- Install vagrant using the installation instructions in the Getting Started document
- Add a Ubuntu Precise box using the available official boxes, for example:
vagrant box add phpdevbox http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box
(make sure it's named phpdevbox) - Clone this repository
- Install submodules with
git submodule update --init
- After running
vagrant up
the box is set up using Puppet - You should now have your working Symfony2 Standard Edition under http://localhost:8181/app_dev.php (You have to uncomment or remove some lines at the beginning of web/app_dev.php that restrict access to this file. Is no risk as you should not deploy that file to prodution anyway.)
- Nginx using puppet module (https://github.com/example42/puppet-nginx)
- Apache using puppet module (https://github.com/example42/puppet-apache)
- php-fpm using puppet module (https://github.com/saz/puppet-php)
- git
- pear using puppet module (https://github.com/rafaelfelix/puppet-pear)
- Node.js
- npm
- less
- Symfony2 Standard Edition
- MySQL using puppet module (https://github.com/example42/puppet-mysql)
- MongoDB using puppet module (https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-mongodb)
- Capistrano
- capifony
- Most of the phpqatools using puppet module (https://github.com/rafaelfelix/puppet-phpqatools)
- xdebug
If you want to debug your cli application using xdebug for example with Netbeans just run this command before executing the cli app:
.. code-block:: sh
$ export XDEBUG_CONFIG="idekey=netbeans-xdebug remote_host= profiler_enable=1 default_enable=1 remote_enable=1 remote_handler=dbgp remote_port=9000 remote_autostart=0"
Startup speed
To speed up the startup process use
.. code-block:: sh
$ vagrant up --no-provision
after the first run. It just starts the virtual machine without provisioning of the recipes.