Everytime I think of the time of algorithm learning, it's painful. So, I make this algorithm visualization project to help freshes to learn algorithnm. I will use my spare time to maintain the project, and currently it's interface is a bit ugly, I'll deal with that later.
Algorithm implemented:
Sort: Bubble Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort, Shell Sort, Quick Sort, Heap Sort, Merge Sort
Heap: Heapify, Insert, Delete, Down
Binary Tree: Search, Insert, Delete, InOrder, PostOrder, PreOrder, Max, Min, Successor, Predecessor
AVL Tree: Insert, RotateLeft, RotateRight, RotateLeftRight, RotateRightLeft, Balance, Delete
Please visit this Animation Page for algorithm animations.
FYI, the animation of the project is based on paper-vueify, it's an easy-to-use library for converting data to animations.
Distributed under the MIT license. See LICENSE for detail.