diff --git a/infra/GettingStartedUsingHomebrew.md b/infra/GettingStartedUsingHomebrew.md index 87273e4..53cf252 100644 --- a/infra/GettingStartedUsingHomebrew.md +++ b/infra/GettingStartedUsingHomebrew.md @@ -38,7 +38,7 @@ Then initialise your `gut` installation as follows: gut init -r PATH_TO_DIR -t ghp_TOKEN ``` -Generate your `ghp_TOKEN` by following +Replace `PATH_TO_DIR` and `ghp_TOKEN` with actual values. Generate your `ghp_TOKEN` by following [these instructions](https://docs.github.com/en/authentication/keeping-your-account-and-data-secure/creating-a-personal-access-token). Then one can clone all language repositories with this command: @@ -58,3 +58,7 @@ gut clone -u -o giellalt -r ^lang- ``` instead (`-u` changes the protocol into `https` instead of `ssh`). + +You can set the default protocos to `https` using the `gut init` command (option `-u`). + +You can also set your default organisation with the `-o` option for the `gut init` command. Then there is no need to specify the organisation when working against the default GitHub organisation.