Puppet module to manage apt_dater.
Code extracted from example42/puppet-apt, check it if needed a full apt ecosystem management module.
Originally written by Boian Mihailov - [email protected] Added features by Marco Bonetti Adapted to Example42 NextGen layout by Alessandro Franceschi Features removed by Baptiste Grenier.
Yum-based update manager taken from https://github.com/DE-IBH/apt-dater-host/
Licence: Apache2
This module installs and manages apt-dater to manage centrally controlled updates via ssh on deb-based and yum-based systems.
All the variables used in this module are defined in the apt_dater::params class (File: $MODULEPATH/apt_dater/manifests/params.pp).
Configure a host to be controlled by apt-dater
class { 'apt_dater': customer => 'ACME Corp.', ssh_key_type => 'ssh-rsa', ssh_key => template('site/apt-dater.pub.key'); }
Configure an apt-dater controller (no self-management) for root
class { 'apt_dater': role => 'manager', manager_ssh_key => template('site/apt-dater.priv.key'); }