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Merge branch 'yaml-witness-test' into yaml-witness-ghost
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sim642 committed Apr 2, 2024
2 parents 932ac3b + bb1a2ae commit 7951588
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Showing 65 changed files with 2,122 additions and 514 deletions.
1 change: 0 additions & 1 deletion conf/svcomp.json
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion goblint.opam
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Expand Up @@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ dev-repo: "git+"
available: os-distribution != "alpine" & arch != "arm64"
pin-depends: [
# published goblint-cil 2.0.3 is currently up-to-date, so no pin needed
[ "goblint-cil.2.0.3" "git+" ]
[ "goblint-cil.2.0.3" "git+" ]
# TODO: add back after release, only pinned for optimization (
[ "ppx_deriving.5.2.1" "git+" ]
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion goblint.opam.locked
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pin-depends: [
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion goblint.opam.template
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available: os-distribution != "alpine" & arch != "arm64"
pin-depends: [
# published goblint-cil 2.0.3 is currently up-to-date, so no pin needed
[ "goblint-cil.2.0.3" "git+" ]
[ "goblint-cil.2.0.3" "git+" ]
# TODO: add back after release, only pinned for optimization (
[ "ppx_deriving.5.2.1" "git+" ]
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24 changes: 12 additions & 12 deletions src/analyses/
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Expand Up @@ -27,7 +27,7 @@ struct

module Locator = WitnessUtil.Locator (Node)

let locator: Locator.t = Locator.create () (* empty default, so don't have to use option everywhere *)
let location_locator: Locator.t = Locator.create () (* empty default, so don't have to use option everywhere *)
let loop_locator: Locator.t = Locator.create () (* empty default, so don't have to use option everywhere *)

type inv = {
Expand All @@ -41,26 +41,26 @@ struct
let pre_invs: inv EH.t NH.t = NH.create 100

let init _ =
Locator.clear locator;
Locator.clear location_locator;
Locator.clear loop_locator;
let module FileCfg =
let file = !Cilfacade.current_file
module Cfg = (val !MyCFG.current_cfg)
end in
let module WitnessInvariant = WitnessUtil.Invariant (FileCfg) in
let module WitnessInvariant = WitnessUtil.YamlInvariant (FileCfg) in

(* DFS, copied from CfgTools.find_backwards_reachable *)
let reachable = NH.create 100 in
let rec iter_node node =
if not (NH.mem reachable node) then begin
NH.replace reachable node ();
(* TODO: filter synthetic?
See YamlWitness. *)
if WitnessInvariant.is_invariant_node node then
Locator.add locator (Node.location node) node;
if WitnessUtil.NH.mem WitnessInvariant.loop_heads node then
Locator.add loop_locator (Node.location node) node;
Option.iter (fun loc ->
Locator.add location_locator loc node
) (WitnessInvariant.location_location node);
Option.iter (fun loc ->
Locator.add loop_locator loc node
) (WitnessInvariant.loop_location node);
List.iter (fun (_, prev_node) ->
iter_node prev_node
) (FileCfg.Cfg.prev node)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -130,7 +130,7 @@ struct
let inv = location_invariant.location_invariant.string in
let msgLoc: M.Location.t = CilLocation loc in

match Locator.find_opt locator loc with
match Locator.find_opt location_locator loc with
| Some nodes ->
unassume_nodes_invariant ~loc ~nodes inv
| None ->
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -193,7 +193,7 @@ struct
let inv = precondition_loop_invariant.loop_invariant.string in
let msgLoc: M.Location.t = CilLocation loc in

match Locator.find_opt locator loc with
match Locator.find_opt loop_locator loc with
| Some nodes ->
unassume_precondition_nodes_invariant ~loc ~nodes pre inv
| None ->
Expand All @@ -207,7 +207,7 @@ struct
let inv = location_invariant.value in
let msgLoc: M.Location.t = CilLocation loc in

match Locator.find_opt locator loc with
match Locator.find_opt location_locator loc with
| Some nodes ->
unassume_nodes_invariant ~loc ~nodes inv
| None ->
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22 changes: 7 additions & 15 deletions src/common/framework/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -132,13 +132,7 @@ let () = Printexc.register_printer (function
| _ -> None (* for other exceptions *)

