title |
T-Bears Command Line Interface Reference Guide |
This page contains information about the T-Bears CLI commands and their arguments. This CLI reference guide includes details about T-Bears version [TOC]
usage: tbears [-h] [-v] command ...
tbears v1.1.0.1 arguments
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-v, --verbose Verbose mode
Available commands:
If you want to see help message of commands, use "tbears command -h"
start Start tbears service
stop Stop tbears service
deploy Deploy the SCORE
clear Clear all SCOREs deployed on tbears service
test Run the unittest in the project
init Initialize tbears project
samples This command has been deprecated since v1.1.0
genconf Generate tbears config files. (tbears_server_config.json,
tbears_cli_config.json and keystore_test1)
console Get into tbears interactive mode by embedding IPython
txresult Get transaction result by transaction hash
transfer Transfer ICX coin.
keystore Create a keystore file in the specified path
balance Get balance of given address in loop unit
totalsupply Query total supply of ICX in loop unit
scoreapi Get score's api using given score address
txbyhash Get transaction by transaction hash
lastblock Get last block's info
blockbyhash Get block info using given block hash
Get block info using given block height
sendtx Request icx_sendTransaction with the specified json file and
keystore file. If keystore file is not given, tbears sends
request as it is in the json file.
call Request icx_call with the specified json file.
This chapter discusses the following sections.
- T-Bears Service Commands
- T-Bears SCORE Commands
- Other ICON JSON-RPC API Commands
- T-Bears Utility Commands
Commands that manage the T-Bears service. There are three commands start
, stop
and clear
- Description
Start T-Bears service. Whenever T-Bears service starts, it loads the configuration from
file. If you want to use other configuration file, you can specify the file location with the '-c' option. - Usage
usage: tbears start [-h] [-a HOSTADDRESS] [-p PORT] [-c CONFIG]
Start tbears service
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
Address to host on (default:
-p PORT, --port PORT Port to host on (default: 9000)
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
tbears configuration file path (default:
- Example
$ tbears start -p 9100 -c ./tbears_server_config.json
Started tbears service successfully
$ tbears start -p 9100 -c ./tbears_server_config.json
port 9100 already in use. use other port.
- Description Stop all running SCOREs and T-Bears service.
- Usage
usage: tbears stop [-h]
Stop all running SCOREs and tbears service
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- Example
$ tbears stop
Stopped tbears service successfully
- Description Clear all SCOREs deployed on local T-Bears service.
- Usage
usage: tbears clear [-h]
Clear all SCOREs deployed on local tbears service
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- Example
$ tbears clear
Cleared SCORE deployed on tbears successfully
These commands are related to SCORE development, test and deployment. init
generates SCORE project template. test
is used to run unittest in the SCORE. deploy
is used to deploy the SCORE. `scoreapi', 'sendtx' and 'call' are used to query and call the external method of the SCORE.
- Description
Initialize SCORE development environment. Generate <project>.py, package.json and test code in <project> directory. The name of the SCORE class is <scoreClass>. Default configuration files,
used when starting T-Bears andtbears_cli_config.json
used when deploying SCORE, are also generated. - Usage
usage: tbears init [-h] project scoreClass
Initialize SCORE development environment. Generate <project>.py, package.json
and test code in <project> directory. The name of the score class is
positional arguments:
project Project name
scoreClass SCORE class name
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- Example
$ tbears init project_test TestScore
Initialized project_test successfully
$ tbears init project_test TestScore
error: argument project: 'project_test' must be empty
- File Description
Item | Description |
tbears_server_config.json | T-Bears default configuration file will be created on the working directory. |
tbears_cli_config.json | Configuration file for CLI commands will be created on the working directory. |
keystore_test1 | Keystore file for test account will be created on the working directory. |
<project> | SCORE project name. Project directory is created with the same name. |
<project>/__init__.py | __init__.py file to make the project directory recognized as a python package. |
<project>/package.json | Contains the information needed when SCORE is loaded. "main_file" and "main_class" is necessary. |
<project>/.py | SCORE main file. ABCToken class is defined. |
<project>/tests | Directory for SCORE test code. |
<project>/tests/__init__.py | __init__.py file to make the test directory recognized as a python package. |
<project>/tests/test_.py | SCORE test main file. |
- Description Run the unittest in the SCORE project.
