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File metadata and controls

43 lines (28 loc) · 2.14 KB


Because of this issue aws/containers-roadmap#1565 lambda is updated to monitor stoppedReason as well as stopCode might not come.

Terraform scripts for deploying lambda for de-registering load balancer targets on FargateSpot interruption.

I also added deadletter SQS queue for failed lambda executions.


All commands are defined in MakeFile. You do not need to have installed go or terraform environments on your computer. All commands are executed in inside docker image which needs to be build at the beginning.

Init - Build Docker image

At the very beginning we need to build image which will be used laetr for other commands.

Command: make build will build local git-josip/aws-lambda-deregister-targets-fargate-spot image. In that image we initialize terraform with our terraform configuration. Check DOckerFile for details.

Source code compile

To compile your source code, run make compile. With this command executes go build command in docker Go env. After this command we have new build/ folder created containing compiled program. All terrafrom tasks are depending on this one so we do not execute it when runnign plan or apply

Terraform commands

plan, apply and destroy are supported terraform commands. WIth plan we will just get output what resources will be created.

In order to run these commands we need to pass AWS acces,secret and region params to make.

  • make awsDefaultRegion=eu-central-1 awsAccessKey=accessxxx awsSecretKey=secretxxx plan
  • make awsDefaultRegion=eu-central-1 awsAccessKey=accessxxx awsSecretKey=secretxxx apply
  • make awsDefaultRegion=eu-central-1 awsAccessKey=accessxxx awsSecretKey=secretxxx destroy