- ⬆️ Upgrade node version for Github actions runner [42f79be]
- ⬆️ Upgrade electorn-builder and node-dtls-client [e42d8b7]
- ⬆️ Upgrade electron and wrtc to latest version [1a7ffd7]
- 💚 Try fixing github action by removing cache because it crashes with license field warning from yarn [39a949f]
- 💚 Upgrades node version for ARM crossbuilding [73de166]
- 💚 Try fixing github action upload [e6601ed]
- 💚 Upgrade github actions lib [659c2b4]
- 💚 Fix CI lib install [82f0b5b]
- 📄 Use correct Business source license value in package.json [cf4b1cd]
- Update github actions checkout and setup-node [7814c84]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [0ffe703]
- 💬 Change some footer wording [d76dbec]
- 💬 Adds info about data collection [72acac0]
- 💬 Fix typos [8553bd5]
- 🎨 Change wording on landing page [764754c]
- ⚡ Lazy load airplay sink to prevent webui useless load [c618f7e]
- 🎨 Self host fonts to prevent errors from cross-origin requests [905cd77]
- 🎨 Fix scanned airplay devices' name [6570ccf]
- ⚡ Speed up first airplay device scan [4c7d9dd]
- ⚡ Use SharedArrayBuffer for webaudio when possible [4ca0f47]
- 🐛 Fix rendezvous service for peers with a lot of IP addresses [54b267e]
- 🐛 Fix typo to enable airplay source on linux-arm [7226ee1]
- 🐛 Fix race-condition error on webaudio delete [3d87b6e]
- 🚧 Enable security headers to activate SharedArrayBuffer support on Firefox [b07eaff]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [c080793]
- ✨ Synchronize Chromecast volume with Chromecast system volume [9b62a6e]
- 🎨 Adds webui start:prod command [2836a79]
- 🎨 Disable chromecast debug log and clean code [b489310]
- ⚡ Improves chromecast perf and name the sink with the chromecast name [b4a2034]
- 🎨 Add React key to right location in AddChromecastSink [b732409]
- ⚡ Optimize some React components perf [45ce705]
- ⚡ Throttle volume updates on the webui [f8a2b31]
- 🎨 Fix type of useSinks and useSources on webui [b8beaa3]
- ⚡ Adds direct connect with Chromecast websocket without using rendezvous service [6e1fb85]
- ⚡ Improves Chromecast search speed [684d36e]
- 🐛 Fix peersManager debug button [d5465ba]
- 🐛 Fix chromecast detection bug when chromecast is started [0943b7b]
- 🐛 Adds retry strategy for register to rendezvous service method [f7f2e66]
- 🐛 Fix reconnection of httpApiInitiator peer when first try failed [ccd6129]
- 📝 Adds troubleshooting section on the controller [0c3c7f4]
- 📝 Add info about raspberry pi compatibility [f5c5299]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [c2a2543]
- 🐛 Fixed RaspberryPi audio output [afda8f6]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [a6e282d]
- 🎨 Improves audio clock drift measures and better handle latencyCorrection changes [5408c8a]
- 🎨 Type audiosink events [123fb0c]
- 🎨 Allow Chromcast appid to be set by env vars for debugging purposes [c232510]
- 🔇 Remove log in audioworklet [b6b9ec6]
- 🚧 Add flush audio clock drift measure on webui in debug mode [032420b]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [fa29f28]
- ⚡ Improve webaudio sink sync by copying logic from localdevice sink [f072df9]
- 🎨 Make sink piped state verification in audiosink instead of each sink [70a7b8f]
- 🐛 Fix bug when RTCDataChannel is closed but not registered yet [a4462c3]
- 🐛 Fix crash on Hue bridge add error on webui [9f6e7b9]
- 🐛 Retry connecting to hue in case of DTLS error [3da48c6]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [bda7507]
- ⬆️ Upgrade some webui deps [b54f38e]
- ⚡ Enable webpack cache [5176fc0]
- 💄 Fix additionnal 0 character showing when no airplay speakers detected [6b93e12]
- ⚡ Use port on "open controller" systray button and redirect to instead of localhost [8f615d5]
- 🔥 Fix AddHueSink crashing webui [6fcc018]
- 🐛 Fix localdevice sink being silent when source latency is too big [19d3e71]
- 👷 Don't generate preload meta for sourcemaps [4041872]
- 👷 Emit sourcemap when building webui for production [a11e9b2]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [444e3c0]
- 🔊 Adds info about audio sinks and source in /debuginfo route [854f24b]
- ⚡ Add cachebuster hash to style.css [c3dbdf0]
- ⚡ Set cache to 365 days [d69e188]
- ⚡ Set logo size in html to prevent layour shift [5beb845]
- ⚡ Compress webui in webpack build phase instead of on-the-fly [8acc5a8]
- ⬆️ Migrate to webpack 5 and add some optimizations [13e756e]
- ⚡ Compress webui files when serving locally [3f53c3c]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [f9cf934]
- 🐛 Don't crash on electron update error [a086bd3]
- 🔊 Add more info in /debuginfo route [ef2677f]
- 🔊 Improve logs for synchronized audio buffer [a9879da]
- ✨ Adds /logs route to get last 1000 log lines [4272af6]
- 🔊 Active audio drift log byu default [5048237]
- ♻️ Centralize log module [926e4bf]
- 💄 Redirect to controller when accessing webui from localhost or direct IP [2062bcc]
- 💄 Redirect to /controller when using open button on systray [7a88199]
- 💄 Add message about webaudio sink unavailability [d908145]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [b5b19a5]
- 💄 Remove title in systray [464f2ac]
- ⬆️ Upgrade audioworklet [26d2152]
- 💄 Adds BetaPopup and simplify some webui text [a30a218]
- ⚡ Improve chunk_stream perfs [78ec417]
- 🐛 Don't crash on updater error [7827b67]
- 🐛 Fix entitlement file for macos build [81c82c6]
- 🐛 Fix Macos entitlements [99d70be]
- 🚧 Again fix for macos entitlement file [a5aa5e0]
- 👷 Adds yarn cache for webui build [91af0b5]
- 👷 Adds yarn cache on Github Actions [84bb329]
- 👷 Adds MacOS code signing and notarization [895529c]
- 🚧 Start implementing auto-updater [3f68968]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [3f12feb]
- 🔊 Fix out-of-order log [53dc37d]
- 🔊 Don't show out-of-order chunk if received after discarded old chunks [223cbad]
- ⚡ Force max 100ms max retransmit time for audio chunks webrtc messages [3f6776d]
- ⚡ Optimize mean calculation performance [bec36ff]
- ⚡ Memoize local audio devices list [d9170d4]