- Usage
usage: tbears test [-h] project
Run the unittest in the project
positional arguments:
project Project directory path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- Example
tbears test project_test/
Ran 2 tests in 0.180s
- Description Deploy the SCORE. You can deploy it on local T-Bears service or on ICON network.
file contains the deployment configuration properties. If you want to use other configuration file, you can specify the file location with the '-c' option.
- Usage
usage: tbears deploy [-h] [-u URI] [-t {tbears,zip}] [-m {install,update}]
[-f FROM] [-o TO] [-k KEYSTORE] [-n NID] [-p PASSWORD]
Deploy the SCORE
positional arguments:
project Project directory path or zip file path
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URI, --node-uri URI
URI of node (default:
-t {tbears,zip}, --type {tbears,zip}
This option has been deprecated since v1.0.5. Deploy
command supports zip type only
-m {install,update}, --mode {install,update}
Deploy mode (default: install)
-f FROM, --from FROM From address. i.e. SCORE owner address
-o TO, --to TO To address. i.e. SCORE address
-k KEYSTORE, --key-store KEYSTORE
Keystore file path. Used to generate "from" address
and transaction signature
-n NID, --nid NID Network ID
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
keystore file's password
-s STEPLIMIT, --step-limit STEPLIMIT
Step limit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
deploy config path (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)
- Example
$ tbears deploy score_proj
error: argument project: There is no 'score_proj'
# deploy SCORE with keystore file
$ tbears deploy project_test/ -k keystore_test1
Input your keystore password:
Send deploy request successfully.
If you want to check SCORE deployed successfully, execute txresult command
transaction hash: 0xe5a15bdb4f54055c01c6c2b931c3d37eb2e2c09ef1a04b25b97ae328a882051a
# update SCORE with keystore file
$ tbears deploy project_test/ -m update -o cxd5dd40e1565bc97910ba97a40907d43574a05aa4 -k keystore_test1
Input your keystore password:
Send deploy request successfully.
If you want to check SCORE deployed successfully, execute txresult command
transaction hash: 0xa2e1941dd3aaf607d05aecd48af6eb8108be32bc3368fe30ea58d7dfad907551
- Description Get list of APIs that the given SCORE provides. Please refer to icx_getScoreApi of ICON JSON-RPC API v3 for details.
- Usage
usage: tbears scoreapi [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] address
Get score's api using given score address
positional arguments:
address Score address to query score api
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URI, --node-uri URI
URI of node (default:
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file path. This file defines the default
value for the "uri" (default:
- Example
$ tbears scoreapi hxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb
error: argument address: Invalid address 'hxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb'. Address must start with 'cx'
$ tbears scoreapi cxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb
Got an error response
Can not get cxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb's API
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32602,
"message": "SCORE is inactive: cxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb"
"id": 1
$ tbears scoreapi cxd5dd40e1565bc97910ba97a40907d43574a05aa4
"type": "fallback",
"name": "fallback",
"inputs": []
"type": "function",
"name": "hello",
"inputs": [],
"outputs": [
"type": "str"
"readonly": "0x1"
- Description
with the specified json file. - Usage
usage: tbears sendtx [-h] [-u URI] [-k KEYSTORE] [-c CONFIG] [-p PASSWORD]
Request icx_sendTransaction with the specified json file and keystore file. If
keystore file is not given, tbears sends request as it is in the json file.
positional arguments:
json_file File path containing icx_sendTransaction content
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URI, --node-uri URI
URI of node (default:
-k KEYSTORE, --key-store KEYSTORE
Keystore file path. Used to generate "from"address and
transaction signature
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file path. This file defines the default
value for the "uri" (default:
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Keystore file's password
- Example
$ cat send.json
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "icx_sendTransaction",
"id": 1234,
"params": {
"version": "0x3",
"to": "cx19c17c9c7a31f4820bf15daf0dd2e61e47db08b8",
"value": "0x0",
"stepLimit": "0x200000",
"nid": "0x3",
"nonce": "0x123461",
"dataType": "call",
"data": {
"method": "transfer",
"params": {
"_to": "hx08624fb0feec1a41957032c3c853e73850aedae1",
"_value": "0x1"
$ tbears sendtx send.json -k keystore_test1
input your keystore password:
Send transaction request successfully.
