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Kevin Reid edited this page Apr 16, 2015 · 1 revision

(legacy summary: causes this to bind to the global object) (legacy labels: Attack-Vector) or Function.apply can leak window with certain this-values.


Expose the global scope.

Background and Function.apply methods invoke the function with a specific value of this, and apply allows an array-like object to be substituted for the argument list.

They are described in EcmaScript 262 section 15.3.4.{3,4}:

\ Function.prototype.apply (thisArg, argArray) The apply method takes two arguments, thisArg and argArray, and performs a function call using the [Call] property of the object. If the object does not have a [Call] property, a TypeError exception is thrown.

If thisArg is null or undefined, the called function is passed the global object as the this value.

Otherwise, the called function is passed ToObject(thisArg) as the this value. ...


Code in untrusted functions can access this, and can access either the call or apply methods.

This cannot be determined to be safe at runtime.




(function () { alert(this === window); }).call(null);

(function () { alert(this === window); }).call(undefined);

alert(window === ([]);

alert(window === ([]);

// Firefox2 only.  []
var o = { valueOf: function () { return null } };
(function () { alert(this === window); }).call(o);
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