- 🐛 Fix bug with local device audio push chunks before having synchronized timedelta with peer leading to silence [43f54b2]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [40f388e]
- ✨ Support encrypted Airplay [71d3a3e]
- ✨ Check if soundsync is already running before starting [b6d029c]
- 💄 Disable pipe animation on webui because of high CPU/GPU usage [548ac21]
- ⬆️ Update to last audioworklet version [1fa4080]
- ⬆️ Upgrades Electron to last version [5559e39]
- 🐛 Improves browser compatibility detection and error message [4618fdd]
- 🐛 Fix RTCPeerConnection not a constructor error [9f8b6fa]
- 🐛 Fix entrypoint argv parsing when manually starting with npm run start:electron [3454954]
- 🔒 Enable hardened runtime for macos build [42cdf88]
- 🚧 Improving airplay sink [bae8e0c]
- 🚧 Signal out of order chunk for first on in stream [16a34eb]
- 🚧 Airplay sink integration in progress [1e324b8]
- 👷 Fix build script package.json indentation [fd82bef]
- 📝 Adds instructions to start Soundsync directly from the source code [30bbe55]
- 🚧 WIP Improving Airplay sink compatibility [4afd9d2]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [4e1198e]
- 🐛 Detect localStorage support before loading webui [cf46734]
- 🐛 Fix Airplay sink resampler not initialized error [a7d2519]
- 🐛 Adds webassembly support check on webui [24cbea8]
- 🐛 Show details if error while connecting to hue bridge [d702fac]
- 🐛 Don't crash if rendezvous service is down, instead log error and try other methods [83fb569]
- ⬆️ upgrades audioworklet [9dcd385]
- ✨ Activate audioloopback for Windows [c9c08ef]
- ✨ Add loopback interface creator for pulseaudio [e5edab3]
- 🐛 Fix windows loopback device detection [7772a70]
- 🐛 Fix localdevice source loopback available detection [fd994cb]
- 🐛 Handles all ways of exiting node process in on_exit handler [6fd0edc]
- 🐛 Always use exit handler when stopping process [cb2ac83]
- Revert "👷 Only build on github if commit message contains build str" [169ebf1]
- 👷 Only build on github if commit message contains build str [9eaa86e]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [4b8cd56]
- ⬆️ Upgrades audioworklet to fix bug with localdevice source [63dd098]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [c5c8e5a]
- 🐛 Fix some edge cases with localdevice sink [55ca1b6]
- 🐛 Fix localdevice source for use with new version of audioworklet [5893a7a]
- 🐛 Fix resampler by going back to non-worker implementation [dd82e34]
- 🔨 Adds latencyMeasurer script [16f0f7e]
- 🗑️ Clean unused files left from audioworklet upgrade [0518767]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [86739f7]
- ✨ Check availability of localdevice source [d3cc966]
- ✨ Adds webui control for latency correction per sink [ff83b27]
- ⚡ Improve DriftAwareAudioBufferTransformer drift compensation [c901abd]
- ⬆️ Upgrades to audioworklet v5 and adapt to new API [5d254eb]
- ⚡ Adapted webaudio sink to new clock drift measure method [3328a20]
- ⚡ Reduce soft sync threshold to 2ms drift [77e4b82]
- ⚡ Keep 2 minutes of timekeep measures to better smooth clock sync [c92f865]
- ⚡ Improve localdevice audio drift measure [7833b95]
- ⬆️ Update to last audioworklet version [17524fe]
- 🎨 Integrate meanInStandardDeviation in NumericStatsTracker [730c847]
- ⬆️ Update to last audioworklet version [1b84ded]
- 🐛 Fix audio source not being available by default [a1f9e57]
- 🐛 Fix webui local serving with react router [1f29303]
- 🐛 Handle latencyCorrection when computing source latency [5ebc0aa]
- 🐛 Save latencyCorrection in all sink description [e0ad48f]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [5f30495]
- 🐛 Fix Opus wasm location on build package [18be38c]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [9e67b09]
- ✨ Add logs messages about event loop blocking [ae86bf0]
- 🔊 Add webrtc error logs [11431f4]
- ✨ Adds error indicator for Audio Source [8f68296]
- ⚡ Improve timekeeper clock delta measure and separate it in its own file [f7bf57d]
- ⚡ Separate Opus wasm in its own file to improve webui load speed [efd08a3]
- 💄 Sort sources and sinks on webui by uuid instead of name [7fdfda8]
- ⬆️ Update to last audioworklet version [1cf76d0]
- ⚡ Move soxr-resampler in its own worker_thread [cf6ac1f]
- ⬆️ Bump bl from 3.0.0 to 3.0.1 in /src [3d5cf37]
- ⬆️ Bump node-fetch in /.github/actions/create-dev-release [b7ebc88]
- ⬆️ Bump http-proxy from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1 in /webui [30e5027]
- ⬆️ Bump http-proxy from 1.18.0 to 1.18.1 in /rendezvous-service [ee0082e]
- 🐛 Fix infinite loop on error catching and Sentry not initialized [9465dc6]
- 🐛 Adds file-loader resolver to root package.json because of wasm import requiring it [7f4219c]
- 🐛 Don't crash if logging error without stack [8604c4a]
- 🐛 Fix volume on localdevice sink [6929fcb]
- 🐛 Fix httpInitiator sending message too early [f7448ef]
- 🐛 Fix systemd start script on headless linux [b8df6bb]
- 🐛 Fix bug with electron not always ready and systray not showing [a86f934]
- 🐛 Prevent wasm from catching any unexpected error [3fd2e1f]
- 🐛 Fix debug variable on webui for source info [b8c5b4d]
- Merge pull request #30 from ThisIsAreku/remove-node-sass [e8c684d]
- Merge pull request #26 from geekuillaume/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/src/bl-3.0.1 [5a31168]
- Merge pull request #28 from geekuillaume/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/rendezvous-service/http-proxy-1.18.1 [1a3b2a4]
- Merge pull request #29 from geekuillaume/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/webui/http-proxy-1.18.1 [b835ad4]
- Merge pull request #31 from geekuillaume/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/dot-github/actions/create-dev-release/node-fetch-2.6.1 [4007212]
- Remove node-sass dependency for webui [e240f41]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [85c6fd4]
- 🐛 Only use enabled local audio devices [47f3b16]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [6528312]
- ⚡ Don't add disabled devices when auto detecting local devices [49b3803]
