Node v14
$ npm install -g @microsoft/botframework-cli
bf chatdown
bf chatdown:convert
bf config
bf config:remove
bf config:set
bf config:set:luis
bf config:set:qnamaker
bf config:set:telemetry
bf config:show
bf config:show:luis
bf config:show:qnamaker
bf config:show:telemetry
bf dialog
bf dialog:merge PATTERNS
bf dialog:verify PATTERNS
bf help [COMMAND]
bf lg
bf lg:analyze
bf lg:expand
bf lg:translate
bf lg:verify
bf luis
bf luis:application:assignazureaccount
bf luis:application:create
bf luis:application:delete
bf luis:application:import
bf luis:application:list
bf luis:application:publish
bf luis:application:query
bf luis:application:rename
bf luis:application:show
bf luis:build
bf luis:convert
bf luis:cross-train
bf luis:endpoints:list
bf luis:generate:cs
bf luis:generate:ts
bf luis:test
bf luis:train:run
bf luis:train:show
bf luis:translate
bf luis:version:clone
bf luis:version:delete
bf luis:version:export
bf luis:version:import
bf luis:version:list
bf luis:version:rename
bf orchestrator
bf orchestrator:add
bf orchestrator:basemodel:get
bf orchestrator:basemodel:list
bf orchestrator:build
bf orchestrator:create
bf orchestrator:interactive
bf orchestrator:query
bf orchestrator:remove
bf orchestrator:test
bf plugins
bf plugins:install PLUGIN
bf plugins:link PLUGIN
bf plugins:list
bf plugins:uninstall [PLUGIN]
bf qnamaker
bf qnamaker:alterations
bf qnamaker:alterations:list
bf qnamaker:alterations:replace
bf qnamaker:build
bf qnamaker:convert
bf qnamaker:cross-train
bf qnamaker:endpointkeys
bf qnamaker:endpointkeys:list
bf qnamaker:endpointkeys:refresh
bf qnamaker:endpointsettings
bf qnamaker:endpointsettings:get
bf qnamaker:endpointsettings:update
bf qnamaker:init
bf qnamaker:kb
bf qnamaker:kb:create
bf qnamaker:kb:delete
bf qnamaker:kb:export
bf qnamaker:kb:get
bf qnamaker:kb:list
bf qnamaker:kb:publish
bf qnamaker:kb:replace
bf qnamaker:kb:update
bf qnamaker:operationdetails
bf qnamaker:operationdetails:get
bf qnamaker:query
bf qnamaker:train
bf qnamaker:translate
Converts chat dialog files in .chat format into transcript files. Writes corresponding .transcript for each .chat file.
$ bf chatdown
-h, --help Chatdown command help
See code: @microsoft/bf-chatdown
Converts chat dialog files in .chat format into transcript files. Writes corresponding .transcript for each .chat file.
$ bf chatdown:convert
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help Chatdown command help
-i, --in=in The path of the chat file or directory to be parsed. A glob expression may be passed containing chat
files to be processed all at once, ex. ./**/*.chat. If flag is omitted, stdin will be used. If an
output directory is not present (-o), it will default the output to the current working directory.
-o, --out=out Path to the directory where the output of the multiple chat file processing (-o) will be placed.
-p, --prefix Prefix stdout with package name.
-s, --stamp Use static timestamps when generating timestamps on activities.
$ bf chatdown
$ bf chatdown --in=./path/to/file/
$ bf chatdown --in ./test/utils/* -o ./
$ (echo user=Joe && [ConversationUpdate=MembersAdded=Joe]) | bf chatdown --static
See code: @microsoft/bf-chatdown
Configure various settings within the cli.
$ bf config
-h, --help config help
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-config
Removes the specified key from the config file
$ bf config:remove
-h, --help config:remove help
-k, --key=key (required) Name of the key to remove
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-config
Adds the specified key and value to the config file
$ bf config:set
-h, --help config:set help
-k, --key=key (required) Name of the key to add or override
-v, --value=value (required) Value associated with the specified key
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-config
Stores default LUIS application values in global config.
