IRC client library, supporting Lwt and Unix blocking IO.
The latest tagged version is available via opam: opam install irc-client
Simple bot which connects to a channel, sends a message, and then logs all messages in that channel to stdout:
open Lwt
module C = Irc_client_lwt
let host = "localhost"
let port = 6667
let realname = "Demo IRC bot"
let nick = "demoirc"
let username = nick
let channel = "#demo_irc"
let message = "Hello, world! This is a test from ocaml-irc-client"
let string_opt_to_string = function
| None -> "None"
| Some s -> Printf.sprintf "Some %s" s
let string_list_to_string string_list =
Printf.sprintf "[%s]" (String.concat "; " string_list)
let callback _connection result =
let open Irc_message in
match result with
| `Ok msg ->
Lwt_io.printf "Got message: %s\n" (to_string msg)
| `Error e ->
Lwt_io.printl e
let lwt_main =
Lwt_unix.gethostbyname host
>>= fun he -> C.connect ~addr:(he.Lwt_unix.h_addr_list.(0))
~port ~username ~mode:0 ~realname ~nick ()
>>= fun connection -> Lwt_io.printl "Connected"
>>= fun () -> C.send_join ~connection ~channel
>>= fun () -> C.send_privmsg ~connection ~target:channel ~message
>>= fun () -> C.listen ~connection ~callback
>>= fun () -> C.send_quit ~connection
let _ = lwt_main
Compile the above with:
ocamlfind ocamlopt -package irc-client.lwt -linkpkg
Alternatively, you can find it under the examples/ directory as; enable its compilation during config time with --enable-examples.