- ⬆️ Upgrade audioworklet [734c9ac]
- 🎨 Always order sinks/sources in config file by uuid [a103dc6]
- 🐛 Fix dev download url on rendezvous service [fc4637d]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [b5c1f35]
- ✨ Use rendezvous service download url instead of Github release url [f5dc2e3]
- ✨ Create a route in rendezvous service for downloading last soundsync version [4c61398]
- 🔊 Adds logs for http initiator error [7c83ca0]
- ⚡ Use real peer time delta when synchronizing audio instead of smoothed value [5f07d86]
- ⚡ Use Opus LowLatency mode to reduce lantecy mismatch between opus and raw streams [f2764fc]
- ⚡ Improved SynchronizedAudioBuffer latency measures [74ed203]
- 🎨 Fix logging message when old chunk is received [d7a2059]
- ⚡ Do not draw pipes if tab is not visible [e07011d]
- 💄 Add message about latest version of Soundsync in webui [3b21417]
- 🐛 Prevent error message when rendezvous service is used with nodejs [124107d]
- ✏️ Fix typo [22c94c7]
- 🐛 Fix Dockerfile for rendezvous service [a654696]
- 🐛 Fix indentation error in deploy script [9b2502b]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [e302e48]
- 🔊 Adds logs to detect hard to reproduce bug [81544d4]
- 🐛 Fix version constant and show a message in webui if different version [1a0d7d5]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [a05619c]
- ⚡ Use median instead of mean for timekeep value [56dc139]
- ⚡ Use a UDP like webrtc datachannel for timekeep messages [87642e1]
- ⬆️ upgrade some deps [2fc40bf]
- 🔥 remove unused constants and reduce clock drift tolerance [e162e0e]
- 🔥 Removes heartbeat and use timekeep messages for timeout detection [5f64292]
- 🐛 Set channels when creating speaker instead of autodetection [9e4b963]
- 👷 add action to delete old github actions artifacts [49e0124]
- 👷 disable artifact storing on github actions [c0d4d1c]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [3149114]
- 💄 Improves landing page [c22f0fd]
- 🐛 fix bug with audioworklet and windows null devices [918c823]
- 💄 Change catch phrase [cc2ec0f]
- 💄 Add meta tags to webui [1bcc841]
- 💄 Adds usage steps on landing page [4194504]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [3a30881]
- 💄 Improve source activity indicator on webui [acd5f86]
- 💄 Don't show download buttons when connecting from webui [6376409]
- 🐛 Use only one instance of audioserver [8b24621]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [f9df694]
- ✨ Autodetect new local audio source/sinks dynamically [1d2f6f4]
- 💄 Adds more details about localDevice sink and source on webui [3ebfc15]
- 💄 Add more info in FAQ and changes webui hero background [af0365b]
- 🐛 Preventing sending wrtc localDescription multiple time [df6e24d]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [f499aad]
- 👷♂️ remove unused logs [120276b]
- ⬆️ upgrades audioworklet to fix bug with loopback audio [9860306]
- ⬆️ upgrades audioworklet to fix macos localdevice audio [165d583]
- ⬆️ upgrades audioworklet [a6631d0]
- ⬆️ Bumb to new verison of node-audioworklet for better sync [f5cd1e5]
- 🔧 Enable volume normalisation for spotify [a76478d]
- 🐛 again fix ipv6 detection for airplay [057f3aa]
- 💚 Fix typo in Github action [05a3611]
- 💚 Fix dev release upload from github action [aa1fb2b]
- 🐛 Filter out ipv6 address for Airplay speakers [4ddb371]
- Merge pull request #24 from Neamar/patch-4 [e7d4704]
- Merge pull request #23 from Neamar/patch-3 [2600c34]
- 🚧 Wait for more latency drift data before taking sync action for local device sink [082f1e7]
- 🙈 Ignore vscode related files [31fe5b1]
- 🚧 Allow null source file to be changed by env variable [a9f7b7e]
- Update LandingFAQ.tsx [702320a]
- Update LandingPage.tsx [02133e3]
- Merge pull request #22 from Neamar/patch-2 [3af5caf]
- Update Presentation.tsx [d606854]
- 🚧 Adds more detailed logs when getting RTSP errors [e2efcf6]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [df6a300]
- ✨ Adds landing page [55f790b]
- ✨ Open controller webpage on first run [cebbdcb]
- 👷♂️ draft of landing page [1e02fd4]
- 📈 Fix tracking for browser [0109305]
- 📈 Ads telemetry with Posthog [2a52eec]
- ✨ Add Airplay sink creation on Webui [f1bdd85]
- ✨ Add Sink error message indicator on Webui [8a58b15]
- 💄 Improve some UI details on webui and optimize CSS speed [71938ce]
- ⚡ Improves landing page perf [e7ccd89]
- 🎨 Store download links for webui in a dedicated object used by other pages [4bd0318]
- ♻️ Improves webui code structure [5f7b067]
- 🔥 Removes unused toObject method [88027ca]
- 🐛 Fix responsive for landing page [e17b776]
- 🐛 fix footer font [0ae4f4e]
- 🐛 don't crash if mdns cannot bind to interface [a848178]
- 🐛 Fix sink error not being saved when first creating sink [590e694]
- 🐛 Fix buffer size being treated as second but was milliseconds [b869b83]
- 🐛 Add missing dep for debian [b67a89b]
- 💚 Fix webui build because of nodejs only module being required [b40657d]
- 💚 Fix github actions [dbba94f]
- 💫 Improves landing page compatible with section [b443f6d]
- Merge branch 'landing' into master [55b6674]
- 📝 Open Microsoft website when C++ redistributable is not found [81906e6]
- 🚧 Add error message to SinkDescriptor [fcd1389]
- 🚧 Airplay sink: implements raw PCM data sending and basic synchronization [acb35ef]
- Merge branch 'master' into airplay-speakers [804f037]
- Merge pull request #19 from geekuillaume/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/webui/elliptic-6.5.3 [f97c6e4]
- 🚧 Bump to dev version [1bac537]
- 🚧 Airplay sink: Adds audio transmission code and fix alac encoder [d8cc893]
- Disable artifact upload on branch other than master [e372263]
- Merge branch 'airplay-speakers' of github.com:geekuillaume/soundsync into airplay-speakers [a614aa4]
- 🚧 continue airplay sink implementation and adds alac encoder [5bcad1c]
- 🚧 implements timing request responses for airplay [a44fa31]
- 🚧 initial airplay speakers integration [998cb87]
- Bump elliptic from 6.5.2 to 6.5.3 in /webui [8baae8a]