(** Type of CFG "edges": keyed by 'from' and 'to' nodes,
along with the list of connecting instructions. *)
module CfgEdge = struct
type t = Node.t * MyCFG.edges * Node.t [@@deriving eq, hash]

module CfgEdgeH = BatHashtbl.Make (CfgEdge)

let createCFG (file: file) =
let cfgF = H.create 113 in
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -254,7 +248,7 @@ let createCFG (file: file) =
let pseudo_return = lazy (
if Messages.tracing then Messages.trace "cfg" "adding pseudo-return to the function %s.\n" fd.svar.vname;
let fd_end_loc = {fd_loc with line = fd_loc.endLine; byte = fd_loc.endByte; column = fd_loc.endColumn} in
let newst = mkStmt (Return (None, fd_end_loc)) in
let newst = mkStmt (Return (None, fd_end_loc, locUnknown)) in
newst.sid <- Cilfacade.get_pseudo_return_id fd;
Cilfacade.StmtH.add Cilfacade.pseudo_return_to_fun newst fd;
Cilfacade.IntH.replace Cilfacade.pseudo_return_stmt_sids newst.sid newst;
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -340,8 +334,8 @@ let createCFG (file: file) =
(* CIL's xform_switch_stmt (via prepareCFG) always adds both continue and break statements to all Loops. *)
failwith "MyCFG.createCFG: unprepared Loop"

| Return (exp, loc) ->
addEdge (Statement stmt) (loc, Ret (exp, fd)) (Function fd)
| Return (exp, loc, eloc) ->
addEdge (Statement stmt) (Cilfacade.eloc_fallback ~eloc ~loc, Ret (exp, fd)) (Function fd)

| Goto (_, loc) ->
(* Gotos are generally unnecessary and unwanted because find_real_stmt skips over these. *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -608,7 +602,7 @@ let fprint_hash_dot cfg =
close_out out

let getCFG (file: file) : cfg * cfg * stmt list CfgEdgeH.t =
let getCFG (file: file) : cfg * cfg * _ =
let cfgF, cfgB, skippedByEdge = createCFG file in
let cfgF, cfgB, skippedByEdge =
if get_bool "exp.mincfg" then
Expand All @@ -617,13 +611,11 @@ let getCFG (file: file) : cfg * cfg * stmt list CfgEdgeH.t =
(cfgF, cfgB, skippedByEdge)
if get_bool "justcfg" then fprint_hash_dot cfgB;
(fun n -> H.find_default cfgF n []), (fun n -> H.find_default cfgB n []), skippedByEdge
(fun n -> H.find_default cfgF n []), (fun n -> H.find_default cfgB n []), (fun u e v -> CfgEdgeH.find skippedByEdge (u, e, v))

let compute_cfg_skips file =
let compute_cfg file =
let cfgF, cfgB, skippedByEdge = getCFG file in
(module struct let prev = cfgB let next = cfgF end : CfgBidir), skippedByEdge

let compute_cfg file = fst (compute_cfg_skips file)
(module struct let prev = cfgB let next = cfgF let skippedByEdge = skippedByEdge end : CfgBidirSkip)

let iter_fd_edges (module Cfg : CfgBackward) fd =
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21 changes: 18 additions & 3 deletions src/common/framework/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,19 +42,34 @@ sig
include CfgForward

