This is a simulation of aliens who are about to invade the earth, the world map consists of cities each city is connected to other cities following a specific direction (north, south, east, west). The aliens are placed randomly on the map, and they move randomly following valid links between cities; if two or more aliens are found in one city, their connection and aliens are destroyed.
- The city names can only contain alphabets
- The connection/link between two cities is not directed
- If two or more than two aliens are in one city the city is destroyed
- For every iteration, all aliens move unless the alien is trapped
- The simulation ends if
- the number of iterations are completed
- if all aliens are trapped
- First install GoLang
- First parameter is NumberOfAliens, default is 2.
- Second parameter is FilePath, default is the below map.
Foo north=Bar west=Baz south=Qu-ux
Bar south=Foo west=Bee
Bee east=Bar
Baz east=Foo
Qu-ux north=Foo
- Execute the simulation
go run cmd/main.go [NumberOfAliens] [FilePath]
- Run the below command
go run cmd/main.go 10
- Output example
Bar has been destroyed by 1 2!
All aliens are trapped/dead, simulation is done...
Baz east=Foo
Foo west=Baz south=Qu-ux
Qu-ux north=Foo
- Run test cases
cd internal
go test
- Generate coverage report
go test -coverprofile=coverage.out # Generate coverage file
go tool cover -html=coverage.out # Open coverage report
go tool cover -html=coverage.out -o coverage.html # Save the coverage report file