- 🚧 implements timing request responses for airplay [636b0c9]
- 🚧 initial airplay speakers integration [8b9fd9d]
- ♻️ Migrate to Uint8Array instead of Buffer [398065c]
- ⚡ Reduce memory allocation linked to resampler [4fb93c9]
- ⬆️ update electron and electron-builder deps [fafa953]
- ⬆️ update wrtc dep [9765f50]
- 🐛 fix buffer sizing issues by always resampling, fixes #17 [1c22fba]
- 🐛 Don't exit on error related to autolaunch at startup, fixes #18 [bb5a4b5]
- 🐛 don't exit process on mdns error [fb6044b]
- 🔨 Bump to dev version after deploying new version [9a748e5]
- 📝 remove development version wording from download links in readme [f4b59bb]
- 🐛 fix quotes when updating readme on deploy [1aa3e76]
- 👷♂️ update deploy script [fba74d2]
- Fix bug with choppy audio because of chunkstream reading too fast [53cd51f]
- Adds mdns for rendezvous service notifier [829db42]
- Commented WIP about mdns [a7fa1cc]
- Add deploy script [b9310ba]
- Add download link for development version in Readme [2f03fb3]
- Updates install links on webui [90eea19]
- Update readme install links to last version [d5bf870]
- Clean remaining files before uploading release [2ad76be]
- Rename installers to lowercase before uploading [62f920a]
- clean .ico file before uploading release artifact [3472512]
- Change installer name [548b404]
- Add missing package [08774f0]
- Updates librespot executable [3602ddd]
- Update version in app package.json [6d2b2b2]
- Reorganize files in utils directory [91e0b36]
- Again github action fix [e216175]
- Fix github action [24db3be]
- v0.2.1 [47e984b]
- Fix github action release [2c88114]
- v0.2.0 [ded4d13]
- Make github action create a new release if a tag is deployed [7da8890]
- Fix resampler chunk size crashing process [d74429e]
- Clean left references to speex-resampler [b359673]
- Switch to soxr resampler for improved performances [2260c0c]
- Fix memory leak because of debug instance creation [9f7ade6]
- Fix systray [8ab2bd3]
- Add discord links [9483692]
- Increase time period for webaudio drift estimation [1b41ea8]
- Add instructions to install Soundsync on a raspberry pi [018ff1b]
- Updates speex-resampler [fdedb15]
- Don't compress with Opus for local source to local sink communication [af82542]
- Reimplement FFT stream to improve performance [3889280]
- Fix cleaning of webrtc peer on disconnect [b8d6dd8]
- Use BasicNumericStatsTracker to handle timekeep messages between peers [2524ab8]
- Removed delayed drift correction loging [91359d5]
- Add more info in log message [cee9455]
- Fix bug with datachannel state inconsistency [ad0d62d]
- Fix startedAt not being shared by chunk stream emitter resulting in delay in chunk emitting [65428b7]
- Discard old chunks in sink [49c679e]
- Read chunks from audio source process before resampling to bypass internal buffer and highly improve latency [d7639df]
- Optimize buffer handling for hue sink [4d63da4]
- Use native find instead of lodash [cc26125]
- Update to [email protected] to fix audio bug [f718491]
- Fix electron missing error, fixes #10 [c5ce35e]
- Fix race condition bug [ed45e09]
- Fix too many listener warnings [648d103]
- Add message about downloading Visual C++ redistributable when error on windows about module not found [4fad965]
- Reenable exception capture with Sentry [828cbee]
- Ignore direnv file [4be3afe]
- Disable sentry in dev mode [63a5936]
- Add message about error connecting to other peer and indication to bypass DNS rebinding protection [6e6aef4]
- Add message about incompatible browser [748ae17]
- Improves typings of some modules [fb8bc4d]
- Improve error handler for electron [e2a6b38]
- Fix error on closing already closed audio channel [f15c383]
- Add debug env variable for audio logging [ceca375]
- Lower speex quality to 5 instead of default 7 [c1e30a1]
- Update speex resampler to use webassemby instead of napi [8252a67]
- Fix AudioChunkStreamOrderer and enable Packet Loss Conceilment in Opus [2a2430f]
- Allow false value for webui localstorage disableRendezVousService config [7f52f61]
- Fix race condition bug [8c076f5]
- Fix leak in startSource rpc [baa47a6]
- Fix potential race condition [31f3d14]
- Fix sorting of hidden sources/sinks on webui [15245ff]
- Fix error with dynamic source latency calculation [1ef2e53]
- Fix error with manually closed hue socket crashing process [b4be561]
- Force sort order for webui sources and sinks [cc78c6c]
- Add a RPC to start source before checking if active or not [fcb19af]
- Fix huelight sink when hue sync is manually stopped [eb80003]
- Fix latency from descriptor not being used [9c8ba7c]
- Dynamic latency for source depending on connected sinks [5f8f9ba]
- Improves hue integration [1b84de1]
- Use correct property for webaudio latency [7be7e56]
- Add kiosk mode [17d95cb]
- Update TODO [bd2eec1]
- Add chunk orderer [a11b6bc]
- Set audio source as active by default [2db91ae]
- Remove debug logging [bb04c35]
- Track the active state of a source and stop all linked sinks if source is inactive for more than 30 seconds [a8e132a]
- Adds more details on sink/source selection in the Webui [97009f8]
- Adds message about hue auth on webui [4209e53]
- Increase timeout for hue auth [227efbf]
- Fix bug with shared state update [c0bbc09]
- Allow deleting sink from webui [e91d9b3]
- Reactivate create hue sink button on webui [5610c5e]
- Store hue info in SharedState [a77341e]
- Updates TODO [f646185]
- Clean unused file [14379a9]
- Fix typo [d7ac07b]
- Improve Hue lights responsiveness from music [297ec9a]
- Close all sinks on exit and clean exit hook for peers object [93ad20c]
- Clear unused testing file [99d2234]
- Remove out-of-order log message [3c511db]
- Improved audio synchronizer [68047f1]
- Adds debug mode for synchronized audio on web [be0bb63]
- Fix librespot dep on windows [9623684]
- Fix error when librespot or shairport would crash at startup [8db1e9d]
- Adds Github link on webui [e935a2d]
- Reduces memory allocation and prevent reading same samples twice [05c2316]