transaction hash: 0xc8a3e3f77f21f8f1177d829cbc4c0ded6fd064cc8e42ef309dacff5c0a952289
- Description
with the specified json file. - Usage
usage: tbears call [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] json_file
Request icx_call with the specified json file.
positional arguments:
json_file File path containing icx_call content
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URI, --node-uri URI
URI of node (default:
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file path. This file defines the default
value for the "uri" (default:
- Example
$ cat call.json
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"method": "icx_call",
"params": {
"from": "hxef73db5d0ad02eb1fadb37d0041be96bfa56d4e6",
"to": "cx53d5080a7d8a805bb10eb9bc64637809dc910832",
"dataType": "call",
"data": {
"method": "hello"
"id": 1
$ tbears call call.json
response : {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": "hello",
"id": 1
Commands that are related to ICX coin, transaction, and block.
- Description Transfer designated amount of ICX coins.
- Usage
usage: tbears transfer [-h] [-f FROM] [-k KEYSTORE] [-n NID] [-u URI]
to value
Transfer ICX coin.
positional arguments:
to Recipient
value Amount of ICX coin in loop to transfer (1 icx = 1e18
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-f FROM, --from FROM From address.
-k KEYSTORE, --key-store KEYSTORE
Keystore file path. Used to generate "from" address
and transaction signature
-n NID, --nid NID Network ID (default: 0x3)
-u URI, --node-uri URI
URI of node (default:
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Keystore file's password
-s STEPLIMIT, --step-limit STEPLIMIT
Step limit
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file path. This file defines the default
values for the properties "keyStore", "uri", "from"
and "stepLimit". (default: ./tbears_cli_config.json)
- Example
$ tbears transfer -f hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa hxbbaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab 100
Got an error response
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"error": {
"code": -32600,
"message": "Out of balance: balance(0) < value(100) + fee(0)"
"id": 1
$ tbears transfer hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa 1e18 -k keystore_test1
Input your keystore password:
Send transfer request successfully.
transaction hash: 0x6334856b5da9b2d4d841c1bbfa27fc0a0f3568d17bb9cac91302ce64f83aa6db
- Description Get balance of given address.
- Usage
usage: tbears balance [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] address
Get balance of given address in loop unit
positional arguments:
address Address to query the ICX balance
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URI, --node-uri URI
URI of node (default:
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file path. This file defines the default
value for the "uri" (default:
- Example
$ tbears balance hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
balance in hex: 0xde0b6b3a7640000
balance in decimal: 1000000000000000000
$ tbears balance hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaab
balance in hex: 0x0
balance in decimal: 0
$ tbears balance cxd5dd40e1565bc97910ba97a40907d43574a05aa4
balance in hex: 0x0
balance in decimal: 0
$ tbears balance hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa
error: argument address: Invalid address 'hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa'
- Description Query total supply of ICX.
- Usage
usage: tbears totalsupply [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG]
Query total supply of ICX in loop unit
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URI, --node-uri URI
URI of node (default:
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file path. This file defines the default
value for the "uri" (default:
- Example
$ tbears totalsupply
Total supply of ICX in hex: 0x52c3fff19494c464f000000
Total supply of ICX in decimal: 1600920000000000000000000000
- Description Get transaction result by transaction hash.
