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<meta name="Description" content="How to prepare a MS-Windows QGIS Release" />

<title>WinQGIS Release How-To</title>

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<h1>How to prepare a MS-Windows QGIS Release</h1>

<div class="table-of-contents">

<p><strong>Table of Contents</strong></p>

<p><a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></p>

<li><a href="#MSYS">MSYS</a></li>
<li><a href="#MinGW">MinGW</a></li>
<li><a href="#QGIS MSYS Environment">QGIS MSYS Environment</a></li>
<li><a href="#Qt OpenSource">Qt OpenSource</a></li>
<li><a href="#Python">Python</a></li>
<li><a href="#SIP">SIP</a></li>
<li><a href="#PyQt">PyQt</a></li>
<li><a href="#CMake">CMake</a></li>
<li><a href="#QGIS">QGIS Build</a></li>
<li><a href="#QGIS Package">QGIS self-contained Package</a></li>
<li><a href="#NSIS">NSIS</a></li>
<li><a href="#QGIS Installer">QGIS Installer</a></li>

<p><a href="#Credits and Contacts">Credits and Contacts</a></p>



<div id="Introduction">


<p>This document explains how to prepare a MS-Windows QGIS release (as a self-contained package installer)
using the scripts contained in the ms-windows folder. In order to avoid mistakes or misunderstandings,
I highly recommend to follow each step and command exactly as they are written in this document.</p>


<div id="MSYS">

<p><h3>1. MSYS (1.0.11)</h3></p>

<p>Download the <a target="_blank" href="">MSYS installer</a></p>

<p>Install to <code>c:\msys</code></p>

<p>At the command prompt question for post install, type <code>n</code> and then enter.</p>

<p>Download the <a target="_blank" href="">
MSYS coreutils package</a></p>

<p>Unpack it to a temporary folder, then copy all the content of the <code>coreutils-5.97</code> folder to <code>c:\msys</code>
(overwrite the existing files when asked)</p>


<div id="MinGW">

<p><h3>2. MinGW (5.1.4)</h3></p>

<p>Download the <a target="_blank" href="">MinGW installer</a></p>

<p>Select "Download and Install Current Version";</p>

<p>Install only "g++ compiler" and "MinGW Make";</p>

<p>Install to <code>c:\msys\mingw</code></p>


<div id="QGIS MSYS Environment">

<p><h3>3. QGIS MSYS Environment</h3></p>

<p>Download the <a target="_blank" href="">
QGIS MSYS Environment</a></p>

<p>Extract the whole package to <code>c:\msys\local</code></p>


<div id="Qt OpenSource">

<p><h3>4. Qt OpenSource (4.4.0)</h3></p>

Download the <a target="_blank" href="">Qt OpenSource installer</a>

<p>Install to <code>C:\DevTools\Qt-OpenSource</code></p>

<p>When the installer will ask for MinGW, you don't need to download and install it, just point the installer to

<p>At the alert message "The installer could not found a valid c:\msys\mingw\include\w32api.h", press "Yes" and continue.</p>

<p>When Qt installation is complete, edit <code>C:\DevTools\Qt-OpenSource\bin\qtvars.bat</code> and do as follows:</p>

<p>At line 8 replace:</p>
<pre><code>echo -- PATH set to C:\DevTools\Qt-OpenSource\bin</code></pre>

<pre><code>echo -- Adding MSYS environment directories to PATH</code></pre>

<p>At line 14 replace:</p>
<pre><code>set PATH=C:\DevTools\Qt-OpenSource\bin</code></pre>

<pre><code>set PATH=%PATH%;c:\msys\local\bin;c:\msys\local\sqlite\bin;c:\msys\local\pgsql\lib</code></pre>

<p>Finally, add <code>C:\DevTools\Qt-OpenSource\bin</code> to your <code>PATH</code> system variable.</p>


<div id="Python">

<p><h3>5. Python (2.5.2)</h3></p>

Download the <a target="_blank" href="">Python installer</a>

<p>Install to <code>C:\DevTools\Python</code></p>

<p>Add <code>C:\DevTools\Python</code> to your <code>PATH</code> system variable.</p>


