title | description | published | date | tags | editor | dateCreated |
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2022-03-26 15:22:23 UTC |
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2022-03-26 15:22:20 UTC |
Cython program
- Pros and Cons of Hybrid MPI/OMP
- 70% runtime in C, 30% runtime in Python
Computation intense program
- Highly depend on Math library
Hybrid MPI/OpenMP program
- A highly efficient and highly scalable direct eigensolvers for symmetrix(hermitian) matrices.
- with this math library, the performance can increase 3x-5x.
- Accroding to the IPM Profile information, we figure out that MPI_Allredce is the most time comsuming.
- We have tried profile the ratio of MPI and OpenMP since it is a Hybird MPI/OpenMP program, but the performance is unstable since different python use gpaw may have different calculate routines.
Python GIL Lock sometimes make profile difficult.
Cython program usually have time cosuming part at C code, optimize this part.
Some General Math Library (such as MKL) may not help a lot with specific program, but some minor specific Library will.