$ bf config:set:luis
-h, --help show CLI help
--appId=appId LUIS application Id
--armToken=armToken User`s ARM token used to validate azure accounts information)
--authoringKey=authoringKey LUIS cognitive services authoring key (aka Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key).
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS application endpoint hostname, ex: <region>
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey LUIS cognitive services subscription key (aka Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key)
--versionId=versionId LUIS version Id
$ bf config:set:luis --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --authoringKey {AUTHORING_KEY} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}
--versionId {VERSION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT}
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-config
Set the QnAMaker config data
$ bf config:set:qnamaker
-h, --help config:set:qnamaker help
--endpointKey=endpointKey QnAMaker endpointKey to be set
--hostname=hostname QnAMaker hostname to be set
--kbId=kbId QnAMaker kbId to be set
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey QnAMaker subscriptionkey to be set
"qnamaker_kbId": "3bda64af-dddd-dddd-dddd-021906b093b1",
"qnamaker_subscriptionKey": "nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn",
"qnamaker_endpointKey": "6b5ecf9c-kkkk-kkkk-kkkk-761489817e5f",
"qnamaker_hostname": "https://{qnaservice-hostname}"
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-config
Enable or disable anonymous data collection to improve the products. (Command group calls and flags usage)
$ bf config:set:telemetry
-d, --disable Disable tlemetry
-e, --enable Enable tlemetry
-h, --help config:set:telemetry help
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-config
Displays the config file
$ bf config:show
-h, --help config:show help
-k, --key=key Shows specific key value
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-config
Display LUIS settings
$ bf config:show:luis
-h, --help config:show:luis help
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-config
Display QnAMaker settings
$ bf config:show:qnamaker
-h, --help config:show:qnamaker help
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-config
Display telemetry settings
$ bf config:show:telemetry
-h, --help config:show:telemetry help
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-config
Dialog related commands for working with .schema and .dialog files.
$ bf dialog
-h, --help Dialog command help
See code: @microsoft/bf-dialog
Merge <kind>.schema
and <kind>[.<locale>].uischema
definitions from a project and its dependencies into a single .schema for describing .dialog files and a per locale .uischema for describing how Composer shows them. If a dependent package has an "exported" directory it is copied to / in the --imports directory. You can make use of negative patterns like !/generated/ to exclude particular directories or files, although some directories like bin, obj and node_modules are automatically excluded.
$ bf dialog:merge PATTERNS
PATTERNS Any number of glob regex patterns to match .csproj, .nuspec or package.json files.
-c, --checkOnly Check and do not write files.
-h, --help show CLI help
-o, --output=output Output path and optional filename for merged .schema and .uischema. Defaults to first project
-s, --schema=schema Path to merged .schema file to use if merging .uischema only.
-v, --verbose Show verbose logging of files as they are processed.
--extension=extension [default: .dialog,.lg,.lu,.schema,.qna,.uischema] Extension to include as a resource.
--imports=imports Output path for imported assets. Defaults to the directory of --out with an imported
$ bf dialog:merge myProject.csproj plugins/*.nuspec
$ bf dialog:merge package.json -o app.schema
See code: @microsoft/bf-dialog
Verify .dialog files match their app.schema.
$ bf dialog:verify PATTERNS
PATTERNS Any number of glob regex patterns to match .dialog files.
-h, --help show CLI help
-s, --schema=schema Default schema to use if no $schema in dialog file.
-v, --verbose Show verbose output
See code: @microsoft/bf-dialog
display help for bf
$ bf help [COMMAND]
COMMAND command to show help for
--all see all commands in CLI
See code: @oclif/plugin-help
Parse, collate, expand and translate lg files.
