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Releases: gip-inclusion/immersion-facile


11 Jul 14:44
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What's Changed

  • [TECH] fix tests d'integration sur repo PGStatisticQueries by @bbohec in #1892

Full Changelog: v904...v905


11 Jul 13:29
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What's Changed

  • #1748 acces à un point API pour les statistiques d'entreprises ayant conventionnée (pour victor) by @JeromeBu in #1865
  • TECH - Fix récupération de la dernière publication d'évènement by @celineung in #1887
  • FIX amélioration des rapports discord des reminders à 3 jours by @ClementLmd in #1888
  • split AddExchangeToDiscussionAndTransferEmail usecase by @bbohec in #1883
  • add index to the following tables: searches_made, public_department_region, searches_made__appellation_code by @Master-Touks in #1880
  • TECH - renommer un fichier de migration by @celineung in #1890

Full Changelog: v898...v904


10 Jul 15:02
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What's Changed

  • FIX problème d'intégration continue by @JeromeBu in #1879
  • FIX amélioration des rapports discord des reminders à 3 et 7 jours by @ClementLmd in #1874
  • Fix / Corrections de divers bug sur la page de recherche by @enguerranws in #1875
  • Tech / Humanisation des messages d'erreur by @JeromeBu in #1877
  • add logs to help understand i milo broadcast problems by @JeromeBu in #1882

Full Changelog: v893...v898


09 Jul 07:44
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What's Changed

  • TECH refacto de la query pour récupérer les evenements en erreur (pour améliorer les performances) by @JeromeBu in #1870
  • Fix / Mise à jour d'entreprise (searchableBy) by @enguerranws in #1871

Full Changelog: v891...v893


04 Jul 11:58
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v888...v891


03 Jul 15:07
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What's Changed

  • TECH - passage de requêtes établissement / établissement supprimé sous kysely by @bbohec in #1833
  • FIX le script qui permet de suggérer aux établissements de se référencer en fin de convention by @ClementLmd in #1846
  • TECH - Repos sous kysely PgConventionExternalIdRepository | PgAgencyRepository | PgAssessmentRepository by @bbohec in #1840
  • FIX tentative pour remettre en fonctionnement correct la liste des features des releases by @JeromeBu in #1849
  • FIX réparation des releases notes (2ème essais) by @JeromeBu in #1850
  • fix workflow release note by @JeromeBu in #1851
  • fix workflow release note using commit sha instead of tag by @JeromeBu in #1852
  • #1753 - Localisation optionnelle pour faire une recherche by @enguerranws in #1820
  • TECH utilisation de l'api github à la place d'une action tierce pour créer les releases by @JeromeBu in #1853
  • fix workflow release with 'needs' by @JeromeBu in #1855
  • Fix / migration order by @enguerranws in #1856
  • TECH fix des releases by @JeromeBu in #1857

New Contributors

Full Changelog: v876...v888


28 Jun 08:59
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v875...v876


27 Jun 13:46
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v871...v872


19 Jun 13:14
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What's Changed

  • exclure les codes appellation non valides de API diagoriente v2 by @bbohec in #1817

Full Changelog: v859...v860


18 Jun 09:50
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What's Changed

Full Changelog: v855...v856