diff --git a/CorpusResources.md b/CorpusResources.md
index 3828a933..463927c5 100644
--- a/CorpusResources.md
+++ b/CorpusResources.md
@@ -1,10 +1,202 @@
# Corpus Resources
-Private repositories are not listed.
-{% assign lang_repos = site.github.public_repositories | where_exp: "repository", "repository.name contains 'corpus-'" %}
-{% for repository in lang_repos %}
- * [{{ repository.name }}]({{ repository.name }}/)
-{% endfor %}
+__*Under construction.*__
+This page contains a dynamically built list of all corpus repositories. Private repositories are not listed.
+# Grouped according to maturity of the resources
+The [maturity levels](../MaturityClassification.md) are *production, beta, alpha* and *experimental*.
+{% assign lang_repos = site.github.public_repositories|jsonify %}
+## [![Maturity: Production](https://img.shields.io/badge/Maturity-Production-brightgreen.svg)](MaturityClassification.html) Production language resources
+## [![Maturity: Beta](https://img.shields.io/badge/Maturity-Beta-yellow.svg)](MaturityClassification.html) Beta language resources
+## [![Maturity: Alpha](https://img.shields.io/badge/Maturity-Alpha-red.svg)](MaturityClassification.html) Alpha language resources
+## [![Maturity: Experiment](https://img.shields.io/badge/Maturity-Experiment-black.svg)](MaturityClassification.html) Experimental language resources
+## [![Maturity: Undefined](https://img.shields.io/badge/Maturity-Undefined-lightgrey.svg)](MaturityClassification.html) Language resources of undefined maturity
+# Grouped according to geography
+## Languages of the Nordic countries
+## Languages of Russia
+## Other European languages
+## Languages in North America
+## Languages in Africa
+## Languages in other parts of the world
+## Languages with no geography tag
+# Grouped according to language family
+## Uralic Languages
+## Indoeuropean languages
+## Algic Languages
+## Eskimo-Aleut Languages
+## Niger-Congo Languages
+## Turkic Languages
+## Languages of other language families, isolates, artificial languages
+## Languages with no language family tag