the Agent. E.g. if the stability
+ of an Otel component is "alpha", there are cases where it might be
+ stable in the Agent and that is ok. Stability labels in the Agent can
+ be increased, but not decreased.
+ * If the stability level of an Otel component has increased, consult
+ the rest of the team on whether the stability of the corresponding
+ Agent component should also be increased.
+ * Update the [documentation](https://grafana.com/docs/agent/latest/static/configuration/traces-config/)
+ for Static mode's Tracing subsystem:.
+ * Static mode's Tracing subsystem code should generally not updated to
+ have new parameters which have been added to the Otel components recently.
+ If you do think it should be updated, check with the rest of the team on
+ whether it is really necessary.
+5. Some Agent components reuse OpenTelemetry code, but do not import it:
+ * `otelcol.extension.jaeger_remote_sampling`: a lot of this code has
+ been copy-pasted from Otel and modified slightly to fit the Agent's needs.
+ This component needs to be updated by copy-pasting the new Otel code
+ and modifying it again.
+6. Note that we don't port every single config option which OpenTelemetry Collector exposes.
+ For example, Collector's [oauth2client extension](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-collector-contrib/tree/v0.85.0/extension/oauth2clientauthextension) supports `client_id_file` and `client_secret_file`
+ parameters. However, Agent's [otelcol.auth.oauth2](https://grafana.com/docs/agent/latest/flow/reference/components/otelcol.auth.oauth2/) does not support them because the idiomatic way of doing the same
+ in the Agent is to use the local.file component.
+7. When updating semantic conventions, check those the changelogs of those repositories for breaking changes:
+ * [opentelemetry-go](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-go/releases)
+ * [semantic-conventions](https://github.com/open-telemetry/semantic-conventions/releases)
+ * [opentelemetry-specification](https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-specification/releases)
+You can refer to [PR #5290](https://github.com/grafana/agent/pull/5290)
+for an example on how to update the Agent.
+## Testing
+### Testing a tracing pipeline locally
+You can use the resources in the [Tempo repository](https://github.com/grafana/tempo/tree/main/example/docker-compose/agent) to create a local source of traces using k6. You can also start your own Tempo and Grafana instances.
+1. Comment out the "agent" and "prometheus" sections in the [docker-compose](https://github.com/grafana/tempo/blob/main/example/docker-compose/agent/docker-compose.yaml). We don't need this - instead, we will start our own locally built Agent.
+2. Change the "k6-tracing" endpoint to send traces on the localhost, outside of the Docker container.
+ * For example, use `ENDPOINT=host.docker.internal:4320`.
+ * Then our local Agent should be configured to accept traces on ``.
+3. Optionally, e.g. if you prefer Grafana Cloud, comment out the "tempo" and "grafana" sections of the docker-compose file.
+4. Add a second k6 instance if needed - for example, when testing a Static Agent which has 2 Traces instances.
+### Static mode
+The [tracing subsystem](https://grafana.com/docs/agent/latest/static/configuration/traces-config/) is the only part of Static mode which uses Otel. Try to test as many features of it using a config file like this one:
+ Example Static config
+ log_level: debug
+ positions_directory: "/Users/ExampleUser/Desktop/otel_test/test_log_pos_dir"
+ configs:
+ - name: "grafanacloud-oteltest-logs"
+ clients:
+ - url: "https://logs-prod-008.grafana.net/loki/api/v1/push"
+ basic_auth:
+ username: "USERNAME"
+ password: "PASSWORD"
+ configs:
+ - name: firstConfig
+ receivers:
+ otlp:
+ protocols:
+ grpc:
+ endpoint: ""
+ remote_write:
+ - endpoint: tempo-prod-06-prod-gb-south-0.grafana.net:443
+ basic_auth:
+ username: "USERNAME"
+ password: "PASSWORD"
+ batch:
+ timeout: 5s
+ send_batch_size: 100
+ automatic_logging:
+ backend: "logs_instance"
+ logs_instance_name: "grafanacloud-oteltest-logs"
+ roots: true
+ spanmetrics:
+ handler_endpoint: "localhost:8899"
+ namespace: "otel_test_"
+ tail_sampling:
+ policies:
+ [
+ {
+ name: test-policy-4,
+ type: probabilistic,
+ probabilistic: {sampling_percentage: 100}
+ },
+ ]
+ service_graphs:
+ enabled: true
+ - name: secondConfig
+ receivers:
+ otlp:
+ protocols:
+ grpc:
+ endpoint: ""
+ remote_write:
+ - endpoint: tempo-prod-06-prod-gb-south-0.grafana.net:443
+ basic_auth:
+ username: "USERNAME"
+ password: "PASSWORD"
+ batch:
+ timeout: 5s
+ send_batch_size: 100
+ tail_sampling:
+ policies:
+ [
+ {
+ name: test-policy-4,
+ type: probabilistic,
+ probabilistic: {sampling_percentage: 100}
+ },
+ ]
+ service_graphs:
+ enabled: true
+Run this file for two types of Agents - an upgraded one, and another one built using the codebase of the `main` branch. Check the following:
+* Open `localhost:12345/metrics` in your browser for both Agents.
+ * Are new metrics added? Mention them in the changelog.
+ * Are metrics missing? Did any metrics change names? If it's intended, mention them in the changelog and the upgrade guide.
+* Try opening `localhost:8888/metrics` in your browser for the new Agent. 8888 is the Collector's default port for exposing metrics. Make sure this page doesn't display anything - the Agent should use port `12345` instead.
+* Check the logs for errors or anything else that's suspicious.
+* Check Tempo to make sure the traces were received.
+* Check Loki to make sure the logs generated from traces got received.
+* Check `localhost:8899/metrics` to make sure the span metrics are being generated.
+### Flow mode
+The "otelcol" [components](https://grafana.com/docs/agent/latest/flow/reference/components/) are the only part of Flow mode which uses Otel. Try to test as many of them as possible using a config file like this one:
+ Example Flow config
+otelcol.receiver.otlp "default" {
+ grpc {
+ endpoint = ""
+ }
+ output {
+ traces = [otelcol.processor.batch.default.input]
+ }
+otelcol.processor.batch "default" {
+ timeout = "5s"
+ send_batch_size = 100
+ output {
+ traces = [otelcol.processor.tail_sampling.default.input]
+ }
+otelcol.processor.tail_sampling "default" {
+ decision_wait = "5s"
+ num_traces = 50000
+ expected_new_traces_per_sec = 0
+ policy {
+ name = "test-policy-1"
+ type = "probabilistic"
+ probabilistic {
+ sampling_percentage = 10
+ }
+ }
+ policy {
+ name = "test-policy-2"
+ type = "status_code"
+ status_code {
+ status_codes = ["ERROR"]
+ }
+ }
+ output {
+ traces = [otelcol.exporter.otlp.default.input]
+ }
+otelcol.exporter.otlp "default" {
+ client {
+ endpoint = "localhost:4317"
+ tls {
+ insecure = true
+ }
+ }
+Run this file for two types of Agents - an upgraded one, and another one built using the codebase of the `main` branch. Check the following:
+* Open `localhost:12345/metrics` in your browser for both Agents.
+ * Are new metrics added? Mention them in the changelog.
+ * Are metrics missing? Did any metrics change names? If it's intended, mention them in the changelog and the upgrade guide.
+* Check the logs for errors or anything else that's suspicious.
+* Check Tempo to make sure the traces were received.