$ bf lg
-h, --help lg command help
See code: @microsoft/bf-lg-cli
Analyze templates in .lg files to show all the places where a template is used
$ bf lg:analyze
-e, --external-functions=function1,function2 Pass a list of external functions and add them to Expression functions,
seprated by ",". for example, "function1,function2,function3"
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites
that file
-h, --help lg:analyze help
-i, --in=in (required) LG File or folder that contains .lg file(s)
-o, --out=out Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as
-r, --recurse Consider sub-folders to find .lg file(s)
See code: @microsoft/bf-lg-cli
Expand one or all templates in .lg file(s). Expand an inline expression.
$ bf lg:expand
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help lg:expand help
-i, --in=in (required) Folder that contains .lg file.
-o, --out=out Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
-r, --recurse Consider sub-folders to find .lg file(s)
--all When set, all templates in the .lg file be expanded.
--expression=expression Inline expression provided as a string to evaluate.
--interactive Interactively prompt for all missing entity value references required for expansion.
--template=template Name of the template to expand. Template names with spaces must be enclosed in quotes.
--testInput=testInput Path to a JSON file containing test input for all variable references.
See code: @microsoft/bf-lg-cli
Machine translate .lg files using Microsoft Translator Text API.
$ bf lg:translate
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help lg:translate help
-i, --in=in (required) Folder that contains .lg file.
-o, --out=out Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
-r, --recurse Consider sub-folders to find .lg file(s)
--region=region (required) The sub region.
--srclang=srclang Source lang code. Auto detect if missing.
--tgtlang=tgtlang (required) Comma separated list of target languages.
--translate_comments Machine translate all comments found in .lg file
--translate_link_text Machine translate link description in .lg file
--translatekey=translatekey (required) Machine translation endpoint key.
See code: @microsoft/bf-lg-cli
Verify .lg file(s) and collate them into a single file.
$ bf lg:verify
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help lg:verify help
-i, --in=in (required) Folder that contains .lg file.
-o, --out=out Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
-r, --recurse Considers sub-folders to find .lg file(s)
See code: @microsoft/bf-lg-cli
Manages LUIS assets on service and/or locally.
$ bf luis
-h, --help LUIS command help
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Assign a LUIS azure accounts to an application
$ bf luis:application:assignazureaccount
-h, --help show CLI help
--accountName=accountName (required) Account name
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:set:luis --appId
--armToken=armToken (required) User`s ARM token used to validate azure accounts information
(default: config:set:luis --armToken {ARM_TOKEN})
--azureSubscriptionId=azureSubscriptionId (required) Azure Subscription Id
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--json Display output as JSON
--resourceGroup=resourceGroup (required) Resource Group
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
config:set:luis --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY})
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Creates a new LUIS application
$ bf luis:application:create
-h, --help show CLI help
--culture=culture Specify culture language (default: en-us)
--description=description Description of LUIS application
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--json Display output as JSON
--name=name (required) Name of LUIS application
--save Save configuration settings from imported app (appId & endpoint)
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
--tokenizerVersion=tokenizerVersion Version specifies how sentences are tokenized (optional). See also:
--versionId=versionId (required) LUIS version Id. (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)
$ bf luis:application:create --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --name {NAME} --culture
--domain {DOMAIN} --description {DESCRIPTION} --versionId {INITIAL_VERSION_ID}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Deletes a LUIS application
$ bf luis:application:delete
-h, --help show CLI help
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--force Force delete with no confirmation
--json Display output as JSON
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
$ bf luis:application:delete --appId {APP_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Imports LUIS application from JSON or LU content.
$ bf luis:application:import
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --in=in (required) File path containing LUIS application contents, uses STDIN if not
--endpoint=endpoint (required) LUIS endpoint hostname
--json Display output as JSON
--name=name LUIS application name (optional)
--save Save configuration settings from imported app (appId, subscriptionKey & endpoint)
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default: config
$ bf luis:application:import --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --name {NAME} --in
$ echo {SERIALIZED_JSON} | bf luis:application:import --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}
--name {NAME}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Lists all applications on LUIS service.
