The purpose of this repository is to link the TPG GEGELATI library to the ALE interface.
First of all, install the GEGELATI library. The wrapper has not been tested with gegelati v1.3.1 yet but it should work.
To do so, you can execute the following commands :
$ git clone --branch v1.2.0
$ cd gegelati/bin
$ cmake ..
$ cmake --build . --target INSTALL # On Windows
$ cmake --build . --target install # On Linux
You also need the ALE library. To install it, you can execute the following commands :
$ git clone
$ sudo apt-get install libsdl1.2-dev libsdl-gfx1.2-dev libsdl-image1.2-dev cmake # On Linux
$ cd Arcade-Learning-Environment
$ git reset --hard d3f2b25 # back to the last tested version.
$ mkdir build && cd build
$ cmake --build . --target INSTALL # On Windows
$ cmake --build . --target install # On Linux
Finally, you can build this project with an IDE of using some commands like :
$ git clone
$ cd ale-wrapper/cmake-build-release && cmake ..
$ Release/ALEGegelati
If you need to make it working in debug mode, you need to edit the Arcade-Learning-Environment/src/CMakeLists.txt and to replace :
target_compile_options(ale PUBLIC -O3 -fPIC)
target_compile_options(ale PUBLIC -O0 -fPIC)
$<$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:GNU,Clang,AppleClang>:-Wall -Wunused -fomit-frame-pointer>
$<$<CXX_COMPILER_ID:GNU,Clang,AppleClang>:-Wall -Wunused>
The ale-wrapper is built to hide the ALE part, so the main file which handles the library call is really close to the ones written for other Gegelati applications, see GEGELATI-APPS for examples. There is also an example called "learningExample" in this repository.
Warning : the ALE simulation can take a while and with for ex. a configuration of 1000 roots, you'll do at least 1000 simulations. Be aware it could take a lot of time, like 1000s per generation.
This project is distributed under the CeCILL-C license (see LICENSE file).