- Usage
usage: tbears txresult [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] hash
Get transaction result by transaction hash
positional arguments:
hash Hash of the transaction to be queried.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URI, --node-uri URI
URI of node (default:
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file path. This file defines the default
value for the "uri" (default:
- Example
# update SCORE
$ tbears txresult 0xa2e1941dd3aaf607d05aecd48af6eb8108be32bc3368fe30ea58d7dfad907551
Transaction result: {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"txHash": "0xa2e1941dd3aaf607d05aecd48af6eb8108be32bc3368fe30ea58d7dfad907551",
"blockHeight": "0x10",
"blockHash": "0xb8f13a792808f8be5a7169d51f5562ab9913aaccb925d048cb6e4877d0659041",
"txIndex": "0x0",
"to": "cxd5dd40e1565bc97910ba97a40907d43574a05aa4",
"scoreAddress": "cxd5dd40e1565bc97910ba97a40907d43574a05aa4",
"stepUsed": "0x14f68d8",
"stepPrice": "0x0",
"cumulativeStepUsed": "0x14f68d8",
"eventLogs": [],
"logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"status": "0x1"
"id": 1
# transfer ICX
$ tbears txresult 0x6334856b5da9b2d4d841c1bbfa27fc0a0f3568d17bb9cac91302ce64f83aa6db
Transaction result: {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"txHash": "0x6334856b5da9b2d4d841c1bbfa27fc0a0f3568d17bb9cac91302ce64f83aa6db",
"blockHeight": "0xd7",
"blockHash": "0x59ec3abfada762374c9cfd058d1d950f5e22c989e01bcb9b15c378d980ed83aa",
"txIndex": "0x0",
"to": "hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
"stepUsed": "0xf4240",
"stepPrice": "0x0",
"cumulativeStepUsed": "0xf4240",
"eventLogs": [],
"logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"status": "0x1"
"id": 1
- Description Get transaction information by transaction hash
- Usage
usage: tbears txbyhash [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] hash
Get transaction by transaction hash
positional arguments:
hash Hash of the transaction to be queried.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URI, --node-uri URI
URI of node (default:
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file path. This file defines the default
value for the "uri" (default:
- Example
# update SCORE
$ tbears txbyhash 0xa2e1941dd3aaf607d05aecd48af6eb8108be32bc3368fe30ea58d7dfad907551
Transaction: {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"version": "0x3",
"from": "hxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb",
"value": "0x0",
"stepLimit": "0x10000000",
"timestamp": "0x5815832d55c63",
"nid": "0x3",
"nonce": "0x1",
"to": "cxd5dd40e1565bc97910ba97a40907d43574a05aa4",
"data": {
"contentType": "application/zip",
"content": "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",
"params": {}
"dataType": "deploy",
"signature": "meNJOxl5yFwY54Qks9vNAP7AgbNF78uRIPYWEUCfKrxZy5x0Cm5OS7bekdevWQY0tym2ENnMiggzZyF/cdemHwA=",
"txHash": "0xa2e1941dd3aaf607d05aecd48af6eb8108be32bc3368fe30ea58d7dfad907551",
"txIndex": "0x0",
"blockHeight": "0x10",
"blockHash": "0xb8f13a792808f8be5a7169d51f5562ab9913aaccb925d048cb6e4877d0659041"
"id": 1
# transfer ICX
$ tbears txbyhash 0x6334856b5da9b2d4d841c1bbfa27fc0a0f3568d17bb9cac91302ce64f83aa6db
Transaction: {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"version": "0x3",
"from": "hxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb",
"value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000",
"stepLimit": "0xf4240",
"timestamp": "0x58158a99c47be",
"nid": "0x3",
"nonce": "0x1",
"to": "hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
"signature": "p+e2Ko4QmJtBrTupfeAIcHNndAmQuXyNMPPS+1VnWc01CYKMcQATerEAFLTWnjSVvrloYhCiDiyclZg3wpqDxwA=",
"txHash": "0x6334856b5da9b2d4d841c1bbfa27fc0a0f3568d17bb9cac91302ce64f83aa6db",
"txIndex": "0x0",
"blockHeight": "0xd7",
"blockHash": "0x59ec3abfada762374c9cfd058d1d950f5e22c989e01bcb9b15c378d980ed83aa"
"id": 1
- Description Query last block information. When running on T-Bears service, "merkle_tree_root_hash" and "signature" will be empty.
