Create a db connection and a database
Edit the env file with your database informations
Setup a mailtrap account and edit the env file with your mailtrap informations
Install dependencies
composer install npm install npm run dev
Run migrations
php artisa migrate:fresh
Setup an algolia account and create a new project
Setup algolia in your project
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Laravel\Scout\ScoutServiceProvider"
in your env file set
SCOUT_QUEUE = true ALGOLIA_APP_ID = Enter your Application ID ALGOLIA_SECRET = Enter your Admin API Key //make sure to copy your admin app id in algolia
Import the serachables
php artisan scout:import "App\Thread"
go to your algolia project and set the serchable fields just to title and body in the settings of the threads index
Register reacter
php artisan love:register-reacters --model="App\User"
Register reactions
php artisan love:reaction-type-add --default
Register reactants
php artisan love:register-reactants --model="App\Comment" php artisan love:register-reactants --model="App\Post" php artisan love:register-reactants --model="App\Reply"
Run seeder to create a super admin and base channel
php artisan db:seed
link your storage
php artisan storage:link
You're good to go. Innova is in your hands: create channels and sections for users to enjoy and make the admins if they want.
- Add markdown support for threads
- better ui
Admin base credentials:
- name:root
- last name:admin
- email:[email protected]
- password:toor
Online as Login with admin credentials https://innova-social.herokuapp.com/