- Adapt webaudio sink to use SynchronizedAudioBuffer [6fa8e54]
- Improves audio drift delta correction calculation [9307901]
- Use reader pointer of circularTypedArray instead of property of synchronizedAudioBuffer to keep track of buffer advance [5d45aca]
- Implements a new way of synchronizing audio to prevent glitch [06c224b]
- Updates todo and FAQ [f040398]
- Updates TODO [6e572fa]
- Adds a util function window.soundsyncDebug to activate debug mode [0bb4cc4]
- Fix chromecast unused messaging [12eb8b2]
- Adds chromecast integration [802e478]
- Adds localtunnel to CORS allowed origins [1cf20b4]
- Disable add hue sink button on webui for now as it is not working yet [1c981ab]
- Detect webaudio sink availability [3f0bfaf]
- Clean some properties of AudioSource and AudioSink [4e23d26]
- Choose samplerate dynamicaly for localdevice source [a840442]
- Consider localdevice sink as unavailable at first before testing it [2d3fe09]
- Fix log message [657ee2f]
- Handle mono input for localdevice source [73c6a61]
- Fix a bug on Windows related to stream name [37d3d13]
- Adds tracking for webrtc errors [8142d22]
- Fix an error occuring when rendezvous service is unreachable [a36bb4b]
- Ignore other pcm test files [0a51cd1]
- Improves performance of volume slider on webui [c8c979d]
- Update todo [ee6caf3]
- Updates Readme [3efedcb]
- Add sentry integration for webui [c33bbe6]
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:geekuillaume/soundsync [14c9e24]
- Use node sentry instead of electron integration [66ec084]
- Merge pull request #2 from geekuillaume/dependabot/npm_and_yarn/webui/websocket-extensions-0.1.4 [3642dc6]
- Expression simplifying [558ab6c]
- Use float64 to store circular buffer index to prevent overflow of uint32 [6e0c024]
- Improves logging of timesync messages [769db11]
- Bump websocket-extensions from 0.1.3 to 0.1.4 in /webui [d2575e3]
- Fix config for new device [0d2440d]
- Try again ficing for macos [69d29be]
- Fix update_build_version script for macos [04dbff9]
- Integrate sentry for error tracking [6f2e37b]
- Disable debug logs [b0b9d35]
- Use better names for connection in progress peers [e3e41ea]
- Add option to prevent connecting to localpeer on webui [de434c1]
- Wait for message to be sent on rendezvous server before responding to sni request [5ec4c37]
- Disable node-hue-api for webui as it is crashing firefox [303b24f]
- Bumping node wrtc [04f23d2]
- Allow deletion of null source on webui [294a9b7]
- Handle rpc errors [d23fb0f]
- Fix adding source without uuid [49b37a5]
- Starts integrating Philips hue light viz [acaf474]
- Fix errors with config deleting previous sources/sinks [3c34edf]
- Implement a getter for AudioSourcesSinksManager to prevent circular refs [6a8fd78]
- Adds createSink rpc [f414cc6]
- Adds check to cover all source/sink types when creating [2d759af]
- Fix librespot and shairport add source on webui [35a0da6]
- Fix package.json file [761c931]
- Adds rpc framework and implement scan hue rpc [46915c2]
- Adds loggin on peer click for webui debug [647ef56]
- Refactored config saving to include/exclude fields for config saving in source/sink class [d572c60]
- Use SNI callback for rendezvous message advertisement as chrome deprecated previous method with http images on https origin [7a424f2]
- Fix systray icon [d863b24]
- Revert packagejson version [ed37692]
- Revert "Fix package json require for version" [0705eba]
- Revert "Try fixing windows not supporting symbolic links" [e3546e6]
- Try fixing windows not supporting symbolic links [0dc32aa]
- Fix package json require for version [a69d3a0]
- Improves wording on webui [06738cc]
- Prevent dragging to try to link source and sinks on webui [28f4339]
- Adds install icon and use package.json for soundsync version [295a640]
- Fix bug with datachannel not closing correctly [1d6414d]
- Fix small webaudio clock sync bug [fa1cd24]
- Workaround for chrome webaudio clock bad accuracy [759119f]
- Change deps chmod to prevent error when deleting a file [30a4c9f]
- Update librespot for linux [86b55bc]
- Fix favicon [c5354d7]
- Adds favicon for webui [92d587a]
- Update doc to build opus wasm binary [1441b1f]
- Disable debug mode when building for soundsync.app webui [1c042eb]
- Optimize opus [3453cdf]
- Bumb audioworklet [2aad93a]
- Made some optimization to webpack to improve webui bundle size [cded49b]
- Changes some wording [306ac36]
- Webui: fetch rendezvous state every 5s when not connected to a peer [d4fe4b5]
- Adds download button in AddSink modal [03a482f]
- Adapt first use for small screens [e44a1c3]
- Adds debug instead of crashing when source emit error [2744e98]
- Deactivate asar for macos [ae9eef3]
- Prevent name update of localdevice sources from being erased [88620a4]
- Color own webpage differently on webui [059ddc6]
- Bump audioworklet dep to prevent deadlock [cee0f57]
- Removes debug logging [5a20249]
- Adds debug route to get external ip as seen by rendezvous service [9bd74b5]
- Fix display bug of pipe when list changes [2895d08]
- Improves webui ux [b058157]
- Updates shairport dep for macos [4c74da5]
- Fix librespot and shairport source creation on webui [5181006]
- Adds librespot support for macos and windows [f556cbb]
- Dynamicaly test if source type is supported by platform [9d3966b]
- Fix first use message never hiding [f3bc161]
- Updates todo [cb5d8fd]
- Adds download link to webui not connected page [040105c]
- Fix readme [1bc9d65]
- Try another way of synchronizing webaudio [a3a5c7c]
- Fix datachannel for Firefox [1f62498]
- Fix error with write after end [d8d4e8e]
- Fix error on browser without sharedarraybuffer [7e7cfd5]
- Adds logging when audioworklet time is skewed [4a47001]
- Updates readme [a25102f]
- Updates rendezvous service url and prevent error on webui because of https [b36d8af]
- Fix clean script when no files with spaces exist [8412955]
- Replace spaces in bin names with underscore [289c143]
- Fix error when deconnecting remote source [54de7a2]
- Fix disconnect than reconnect to peer with a piped source crash [66c586a]