- Usage
usage: tbears lastblock [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG]
Get last block's info
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URI, --node-uri URI
URI of node (default:
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file path. This file defines the default
value for the "uri" (default:
- Example
$ tbears lastblock
block info : {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"version": "tbears",
"prev_block_hash": "815c0fd7a0dd4594bb19ee39030c1bd91c200878f1f456fe8dd7ff4e0a19b839",
"merkle_tree_root_hash": "tbears_block_manager_does_not_support_block_merkle_tree",
"time_stamp": 1533719896011654,
"confirmed_transaction_list": [
"version": "0x3",
"from": "hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
"value": "0x0",
"stepLimit": "0x3000000",
"timestamp": "0x572e8fd95db26",
"nid": "0x3",
"nonce": "0x1",
"to": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"data": {
"contentType": "application/zip",
"content": "0x32b34cfa39993fa093e",
"params": {}
"dataType": "deploy",
"signature": "sig"
"block_hash": "28e6e4710c56e053920b95df0058317a4ac641b16d17d64db7f958e8a5650391",
"height": 322,
"peer_id": "fb5f43dc-9aeb-11e8-a31b-acde48001122",
"signature": "tbears_block_manager_does_not_support_block_signature"
"id": 1
- Description Get block information using given block height.
- Usage
usage: tbears blockbyheight [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] height
Get block info using given block height
positional arguments:
height height of the block to be queried.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URI, --node-uri URI
URI of node (default:
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file path. This file defines the default
value for the "uri" (default:
- Example
$ tbears blockbyheight 0
block info : {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"version": "tbears",
"prev_block_hash": "",
"merkle_tree_root_hash": "tbears_block_manager_does_not_support_block_merkle_tree",
"time_stamp": 1549590537907591,
"confirmed_transaction_list": [
"nid": "0x3",
"accounts": [
"name": "genesis",
"address": "hx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"balance": "0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000"
"name": "fee_treasury",
"address": "hx1000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"balance": "0x0"
"name": "test1",
"address": "hxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb",
"balance": "0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000"
"block_hash": "ecde4cc74881d75c65a3009f68c6ed00e7eb247fffb31c6317ba105cbec53fba",
"height": 0,
"peer_id": "",
"signature": ""
"id": 1
- Description Get block information using given block hash.
- Usage
usage: tbears blockbyhash [-h] [-u URI] [-c CONFIG] hash
Get block info using given block hash
positional arguments:
hash Hash of the block to be queried.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-u URI, --node-uri URI
URI of node (default:
-c CONFIG, --config CONFIG
Configuration file path. This file defines the default
value for the "uri" (default:
- Example
$ tbears blockbyhash 0x59ec3abfada762374c9cfd058d1d950f5e22c989e01bcb9b15c378d980ed83aa
block info : {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"version": "tbears",
"prev_block_hash": "bb808a8596a05da22b629d94a0b9b5b33210c1b2c8ea9651b03160c34ba6b82e",
"merkle_tree_root_hash": "tbears_block_manager_does_not_support_block_merkle_tree",
"time_stamp": 1549592688479632,
"confirmed_transaction_list": [
"version": "0x3",
"from": "hxe7af5fcfd8dfc67530a01a0e403882687528dfcb",
"value": "0xde0b6b3a7640000",
"stepLimit": "0xf4240",
"timestamp": "0x58158a99c47be",
"nid": "0x3",
"nonce": "0x1",
"to": "hxaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa",
"signature": "p+e2Ko4QmJtBrTupfeAIcHNndAmQuXyNMPPS+1VnWc01CYKMcQATerEAFLTWnjSVvrloYhCiDiyclZg3wpqDxwA=",
"txHash": "0x6334856b5da9b2d4d841c1bbfa27fc0a0f3568d17bb9cac91302ce64f83aa6db"
"block_hash": "59ec3abfada762374c9cfd058d1d950f5e22c989e01bcb9b15c378d980ed83aa",
"height": 215,
"peer_id": "b313cb28-2b43-11e9-93fc-acde48001122",
"signature": "tbears_block_manager_does_not_support_block_signature"
"id": 1
Commands that generate configuration file and keystore file.
- Description Create a keystore file in the given path. Generate a private and public key pair.
- Usage
usage: tbears keystore [-h] [-p PASSWORD] path
Create keystore file in the specified path. Generate privatekey, publickey
pair using secp256k1 library.
positional arguments:
path Path of keystore file.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-p PASSWORD, --password PASSWORD
Keystore file's password
- Example
$ tbears keystore -p short ./keystore_example
Password must be at least 8 characters long including alphabet, number, and special character.
