By contributing to this repository, you adhere to the rules in our Code of Conduct. If you don not have the time to go the link & find out, here is a gist of some of the guidelines. These are in general rules that you should be following while contributing to an Open Source project : Be Nice, Be Respectful (BNBR) Check if the Issue you created, exists or not. While creating a new issue make sure you describe the issue clearly. Make proper commit messages and document your PR well. Always add Comments in your Code and explain it at points, if possible add Doctest. Always create a Pull Request from a Branch; Never from the Main. Follow proper code conventions because writing clean code is important.
In addition to that, there are some specific rules to contribute to this repository which has been described below:
Creating issues before starting to work on your pull request helps you stay on the right track. Discuss your proposal well with the current maintainers.
Follow the code formatting standards of the repository by referring to existing source files.
Make it clear what hacks you've used to keep this website afloat. Your work needs to be understood first, before getting appreciated.
To display your contributions to visitors and future contributors.
If any contribution is found to be violating any guidelines, actions for the same will be taken accordingly.
We highly encourage you to avoid spammy requests- Do not do whatever it takes to gain a free Tshirt!
Also, if you have the time, make sure you go through the other guidelines in this repository to get a better view of where and what you are trying to contribute. If you made approved pull request(s); We sincerely thank you for your efforts to help our project & community grow better!
Repository designed for beginners to contribute to open-source- first created at Hacktoberfest 2022.