Build Gazebo Utils with bzlmod
Add bzlmod CI
Add expectations to subprocess test
Fix logging source location
Baseline: this includes all changes from 2.2.0 and earlier.
Add EoL and use SetConsoleSinkLevel in example
Catch spdlog exception thrown when creating file
Include file name in log format
Update logger level and flush_on values
Use common formatter for console and file sinks
Logger updates
Update badges to point to gz-utils3 branch
Update changelog and add prepare for prereleases
Move spdlog::logger to gz-utils
Require cmake version 3.22.1
Add package.xml
bazel: build and test subprocess functionality
Update CI badges in README
Remove ignition
Bumps in ionic: use gz-cmake4
⬆️ Bump main to 3.0.0~pre1
Make the single argument constructor inherit the env
Add new functions for manipulating the environment
Add license checking support to bazel
Include what you use
Ensure all licenses are reflected in the LICENSE file
Not sure why this was here, but it is unused
Documentation fixes
Extra test macros for ARM32/ARM64
Add a utility for spawning subprocesses
Support for bazel in Garden
Add missing config.hh include to gz headers
ign -> gz Migrate Ignition headers
Improve install instructions
Round out ExtraTestMacros
Update GoogleTest to latest version
cli_TEST: Fix compatibility with CLI11 2.0
in FormatterFwd -
Migration -
- Add missing config.hh include to gz headers
Ignition to Gazebo header migration.
CI workflow: use checkout v3.
Include in FormatterFwd.
cli_TEST: Fix compatibility with CLI11 2.0.
Add code coverage ignore file.
Enable cpplint
Add doxygen linters
Custom Gazebo CLI11 formatter
Drop all main functions from gtest files
Improvements to enable "-Wconversion"
Fix inline namespace issue with clang6
Move ExtraTestMacros from gz-cmake
Enable cpplint on focal
Add NeverDestroyed utility class
Move environment functionality to utils
ImplPtr Get method
More complete bazel implementation
Add GZ_UTILS_VENDOR_CLI11 CMake option to optionally use external CLI11
Add an example program using CLI11
Add basic support for bazel build system.
Gazebo ImplPtr
Vendor CLI11 library inside gz-utils
Update warning suppression macros
Pre-release cleanup