$ tbears keystore -p p@ssw0rd ./keystore_example
Made keystore file successfully
- Description
Generate T-Bears default config files.
: config file for T-Bears CLItbears_server_config.json
: config file for T-Bears Servicekeystore_test1
: keystore file fortest1
account - Usage
usage: tbears genconf [-h]
Generate tbears config files. (tbears_server_config.json,
tbears_cli_config.json and keystore_test1)
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- Example
$ tbears genconf
Made tbears_cli_config.json, tbears_server_config.json, keystore_test1 successfully
$ tbears genconf
There were configuration files already.
- Description Enter T-Bears interactive mode using IPython. (Ipython.org)
- Usage
usage: tbears console [-h]
Get into tbears interactive mode by embedding IPython
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
- Example
In the interactive mode, you can execute command in short form (without
) by predefined IPython's magic command. TAB will complete T-Bears's command or variable names. Use TAB.
$ tbears console
Python 3.6.5 (v3.6.5:f59c0932b4, Mar 28 2018, 03:03:55)
Type 'copyright', 'credits' or 'license' for more information
IPython 6.4.0 -- An enhanced Interactive Python. Type '?' for help.
IPython profile: tbears
tbears) start
Started tbears service successfully
tbears) balance hxef73db5d0ad02eb1fadb37d0041be96bfa56d4e6
balance in hex: 0x0
balance in decimal: 0
You can access nth-output using _nth
The Out
command displays the index and its outputs in a dictionary format.
tbears) '1'
tbears) 'second'
tbears) 3
tbears) _2
tbears) Out
{1: '1', 2: 'second', 3: 3, 4: 'second'}
You can pass the value of a variable as an argument by prefixing the variable name with "$".
tbears) address = f"hx{'0'*40}"
tbears) balance $address
balance in hex: 0x2961fff8ca4a62327800000
balance in decimal: 800460000000000000000000000
In the interactive mode, deployresults
command is available to list up the SCOREs that have been deployed while T-Bears interactive mode is running.
tbears) deployresults
1.path : abc/, txhash : 0x583a89ec656d71d1641945a39792e016eefd6221ad536f9c312957f0c4336774, deployed in :
2.path : token/, txhash : 0x8c2fe3c877d46b7a1ba7feb117d0b12c8b88f33517ad2315ec45e8b7223c22f8, deployed in :
3.path : abctoken/, txhash : 0xee6e311d2652fd5ed5981f4906bca5d4d6933400721fcbf3528249d7bf460e42, deployed in :
T-Bears assigns T-Bears command execution result to _r
You should use "{}" expression when you pass a member of list or dictionary.
tbears) deploy sample_token
Send deploy request successfully.
transaction hash: 0x5257b44fe0f36c492e255dbfcdb2ca1134dc9a942b875241d01db3d36ac2bdc8
tbears) result = _r
tbears) result
{'jsonrpc': '2.0',
'result': '0x5257b44fe0f36c492e255dbfcdb2ca1134dc9a942b875241d01db3d36ac2bdc8',
'id': 1}
tbears) txresult {result['result']}
Transaction result: {
"jsonrpc": "2.0",
"result": {
"txHash": "0x3f4cf436d6f10eb04c7b9e805f497053652227ecc6f8e95bad8941f1eff3b01b",
"blockHeight": "0x1dc",
"blockHash": "0xdd7e497a3fd4f5c759a06a8f7a284b1be149bf871f1dd370ff84e65d0865c37f",
"txIndex": "0x0",
"to": "cx0000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"scoreAddress": "cx97fc69e1c7ea56adf009133af460c0a436727960",
"stepUsed": "0x1513d98",
"stepPrice": "0x0",
"cumulativeStepUsed": "0x1513d98",
"eventLogs": [],
"logsBloom": "0x00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000",
"status": "0x1"
"id": 3
tbears) scoreapi {_r['result']['scoreAddress']}
"type": "fallback",
"name": "fallback",
"inputs": []
"type": "function",
"name": "hello",
"inputs": [],
"outputs": [
"type": "str"
"readonly": "0x1"