Site: DataLemur
Difficulty per Site: Hard
As a Data Analyst on Snowflake's Marketing Analytics team, your objective is to analyze customer relationship management (CRM) data and identify contacts that satisfy two conditions:
- Contacts who had a marketing touch for three or more consecutive weeks.
- Contacts who had at least one marketing touch of the type 'trial_request'.
Marketing touches, also known as touch points, represent the interactions or points of contact between a brand and its customers.
Your goal is to generate a list of email addresses for these contacts. [Full Description]
-- Submitted Solution
WITH cte1 AS (
,EXTRACT(WEEK FROM event_date) AS week
,LAG(EXTRACT(WEEK FROM event_date), 1) OVER (PARTITION BY contact_id ORDER BY event_date DESC) AS week_lag
FROM marketing_touches
WHERE contact_id IN (SELECT contact_id FROM marketing_touches WHERE event_type = 'trial_request')
ORDER BY contact_id ASC
cte2 AS (
,week - COALESCE(week_lag, week) AS diff
,ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY contact_id ORDER BY event_date DESC) AS rownum
FROM cte1
FROM cte2
JOIN crm_contacts AS crm ON cte2.contact_id = crm.contact_id
WHERE diff = -1 AND rownum = 3
-- DataLemur Solution
WITH consecutive_events_cte AS (
DATE_TRUNC('week', event_date) AS current_week,
LAG(DATE_TRUNC('week', event_date)) OVER (
PARTITION BY contact_id
ORDER BY DATE_TRUNC('week', event_date)) AS lag_week,
LEAD(DATE_TRUNC('week', event_date)) OVER (
PARTITION BY contact_id
ORDER BY DATE_TRUNC('week', event_date)) AS lead_week
FROM marketing_touches)
FROM consecutive_events_cte AS events
INNER JOIN crm_contacts AS contacts
ON events.contact_id = contacts.contact_id
WHERE events.lag_week = events.current_week - INTERVAL '1 week'
OR events.lead_week = events.current_week + INTERVAL '1 week'
AND events.contact_id IN (
SELECT contact_id
FROM marketing_touches
WHERE event_type = 'trial_request'
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