- Fix incorrect destroy of stream [43852d9]
- Clean unused code [f89e13b]
- Fix bug with remote peer disconnecting when sending audio chunks [8cfecf5]
- Fix source communication between peers [cc833bd]
- Removes verbose debug log [6aee132]
- Fix memory leak [738cbb7]
- Migrate to minipass for better speed and simplified events [f2ea2c1]
- Adds localdevice source [2bb0d15]
- Bump audioworklet dep [cdfe5de]
- Ignore error thrown while treating ICE candidates [1f1067b]
- Fix rendezvous service flag for webui [6af0b03]
- Adds a way to customize connection of webui through localstorage for debug purpose [e30936e]
- Relax linting rule [59cd61c]
- Handle initiator messages sequencially instead of in parallel and detroy peer if webrtc error [a6638c2]
- Abort initiator when using rendezvous service from a non browser [a0d3b47]
- Fix clean script [f0a9191]
- Clean directory for macos [489ea64]
- Ignore directory for github upload release action [84372a4]
- Adds missing file [93a0854]
- Fix missing node deps for github action [826fbbf]
- Use custom action to publish release build [2473e13]
- Adds download links to readme [4a67ca1]
- Adds more cleaning to build artifacts [a93c620]
- Reactivate Macos building [e314356]
- Reduxe skew tolerance [181dd74]
- Change skew logging [8c73d47]
- Change default latency of source [e76084a]
- Try to fix a sync problem with webaudio [9031146]
- Improves chunkstream code lisibility [44cc463]
- Fix missing constant [c3841ef]
- Removes a potential race condition [b52eeec]
- Move log method for out-of-order chunk in audiosink [3a591cf]
- Small typo fix [00661dd]
- Improves timedelta log [fe6009f]
- Improves peer list view on webui [8fd3cd5]
- Prevent duplicated "connected" logs messages [8515ec2]
- Reenable rendezvous service for webui [72c26c3]
- Refactored peer management to reduce edge cases bugs [a975866]
- Build debug version of webui [ee9287b]
- Reactivate rendezvous service on webui [03f09fb]
- Manage initiator destroying [f50ca34]
- Do not send initiatormessages if deleted peer [e5dde22]
- Handle sending error message by rendezvous service [34ad763]
- Fix bug with reversing of rendezvous messages [89b32a0]
- Better handle localhost address for rendezvous testing [a9929a2]
- Relax eslint [1dc85dc]
- Fixed error with rendezvous message notify [310ddf1]
- Refactored connection initialization between all peers [ff6d052]
- Activate proxy mode for koa [16e463c]
- Fix cors for rendezvous service [213eb33]
- Only connect to local peer from webui if not accessing page from rendezvous service [49703d6]
- Ignore port for CORS [b5b3f80]
- Adds detection of audio device clock skew [046078c]
- Log timesync changes and increase timekeep requests frequency [b346c6f]
- Add log when source stream is interrupted [bc7d523]
- Increase reliability of webrtc audio channel [5bb3d1e]
- Adds volume to webaudio sink [c2a6f06]
- Do not failfast for github actions [99963f9]
- Fix bug with http api join and adds logs [8ef80a0]
- Fix logging for rendezvous service [3c5ff4e]
- Remove expose for rendezvous service dockerfile [d1735dc]
- Adds app to gitignore for rendezvous service [2d25bd8]
- Prevent yarn.lock from being ignored [4c3215d]
- Set real rendezvous service url [39db0f8]
- Trust invalid ssl certificates for localhost rendezvous service [b889169]
- Adds https local dev mode and support REDIS_URL env variable [d409bfe]
- Adds dockerfile for rendez-vous service [180d711]
- Implements rendezvous connect for webui [691d648]
- Tweaks for local dev of webui with rendezvous service [0e6cf9b]
- Webui now uses rendezvous service for peer detection [bb51e42]
- Adds logging [303d193]
- Fix bug when connecting to itself [59b3fbd]
- Integrate with rendezvous service [c9a1f62]
- Starts rendez-vous service [741efc7]
- Tweak eslint configuration [c053131]
- Do not save config when value is default [9785716]
- Upload release bleeding-edge on each workflow instead of centralized [4ae2ead]
- Upload artifacts to bleeding-edge release 2 [c387f9f]
- Upload artifacts to bleeding-edge release [6056691]
- Adds airplay support [63e41f4]
- Updates to new version of audioworklet [1dd6b50]
- Removes unused default [161edb5]
- Optimize chunk stream to wait for source to be readable again before trying to consume it [38bea67]
- Improves wrtc reconnection logic to prevent bug when disconnection/reconnecting [e919482]
- Fixed AudioChunkStream when source stream was interrupted then restarted [123d37f]
- Increase time allowed to retry sending audio chunks to prevent choppy audio on low quality network [5bc0aad]
- Add info about how to enable soundsync service on raspberrypi [a3fe6ea]
- Do not overwrite info of localdevice sink on restart [da03f19]
- Removes debug logging [0202f0d]
- Fix default value for webaudio sink [ac29562]
- Fix disconnect of webaudio sink when sink errored on connection [8f21939]
- Do not add ghost peer [d7d7243]
- Updates TODO [6e8e917]
- Adds volume change from Webui [cb8d2a8]
- Remade the add source process for the webui [14753a4]
- Fix peer reconnection after connection lost [9121895]
- Clean some unused code [c7fee2b]
- Updates TODO in README [9726c94]
- Fix script to start pulseaudio [7d1dd12]
- Start pulseaudio when running as system service [d5b8cf0]
- Adds availability to sink to hide previously seen but now disconnected sinks [2ec3d27]
- Updates speex-resampler version [748567b]
- Workaround for electron-userland/electron-builder#3179 [a23fbb0]
- Bump electron-builder [2f0891b]
- Use updateInfo to set latency on webaudio instead of setting it directly [c0322f8]
- Fix latency calculation for sink [6c849bc]
- Fix reconnection to sink of disconnected peer [21e00c3]
- Show loading message when not connected to a peer and hide sources/sinks without a connected peer [aacdbe2]
- Improves peer events for state changed [ab927fc]
- Empty buffer when sample are not needed to prevent hearing old samples [1bbaf96]
- Fix missing chunk bug because of imprecise timing [88c57bd]