$ bf luis:application:list
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help show CLI help
-o, --out=out Output results to specified file in JSON format, otherwise prints to STDOUT
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--skip=skip Number of entries to skip. Default: 0 (no skips)
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
--take=take Number of etnries to return. Maximum page size is 500. Default: 100
$ bf luis:application:list --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --take 3
$ bf luis:application:list --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --out {PATH_TO_JSON_FILE}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Publishes application's version
$ bf luis:application:publish
-h, --help show CLI help
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--direct Available only in direct version query. Do not publish to staging or production
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--staging Publishes application version to Staging slot, otherwise publish to production
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
--versionId=versionId (required) Version to publish (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)
$ bf luis:application:publish --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --versionId
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Queries application for intent predictions
$ bf luis:application:query
-h, --help show CLI help
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--log Logs query operation on service (default: true)
--query=query (required) Query string to predict
--staging Presence of flag targets the staging app, if no flag passed defaults to production
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
--timezoneOffset=timezoneOffset Timezone offset for the location of the request in minutes (optional)
--verbose Returns all intents, otherwise only top scoring intent. (default: false)
$ bf luis:application:query --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --appId {APP_ID} --query
{QUERY} --prod {BOOLEAN}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Renames the application and updates its description
$ bf luis:application:rename
-h, --help show CLI help
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--description=description Description of LUIS application
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--json Display output as JSON
--name=name (required) (required) Name of LUIS application
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
$ bf luis:application:rename --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --appId {APP_ID} --name
{NAME} --description {DESCRIPTION}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Shows application information
$ bf luis:application:show
-h, --help show CLI help
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
$ bf luis:application:show --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Build lu files to train and publish luis applications
$ bf luis:build
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help luis:build command help
-i, --in=in (required) Lu file or folder
-o, --out=out Output folder name to write out .dialog and settings files. If not specified,
application setting will be output to console
--authoringKey=authoringKey (required) LUIS authoring key. Refered to as subscriptionKey in other cli commands.
--botName=botName (required) Bot name
--defaultCulture=defaultCulture Culture code for the content. Infer from .lu if available. Defaults to en-us
--deleteOldVersion Deletes old version of LUIS application after building new one.
--dialog=dialog Dialog recognizer type [multiLanguage|crosstrained]. No dialog recognizers will be
generated if not specified. Only valid if --out is set
--directVersionPublish Available only in direct version query. Do not publish to staging or production
--endpoint=endpoint (required) Luis authoring endpoint for publishing
--fallbackLocale=fallbackLocale Locale to be used at the fallback if no locale specific recognizer is found. Only
valid if --out is set
--isStaging Publishes luis application to staging slot if set. Default to production slot
--log Writes out log messages to console
--luConfig=luConfig Path to config for lu build which can contain switches for arguments
--region=region [default: westus] LUIS authoring region [westus|westeurope|australiaeast]
--schema=schema Defines $schema for generated .dialog files
--suffix=suffix Environment name as a suffix identifier to include in LUIS app name. Defaults to
current logged in user alias
$ bf luis:build --in {INPUT_FILE_OR_FOLDER} --authoringKey {AUTHORING_KEY} --botName {BOT_NAME}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Convert .lu file(s) to a LUIS application JSON model or vice versa
$ bf luis:convert
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help luis:convert help
-i, --in=in Source .lu file(s) or LUIS application JSON model
-o, --out=out Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
-r, --recurse Indicates if sub-folders need to be considered to file .lu file(s)
--culture=culture Lang code for the LUIS application
--description=description Text describing the LUIS applicaion
--log Enables log messages
--name=name Name of the LUIS application
--schemaversion=schemaversion Schema version of the LUIS application
--sort When set, intent, utterances, entities are alphabetically sorted in .lu files
--versionid=versionid Version ID of the LUIS application
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Lu and Qna cross train tool
$ bf luis:cross-train
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help Luis:cross-train command help
-i, --in=in Source lu and qna files folder
-o, --out=out Output folder name. If not specified, the cross trained files will be written to
cross-trained folder under folder of current command
--config=config Path to config file of mapping rules
--exclude=exclude Excludes folders under the input directory, separated by ",". If not specified, all luis and
qna files will be included in the cross-train
--[no-]inner-dialog Only do inner dialog cross train
--intentName=intentName [default: _Interruption] Interruption intent name
--[no-]intra-dialog Only do intra dialog cross train
--log Writes out log messages to console
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Returns available deployment endpoints
$ bf luis:endpoints:list
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help show CLI help
-o, --out=out Output results to specified file in JSON format, otherwise prints to STDOUT
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
$ bf luis:endpoints:list --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Generate:cs generates a strongly typed C# source code from an exported (json) LUIS model.
