Test application to enable Optimizely Feature Rollout capabilities to deploy a Messenger Chat plugin on a website.
The template is a standard ASP.NET MVC application using .net Framework 4.8
This application is an example of project using Optimizely to rollout a feature for a web project.
I picked the Facebook Messenger Chat Plugin as it is valuable for businesses to enable chat / customer support abilities for their website and this project highlights the steps to deploy the plugin using Optimizely Rollout capabilities.
- Create a facebook page (the one I created is called 'Optimizely Feature Rollout Test' : https://www.facebook.com/Optimizely-Feature-Rollout-Test-106580551589279 )
- Go to Page Settings > Messaging & In the 'Add Messenger to your website' section, click the 'Get Started' Button to set up the plugin.
- Add the following url to the list of urls that are enabled for the plugin: http://local.rollout-test.com
- sign up for a free account here: https://www.optimizely.com/uk/rollouts/
- create a feature flag called 'enable_messenger_chat', enable it for Development
- set a variable page_id with the id of the facebook page that was created earlier.
- Clone the repository.
- Create a local website using IIS and set the path to the \OptimizelyFeatureRolloutTest folder (the one containing the web.config) and add local.rollout-test.com as url for the website.
- Update your hosts file with the following line: local.rollout-test.com
- Update the web.config file and set the value for the Optimizely:sdkKey setting with the sdk Key that you retrieved when signing up to Optimizely.
- Rebuild your solution and go to http://local.rollout-test.com without enabling the feature. The website should load without the plugin.
- Enable the feature using Optimizely backoffice, refresh your page and the plugin should now be available.
- Steps 8 & 9 are mandatory as the messenger web plugin requires a proper url & doesn't accept 'localhost' as url.
- For the sake of this tutorial, we didn't enable production rollout. It is possible to do it as well using transform files and a separate sdk key.
- The code available in this project is for demonstration purposes. It is not production-ready.
- As we are using a variable for the page, it is possible to switch between facebook pages when deploying, as long as the new facebook page is configured to allow the url at that set up during step 3.
- For debugging purposes, the code is available in the _ViewStart.cshtml file and on github at the following url: https://github.com/giuunit/optimizely-feature-rollout-test/blob/main/OptimizelyFeatureRolloutTest/OptimizelyFeatureRolloutTest/Views/_ViewStart.cshtml