- Added logging when receiving out-of-order chunk [57219e6]
- Simplify sync script for dev on distant host [3d18efd]
- Use SharedArrayBuffer for communication between audio thread and main thread [1f8533a]
- Clean old unused handling of audio buffer [a32dc26]
- Adds logging on disconnect [67c0734]
- Adds a condition to prevent handling chunk of unknown source [5a63947]
- Optimize currentSampleIndex synchronization [507ad5a]
- Fix delete source not persisting after restart [e8cda45]
- Fix asar disabling [7f3490c]
- Disable asar because of audioworklet not being detected [ed80248]
- Fix bsdtar not found github actions again 2 [22b0bf9]
- Fix bsdtar not found github actions again [b25db21]
- Fix bsdtar not found n github actions [c156144]
- Use new version of audioworklet to use dynamic buffer size in process function [b978aa2]
- Fix clean script call from github actions [10a8c6d]
- Unpack audioworklet files when needed [c555ed0]
- Clean output artifact when building for arm on github action [9b3118a]
- Fix a bug with wrtc connection [8b4201d]
- Improves webrtc connection handling [935b88d]
- Fix wrtc connection in special cases [b8439fa]
- Keep previous configuration of webaudio sink if exist [975cb81]
- Add Google stun server for WRTC [3cbc6d8]
- Update audioworklet [97962d2]
- Add test script in gitignore [2078ad2]
- Add script to sync with remote with rsync [fe5e91b]
- Adds some tips for develpment on rpi and windows [c57fe32]
- Deploy arm package on tag with github actions [e436e5a]
- Adds deploy with np [c0d7b39]
- Add option to enable/disable localnetwork scanning [72b522b]
- Fix raspberry pi compilation script [e10455d]
- Updates electron-builder [d59f0ee]
- removes "electron-builder install-app-deps" from postinstall because it doesnt use napi for native extensions [58b9951]
- Fix arm compilation script when running on Github actions [0c59d26]
- Add some details to the README [715dbb6]
- Migrated to soundio instead of rtaudio, improves time accuracy [1adfe98]
- Fix compile for rpi script and dockerfile [dab90e4]
- Fix build [848baec]
- Reactivate rpi crosscompilation [75743b6]
- Remove alsa lib installation on build [1f0cfbf]
- Switch emscripten types to root package [4858e73]
- Switch to using opus encoder/decoder on wasm instead of audify [0ac64b2]
- again bump audioworklet version [f6b6aaa]
- Merge branch 'master' of github.com:geekuillaume/soundsync [20a92d9]
- bump audioworklet version [145da45]
- Merge pull request #1 from Neamar/patch-1 [e3ceb47]
- README typo-fixing [c827f4d]
- Clean latency code for webaudio and rtaudio [b985e53]
- Use audioworklet to output audio in separate thread [8ae3461]
- Simplify webaudio time sync [e08d2a9]
- Fix bug in peer time sync [00c1c53]
- Use audify callback function to emit samples [5117294]
- Fix audio sync before emiting chunk for rtaudio sink [d2bc0b6]
- Fix a bug in webaudio sink and added initial timesync with peers [812b69b]
- Fix time ref for webaudio sink [5bdc3f2]
- Fix opus wasm export for webpack [28f888b]
- Fix web polyfill for buffer object [f534be7]
- Adds debug button on webui for audiostreams [b99e5cc]
- Use the null source with a test pcm file if one exists [5e84692]
- Adds forceIfSamePeerUuid to support webui reload [f241dd1]
- Fix bug with time synchronization when sink and source are on different peers [f5622ae]
- Fix bug with sink not rebinding to previous source after restart [e434d7e]
- Don't log soundstate message in console [df7321c]
- Adds back open controller in systray menu [e1a577b]
- Adds github release push when building [9d2ecf9]
- Fix url for coordinator in webui [bcd7c3a]
- Reactivate windows build [5855285]
- Separate webui build and electron build on github [794057e]
- Switch to webpack to build webui [c8a526e]
- Change uuid import method to fix parcel resolver bug [1c4133d]
- Fix deps for webui build [fd24b3a]
- Removes symbolic link for webui and use relative path to make it work on windows [f31bfb3]
- Fix webui deps install on windows for github actions [2c72951]
- Reactivates windows build [54227fb]
- Reenables webui serving [271d26b]
- Fix error with bonjour host field [0290dca]
- Updates github workflow to upload correct artifact [ba088ea]
- Fix package.json for webui and removes old deps [3aa13c5]
- Adds mock for wrtc module in webui [d3871d7]
- Github workflow fix [08ad99a]
- Set version to 0.1.0 [3aac268]
- Adds webui build in github workflow [4b6f3ab]
- Updates README [1937ff6]
- Adds librespot source deletion from webui [8888462]
- don't lint node_modules folder [bb5eca1]
- Don't save unnecessary fields in config file [1088301]
- Allow adding librespot source from webui [d9657de]
- Updates README [c930f29]
- Fix edge case when starting more than 2 instances at the same tim,e [d6f1eeb]
- Use bonjour for p2p peers discovery [f3b1024]
- Clean http connect method for peer and prevent a peer from being duplicated [7dc592e]
- Limit precision of startedAt for source [143b574]
- Adds sourcemap support for stacktrace [40cc73f]
- Fix message sending loop [8a19402]
- Peer send its name to other peer on connection [1aff1bf]
- Reimplements time synchronization with p2p approach [4ed51a9]
- Clean messages and separate patch from audio state type [6f2acd2]
- Integrated webui with p2p mode [02b5ff3]
- Implement p2p connection establishing [2a50810]
- Reimplemented pipe on webui [2c2df98]
- Pipe is now a param on sink, webui uses webrtc to update audio instances [026c7a1]
- Dont use the http api for the webui but the webrtc communication directly [df2ceca]
- Merge branch 'master' into coordinatorless [9449785]
- Adds crosscompile action [da1bdd6]
- Download librespot for current arch when needed [ba8172c]
- Rollback fpm to fix bug [f41495d]
- Exit with error if headless and no coordinator choice made [849a38b]
- Fix service install script for deb package [b51e779]
- Fix startup script to pass args to real process [5ff430a]
- Disable build for mac and windows [e00683c]