(** Type of CFG "edges": keyed by 'from' and 'to' nodes,
along with the list of connecting instructions. *)
module CfgEdge = struct
type t = Node.t * edges * Node.t [@@deriving eq, hash]

module CfgEdgeH = BatHashtbl.Make (CfgEdge)

module type CfgBidirSkip =
include CfgBidir
val skippedByEdge: node -> edges -> node -> stmt list

module NodeH = BatHashtbl.Make (Node)

let current_node = Node.current_node
let current_cfg : (module CfgBidir) ref =
let current_cfg : (module CfgBidirSkip) ref =
let module Cfg =
let next _ = raise Not_found
let prev _ = raise Not_found
let skippedByEdge _ _ _ = raise Not_found
ref (module Cfg: CfgBidir)
ref (module Cfg: CfgBidirSkip)

let unknown_exp : exp = mkString "__unknown_value__"
let dummy_func = emptyFunction "__goblint_dummy_init" (* TODO get rid of this? *)
Expand All @@ -64,5 +79,5 @@ let dummy_node = FunctionEntry Cil.dummyFunDec
module type FileCfg =
val file: Cil.file
module Cfg: CfgBidir
module Cfg: CfgBidirSkip
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/common/util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -34,7 +34,7 @@ let rec get_stmtLoc stmt: locs =
{loc = locUnknown; eloc = locUnknown}

| Instr (hd :: _) -> get_instrLoc hd
| Return (_, loc) -> {loc; eloc = locUnknown}
| Return (_, loc, eloc) -> {loc; eloc}
| Goto (_, loc) -> {loc; eloc = locUnknown}
| ComputedGoto (_, loc) -> {loc; eloc = locUnknown}
| Break loc -> {loc; eloc = locUnknown}
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/common/util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -494,7 +494,7 @@ class countFnVisitor = object
inherit nopCilVisitor
method! vstmt s =
match s.skind with
| Return (_, loc)
| Return (_, loc, _)
| Goto (_, loc)
| ComputedGoto (_, loc)
| Break loc
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/common/util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -42,7 +42,7 @@ let rec get_stmtLoc stmt =
get_labelsLoc stmt.labels

| Instr (hd :: _) -> get_instrLoc hd
| Return (_, loc) -> loc
| Return (_, loc, eloc) -> eloc_fallback ~eloc ~loc
| Goto (_, loc) -> loc
| ComputedGoto (_, loc) -> loc
| Break loc -> loc
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36 changes: 21 additions & 15 deletions src/framework/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -54,7 +54,7 @@ let current_node_state_json : (Node.t -> Yojson.Safe.t option) ref = ref (fun _
let current_varquery_global_state_json: (VarQuery.t option -> Yojson.Safe.t) ref = ref (fun _ -> `Null)

(** Given a [Cfg], a [Spec], and an [Inc], computes the solution to [MCP.Path] *)
module AnalyzeCFG (Cfg:CfgBidir) (Spec:Spec) (Inc:Increment) =
module AnalyzeCFG (Cfg:CfgBidirSkip) (Spec:Spec) (Inc:Increment) =

module SpecSys: SpecSys with module Spec = Spec =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -230,7 +230,7 @@ struct

(** The main function to preform the selected analyses. *)
let analyze (file: file) (startfuns, exitfuns, otherfuns: Analyses.fundecs) skippedByEdge =
let analyze (file: file) (startfuns, exitfuns, otherfuns: Analyses.fundecs) =
let module FileCfg: FileCfg =
let file = file
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -625,13 +625,16 @@ struct
let node_values = LHT.enum lh |> map (Tuple2.map1 fst) in (* drop context from key *)
let hashtbl_size = if fast_count node_values then count node_values else 123 in
let by_loc, by_node = Hashtbl.create hashtbl_size, NodeH.create hashtbl_size in
node_values |> iter (fun (node, v) ->
let loc = Node.location node in
(* join values once for the same location and once for the same node *)
let join = Option.some % function None -> v | Some v' -> Spec.D.join v v' in
Hashtbl.modify_opt loc join by_loc;
NodeH.modify_opt node join by_node;
iter (fun (node, v) ->
let loc = match node with
| Statement s -> Cil.get_stmtLoc s.skind (* nosemgrep: cilfacade *) (* Must use CIL's because syntactic search is in CIL. *)
| FunctionEntry _ | Function _ -> Node.location node
(* join values once for the same location and once for the same node *)
let join = Option.some % function None -> v | Some v' -> Spec.D.join v v' in
Hashtbl.modify_opt loc join by_loc;
NodeH.modify_opt node join by_node;
) node_values;
by_loc, by_node

