This page aimed to help you fix the common problems encountered while using Spaceship prompt.
You need to have a powerline patched font inorder to properly display git
branch symbol.
- Install any powerline compatible font like Fira Code or others.
- Configure your terminal emulator to use that font.
This is not an issue with Spaceship prompt. Spaceship uses Unicode symbols to represent SPACESHIP_*_SYMBOL
in sections. To solve this problem:
- Verify your terminal emulator support Unicode characters with this command:
curl # or wget -O -
- Configure your terminal emulator to use UTF-8 as character encoding.
This issue is related to how your terminal emulator renders Unicode 9 characters. To fix this issue:
- Make sure terminal uses Unicode Version 9 Widths.
- Let your terminal render ambiguous-width characters as double-width.
In iTerm follow these instructions:
- Go iTerm → Preferences… (⌘,) → Profiles → Text
- Check Unicode Version 9 Widths.
- Check Threat ambiguous-width characters as double-width.
- Reload terminal's tab.
Preview shows spaceship
prompt setup with:
- Hyper as terminal emulator.
- One Dark color theme from Atom editor.
- Fira Code with with ligatures as primary font (16px size).
- zsh-syntax-highlighting to have commands colorized.
- zsh-autosuggestions to have browser-like autocompletions.
See screenshots wiki for more color schemes examples.
If any of above does not help, please, file an issue, describe your problem and we will gladly help you.