- Fix stream start timing [c09f64c]
- Fix time origin for chunk stream [330878d]
- Fix rpi crosscompilation script [f5c4a84]
- Fix windows packaging bug and fix linux target to deb [23c6642]
- Webaudio: empty buffer when chunk is read [b742b9f]
- Start working on a coordinator less option [2f434b6]
- Fallback to alsa when pulseaudio is diconnected [070e5e2]
- Dont recreate typedarray in web opus decoder [5011738]
- Adds support for headless in built package [fa0d46e]
- Fix bug with webaudio not starting [2f0ad28]
- Fix librespot source by deactivating debug chunks [5b360ae]
- Normalize end of audio stream across the code [21d82eb]
- Hide librespot output by default [530f53c]
- Fix AudioChunkStream handling of incomplete chunks [d2a43ae]
- Change how the audio source handle consumers [8d1978b]
- Overwite previous pipe when piping active sink to source [4bc31bc]
- Bump speex-resampler [685df12]
- Adds --launchAtStartup command line option [77c6dfb]
- Verify soundsync version before connecting [8b3b9f5]
- Ignores tmp files [9156316]
- Improves a lot of UI related things in the webui [1664194]
- Fix bug with remote_source [217cc82]
- Adds screenshot in readme [f5cc118]
- Fix bug with config setting [25a05c8]
- Fix pipe component dimensions [7e896b6]
- Close webrtc datachannel when source is not used anymore [37c6c66]
- Remove comment [dc622c7]
- Add comments about webaudio related code [019fada]
- Relax some eslint rules [976ec4b]
- Lazy load webplayer code for webui [99f416f]
- Fix use-http caching and API_URL for webui dev mode with parcel [b882728]
- Adds some comments about nodejs module aliases [c4c0a10]
- Starts integrating webaudio sink [0c1d6ee]
- Updates README [1682133]
- Use smaller image for systray [938a3de]
- Support windows output loopback as a source [f70723a]
- Use a canvas for the pipe animation [1b0f704]
- Adds headless compilation for arm [9351f71]
- Revert to electron v7 because of bug with tray not showing [73ebe96]
- Fix bug when two peers are connecting to each other at the same time [3bfd860]
- Fixes some bugs with audio pipe between two peers that are not coordinator [4e80b65]
- Updates TODO [4470f2d]
- Improve handling of disconnecting and reconnecting sources/sinks [03cb9ad]
- Adds disconnect message on process exit [f524b4d]
- Updates TODO [b30e164]
- Adds hide feature for sinks and sources on webui [286f7c3]
- Adds eslint for webui [6e119af]
- Wait for timesync before starting client coordinator [5c26fbe]
- Makes electron require optionnal to start project without it [c0bee18]
- Show uncaught error in terminal instead of in electron popup [d01baa7]
- Fix latency in audiosource being overwritten [a5614b6]
- Fix linting [97d13f0]
- Adds eslint [249d989]
- Fix error with immutable config object on pipe change [54421a5]
- Fix pipe on webui when source does not exist [8c43df9]
- Deactivates log for soundstate messages [e04ed3d]
- Don't delete webrtc peer on disconnect [0cc3fda]
- Handle edge case with audio_source being started twice at the same time [0d1e313]
- Only save config if it changed [3f3b194]
- Exit with error if server cannot bind to port [9c82833]
- Ignore systray error [9596fc3]
- Bump electron [b2268d4]
- Use config file for coordinator info [79f7535]
- Fix webui running on another host than localhost [9b1c41c]
- Add script to compile for arm with qemu [49097c9]
- Disable asar for windows because of bug electron-userland/electron-builder#580 [00f247c]
- Bump speex-resampler version [c2ba5bb]
- Bump speex-resampler version [e2656ba]
- Fix build command [b557a14]
- Change artifact name for github actions [e59c750]
- Separate app package.json for two package.json strategy of electron-builder [1b2067d]
- Adds coordinator selector from systray instead of CLI args [72a8d64]
- Adds github action to build [a2c5187]
- Adds autolaunch feature [ba093d9]
- Move todo in Readme [e35db39]
- Adds first version of readme and branding [3534dc0]
- Adds BSL license [32600e1]
- Use electron to package app [0ca30da]
- Use path.join to get webui directory to be autodected by pkg [393d507]
- Updates todo [50451e4]
- Fix bug with local name updating of source or sink [ba2d70a]
- Refactores sound state handling between host and client controller [7a59f1c]
- Adds source and sink name edit in webui [1703271]
- Fix pipe creation issue and implements remote unlink pipe [c941259]
- Handle remote type for sink and source [1baae4e]
- Dont crash if cannot init systray [5af37db]
- Updates todo [1ef7e6b]
- Adds systray indicator [06a110f]
- Adds error message on config parse error [18a755d]
- Adds static serving of webui [17a6d07]
- Adds pipe auto-recreation on restart / reconnection [77f4a4d]
- Updates latency and remove comment [48c54e2]
- Update todo [cbf63ac]
- Bump audify and start implementing dynamic latency [82dc970]
- Fix delay on webui start [b7a14af]
- Use local name for webrtc peer [7dc6f50]
- Fix pipe deletion mismatch [0ab1684]
- Fix crash when coordinator drops [0fe49e9]
- Adds cross-env to support windows [848a143]
- Adds first version of webui [2741364]
- Fix CORS for API [d6891b6]
- Adds null sink and null source to help testing [7fa8bcc]
- Adds utils scripts [07de577]
- Implements pipe deletion and some cleaning [60152ce]
- Save sinks in config file [8a98e65]
- Adds config module [44d6b15]
- Adds log for bonjour in progress [15b6f40]
- Adds bonjour integration for coordinator autodetection [46971f0]
- Handle disconnect of peer and improves multi output [949da7f]
- pipeCreatorTester now can create multiple pipes [2336c26]
- Improves debugging mode [7d189ee]
- Don't reuse previously emitted audio chunk [62332bd]
- Implements audio buffer first implementation [7055ec5]
- Adds timekeeper [3ba656f]
- Moves sources and sinks in their own folder [4fb8610]
- Implement audio chunking and transport [06de637]
- Lockfile [84c01f5]
- Ignore dist [7b5c721]
- Move speex-resampler in its own repo [612b70a]
- Adds resampler [8296d5d]
- 4 [892c4e1]
- 3 [e2fce9e]
- 2 [4d8a06c]
- init [3427914]