On this page we try to answer questions frequently asked by our users.
How can I get in contact?
- For questions about commercialization, collaboration and marketing, please contact [email protected].
- For issues and bugs with the devkit, file an issue on Github.
- For any other questions, please post in the nuScenes user forum.
Can I use nuScenes for free?
- For non-commercial use nuScenes is free, e.g. for educational use and some research use.
- For commercial use please contact [email protected]. To allow startups to use our dataset, we adjust the pricing terms to the use case and company size.
How can I participate in the nuScenes challenges?
- See the overview site for the object detection challenge.
- See the overview site for the tracking challenge.
What's next for nuScenes?
- Raw IMU & GPS data.
- Object detection, tracking and other challenges (see above).
How can I get more information on the sensors used?
- Read the Data collection page.
- Note that we do not publicly reveal the vendor name and model to avoid endorsing a particular vendor. All sensors are publicly available from third-party vendors.
- For more information, please contact [email protected].
Can I use nuScenes for 2d object detection?
- Objects in nuScenes are annotated in 3d.
- You can use this script to project them to 2d, but note that such 2d boxes are not generally tight.
How can I share my new dataset / paper for Autonomous Driving?
- Please contact [email protected] to discuss possible collaborations and listing your work on the Publications page.
- To discuss it with the community, please post in the nuScenes user forum.