Expand All @@ -656,7 +659,10 @@ struct
let must_be_uncalled fd = not @@ BatSet.Int.mem fd.svar.vid calledFuns in

let skipped_statements from_node edge to_node =
CfgTools.CfgEdgeH.find_default skippedByEdge (from_node, edge, to_node) []
Cfg.skippedByEdge from_node edge to_node
with Not_found ->

Transform.run_transformations file active_transformations
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -793,22 +799,22 @@ end
[analyze_loop] cannot reside in it anymore since each invocation of
[get_spec] in the loop might/should return a different module, and we
cannot swap the functor parameter from inside [AnalyzeCFG]. *)
let rec analyze_loop (module CFG : CfgBidir) file fs change_info skippedByEdge =
let rec analyze_loop (module CFG : CfgBidirSkip) file fs change_info =
let (module Spec) = get_spec () in
let module A = AnalyzeCFG (CFG) (Spec) (struct let increment = change_info end) in
GobConfig.with_immutable_conf (fun () -> A.analyze file fs skippedByEdge)
GobConfig.with_immutable_conf (fun () -> A.analyze file fs)
with Refinement.RestartAnalysis ->
(* Tail-recursively restart the analysis again, when requested.
All solving starts from scratch.
Whoever raised the exception should've modified some global state
to do a more precise analysis next time. *)
(* TODO: do some more incremental refinement and reuse parts of solution *)
analyze_loop (module CFG) file fs change_info skippedByEdge
analyze_loop (module CFG) file fs change_info

