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Keyboard Shortcuts

gh0stzk edited this page Dec 15, 2023 · 14 revisions

Here is a list of all the hotkeys configured in my dotfiles so you can manage and use bspwm like a pro. Remember that are all configured in the sxhkdrc file.

You can see all the keybinds with Alt + F1


Action Keybinds
Terminal super + Enter
Floating Terminal super + alt + Enter


Action Keybinds
App menu super + @space
Theme selection alt + @space
Wallpaper selection super + alt + w
Jgmenu Right click on desktop

Apps (browser, editor, filemanager)

Action Keybinds
Browser shift + alt + b
Editor shift + alt + g
File Manager shift + alt + n

Terminal apps (ranger, nvim, ncmpcpp)

Action Keybinds
Ranger shift + alt + r
Neovim shift + alt + v
Ncmpcpp shift + alt + k

System & Utilities

Action Keybinds
Scratchpad super + alt + o
Power off ctrl + super + alt +p
Reboot ctrl + super + alt +r
Logout ctrl + super + alt +q
Lockscreen ctrl + super + alt +l
Kill app ctrl + super + alt +k
Hide Bar super + h
Show Bar super + u
Increase transparency ctrl + alt + plus
Decrease transparency ctrl + alt + minus
Reset transparency ctrl + alt + t
Screenshot Now Print
Screenshot Select ctrl + Print
Screenshot in 10s alt + Print
Screenshot active window shift + Print


Action Keybinds
Reload BSPWM super + alt + r
Close a window super + q
force close a window super + shift + q
Reload Keybindings super + Esc

Bspwm layouts and windows

Action Keybinds
alternate between the tiled and monocle layout super + m
set the window state tiled super + t
set the window state pseudo tiled super + shift + t
set the window state floating super + s
set the window state fullscreen super + f
set window flag to marked ctrl + alt + m
set window flag to lock ctrl + alt + x
set window flag to sticky ctrl + alt + s
set window flag to private ctrl + alt + p
Hide/Unhide Window ctrl + alt + h

Workspaces, Windows & Movements

Action Keybinds
Rotate windows super + r
Circulate windows super + c
Change focus of the windows super + [Left,Down,Up,Right]
Swap windows super + shift + [Left,Down,Up,Right]
Switch workspace super + ctrl + [Left,Right]

**Move windows & Resizing

Action Keybinds
Move to a specific workspace super + ctrl + [1-9]
Move a window to a specific workspace super + ctrl + shift [1-9]
Move a window directionally and follow it super + ctrl + shift + [Left,Right]
Resize expand a window super + alt + [Left,Down,Up,Right]
Resize contract a window super + alt + shift + [Left,Down,Up,Right]
Move a floating window alt + shift + [Left,Down,Up,Right]
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