<div id="SIP">

<p><h3>6. SIP (4.7.6)</h3></p>

Download the <a target="_blank" href="">SIP source code</a>

<p>Unpack to <code>c:\msys\local\src</code></p>

<p>Open a Windows terminal and type:</p>
<pre><code>cd c:\msys\local\src\sip-4.7.6
python -p win32-g++
make install</code></pre>


<div id="PyQt">

<p><h3>7. PyQt (4.4.2)</h3></p>

Download the <a target="_blank" href="">PyQt source code</a>

<p>Unpack to <code>c:\msys\local\src</code></p>

<p>Open a Windows terminal and type:</p>
<pre><code>cd c:\msys\local\src\PyQt-win-gpl-4.4.2
make install</code></pre>


<div id="CMake">

<p><h3>8. CMake (2.6.0)</h3></p>

Download the <a target="_blank" href="">CMake installer</a>

<p>Launch the CMake installer and do as follows:</p>

<p>Select "Add CMake to the system PATH for all users"</p>

<p>Install to <code>C:\DevTools\CMake</code></p>


<div id="QGIS">

<p><h3>9. QGIS Build (0.11.0)</h3></p>

Download the <a target="_blank" href="">QGIS source code</a>

<p>Unpack to <code>c:\msys\local\src</code></p>

<p>Open a Windows terminal and type:</p>
<pre><code>cd c:\msys\local\src\qgis_0.11.0
md build
cd build
cmakesetup ..</code></pre>

<p>In CMake Setup utility press "Configure" button and, when asked, choose "MinGW Makefiles" as generator.</p>

<p>CMake Setup will alert you for missing dependencies; don't care, press OK and continue.</p>

<p>When finished, select "Show Advanced Values" checkbox.</p>

<p>For each item listed below, select the related box in the CMake Setup utility, type in the suggested value and then press enter
(we will perform a "bottom-up" procedure, editing last values of the CMake Setup list as first):</p>

<pre><code>SQLITE3_LIBRARY = c:/msys/local/sqlite/bin/libsqlite3-0.dll
SQLITE3_INCLUDE_DIR = c:/msys/local/sqlite/include
POSTGRES_INCLUDE_DIR = c:/msys/local/pgsql/include
GRASS_PREFIX = c:/msys/local/grass-6.3.0
CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = c:/msys/local/qgis-0.11.0
CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = Release</code></pre>

<p>When finished press OK button.</p>

<p>Finally, in the same terminal session, type:</p>
make install</code></pre>


<div id="QGIS Package">

<p><h3>10. QGIS self-contained Package</h3></p>

<p>Copy all the content of the ms-windows folder to a temporary directory, for example <code>c:\temp</code>.</p>

<p>Launch the file <code>c:\temp\QGIS-Packager.bat</code> and select the option number 2.</p>

<p>When finished, you should have a QGIS self-contained release package in <code>c:\temp\QGIS-Release-Package</code>.</p>


<div id="NSIS">

<p><h3>11. NSIS (2.38)</h3></p>

<p>Download the <a target="_blank" href="">NSIS installer</a></p>

<p>Install to <code>c:\DevTools</code></p>


<div id="QGIS Installer">

<p><h3>12. QGIS Installer</h3></p>

<p>Open the the file <code>c:\temp\QGIS-Installer.nsi</code>.</p>

<p>At line 13 set the <code>INSTALLER_TYPE</code> variable to <code>"Release"</code>, then, at lines 19-22, set the
<code>RELEASE_VERSION_NUMBER</code>, the <code>RELEASE_VERSION_NAME</code>, the <code>RELEASE_SVN_REVISION</code> and
the <code>RELEASE_BINARY_REVISION</code> variables.</p>

<p>Finally, right click on the file <code>c:\temp\QGIS-Installer.nsi</code> and select <code>Compile NSIS Script</code>.</p>

<p>When finished, you should have the QGIS release installer in <code>c:\temp</code>.</p>


<div id="Credits and Contacts">

<p><h3>Credits and Contacts</h3></p>

<p>The QGIS MSYS Environment and the QGIS Packager and Installer scripts are provided by Marco Pasetti.</p>

To contact him, e-mail to: QGIS Development Mailing List
(<a target="_blank" href=""></a>).

<p>Edited by Marco Pasetti on 13 September 2008.</p>