(** The main function to perform the selected analyses. *)
let analyze change_info (file: file) fs =
Logs.debug "Generating the control flow graph.";
let (module CFG), skippedByEdge = CfgTools.compute_cfg_skips file in
let (module CFG) = CfgTools.compute_cfg file in
MyCFG.current_cfg := (module CFG);
analyze_loop (module CFG) file fs change_info skippedByEdge
analyze_loop (module CFG) file fs change_info
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/incremental/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -339,8 +339,8 @@ let rec eq_stmtkind ?(cfg_comp = false) ((a, af): stmtkind * fundec) ((b, bf): s
let eq_block' = fun x y ~(rename_mapping:rename_mapping) -> if cfg_comp then true, rename_mapping else eq_block (x, af) (y, bf) ~rename_mapping in
match a, b with
| Instr is1, Instr is2 -> forward_list_equal eq_instr is1 is2 ~rename_mapping
| Return (Some exp1, _l1), Return (Some exp2, _l2) -> eq_exp exp1 exp2 ~rename_mapping
| Return (None, _l1), Return (None, _l2) -> true, rename_mapping
| Return (Some exp1, _l1, _el1), Return (Some exp2, _l2, _el2) -> eq_exp exp1 exp2 ~rename_mapping
| Return (None, _l1, _el1), Return (None, _l2, _el2) -> true, rename_mapping
| Return _, Return _ -> false, rename_mapping
| Goto (st1, _l1), Goto (st2, _l2) -> eq_stmt_with_location (!st1, af) (!st2, bf), rename_mapping
| Break _, Break _ -> if cfg_comp then failwith "CompareCFG: Invalid stmtkind in CFG" else true, rename_mapping
Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions src/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -147,6 +147,8 @@ let check_arguments () =
if get_bool "ana.autotune.enabled" && get_bool "incremental.load" then (set_bool "ana.autotune.enabled" false; warn "ana.autotune.enabled implicitly disabled by incremental.load");
if get_bool "exp.basic-blocks" && not (get_bool "justcil") && List.mem "assert" @@ get_string_list "trans.activated" then (set_bool "exp.basic-blocks" false; warn "The option exp.basic-blocks implicitely disabled by activating the \"assert\" tranformation.");
if (not @@ get_bool "witness.invariant.all-locals") && (not @@ get_bool "cil.addNestedScopeAttr") then (set_bool "cil.addNestedScopeAttr" true; warn "Disabling witness.invariant.all-locals implicitly enables cil.addNestedScopeAttr.");
if (get_int "exp.unrolling-factor" > 0 || AutoTune0.isActivated "loopUnrollHeuristic") && (get_bool "witness.yaml.enabled" || get_string "witness.yaml.validate" <> "" || get_string "witness.yaml.unassume" <> "") then
fail "YAML witnesses are incompatible with syntactic loop unrolling (";
if List.mem "remove_dead_code" @@ get_string_list "trans.activated" then (
(* 'assert' transform happens before 'remove_dead_code' transform *)
ignore @@ List.fold_left
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/transform/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -68,7 +68,7 @@ struct
(* Take all statements *)
|> List.concat_map (fun (f : Cil.fundec) -> f.sallstmts |> (fun s -> f, s))
(* Add locations *)
|> (fun (f, (s : Cil.stmt)) -> (Cilfacade.get_stmtLoc s, f, s))
|> (fun (f, (s : Cil.stmt)) -> (Cil.get_stmtLoc s.skind, f, s)) (* nosemgrep: cilfacade *) (* Must use CIL's because syntactic search is in CIL. *)
(* Filter artificial ones by impossible location *)
|> List.filter (fun ((l : Cil.location), _, _) -> l.line >= 0)
(* Create hash table *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -109,7 +109,7 @@ struct
fun (s : Cil.stmt) ->
succeeding_statement := Some s;
(* Evaluate at (directly before) a succeeding location *)
Some(self#try_ask (Cilfacade.get_stmtLoc s) expression)
Some(self#try_ask (Cil.get_stmtLoc s.skind) expression) (* nosemgrep: cilfacade *) (* Must use CIL's because syntactic search is in CIL. *)
with Not_found -> None
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10 changes: 7 additions & 3 deletions src/util/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -121,6 +121,10 @@ let serve serv =
|> Packet.t_of_yojson
|> Seq.iter (handle_packet serv)

let is_server_node cfgnode =
let loc = UpdateCil.getLoc cfgnode in
not loc.synthetic

let arg_wrapper: (module ArgWrapper) ResettableLazy.t =
ResettableLazy.from_fun (fun () ->
let module Arg = (val (Option.get_exn !ArgTools.current_arg Response.Error.(E (make ~code:RequestFailed ~message:"not analyzed or arg disabled" ())))) in
Expand All @@ -133,7 +137,7 @@ let arg_wrapper: (module ArgWrapper) ResettableLazy.t =
Arg.iter_nodes (fun n ->
let cfgnode = Arg.Node.cfgnode n in
let loc = UpdateCil.getLoc cfgnode in
if not loc.synthetic then
if is_server_node cfgnode then
Locator.add locator loc n;
StringH.replace ids (Arg.Node.to_string n) n;
StringH.add cfg_nodes (Node.show_id cfgnode) n (* add for find_all *)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,7 +252,7 @@ let node_locator: Locator.t ResettableLazy.t =
if not (NH.mem reachable node) then begin
NH.replace reachable node ();
let loc = UpdateCil.getLoc node in
if not loc.synthetic then
if is_server_node node then
Locator.add locator loc node;
List.iter (fun (_, prev_node) ->
iter_node prev_node
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -486,7 +490,7 @@ let () =
let process { fname } serv =
let fundec = Cilfacade.find_name_fundec fname in
let live _ = true in (* TODO: fix this *)
let cfg = CfgTools.sprint_fundec_html_dot !MyCFG.current_cfg live fundec in
let cfg = CfgTools.sprint_fundec_html_dot (module (val !MyCFG.current_cfg: MyCFG.CfgBidirSkip): MyCFG.CfgBidir) live fundec in
{ cfg }

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