$ bf luis:generate:cs
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help luis:generate:cs help
-i, --in=in Path to the file containing the LUIS application JSON model
-o, --out=out Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
--className=className Name of the autogenerated class (can include namespace)
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Generate:ts generates a strongly typed typescript source code from an exported (json) LUIS model.
$ bf luis:generate:ts
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help luis:generate:ts help
-i, --in=in Path to the file containing the LUIS application JSON model
-o, --out=out Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
--className=className Name of the autogenerated class
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Test a .lu file or LUIS application JSON model against a published LUIS model
$ bf luis:test
-a, --appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id
-h, --help luis:test help
-i, --in=in Source .lu file or LUIS application JSON model for testing
-o, --out=out Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
-s, --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key
--allowIntentsCount=allowIntentsCount [default: 1] Top-scoring intent or top n Intent with score to show in the
--endpoint=endpoint [default:] LUIS endpoint hostname
--force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that
--intentOnly Only test intent
--staging Presence of flag targets the staging app, if no flag passed defaults to
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Issues asynchronous training request for LUIS application
$ bf luis:train:run
-h, --help show CLI help
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--json Display output as JSON
--mode=mode Value specifying mode of training (Standard | Neural).
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
--versionId=versionId (required) Version to show training status (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)
--wait Wait until training complete and then display status
$ bf luis:train:run --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Shows training status
$ bf luis:train:show
-h, --help show CLI help
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
--versionId=versionId (required) Version to show training status (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)
$ bf luis:train:show --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Translate given LUIS application JSON model or lu file(s)
$ bf luis:translate
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites
that file
-h, --help luis:translate help
-i, --in=in Source .lu file(s) or LUIS application JSON model
-o, --out=out Output folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
-r, --recurse Indicates if sub-folders need to be considered to file .lu file(s)
--srclang=srclang Source lang code. Auto detect if missing.
--subscription_region=subscription_region Required request header if using a Cognitive Services Resource. Optional if
using a Translator Resource.
--tgtlang=tgtlang (required) Comma separated list of target languages.
--translate_comments When set, machine translate comments found in .lu file
--translate_link_text When set, machine translate link description in .lu file
--translatekey=translatekey (required) Machine translation endpoint key.
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Creates a new version equivalent to the current snapshot of the selected application version.
$ bf luis:version:clone
-h, --help show CLI help
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--json Display output as JSON
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey LUIS authoring (Ocp-Apim-subscription) key
--targetVersionId=targetVersionId (required) Destination version to create
--versionId=versionId (required) Source version to clone (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)
$ bf luis:version:clone --appId {APP_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --targetVersionId {TARGET_VERSION_ID}
--endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Deletes a LUIS application version
$ bf luis:version:delete
-h, --help show CLI help
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--json Display output as JSON
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
--versionId=versionId (required) Version to delete
$ bf luis:version:delete --appId {APP_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Exports a LUIS application to JSON format
$ bf luis:version:export
-f, --force Overwrites output file if exists, otherwise creates a parallel numbered file
-h, --help show CLI help
-o, --out=out Save exported application to specified file, uses STDOUT if not specified
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--exportLU Export format type as LU
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
--versionId=versionId (required) Version to export (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)
$ bf luis:version:export --appId {APP_ID} --versionId {VERSION_ID} --out {FILENAME.json or PATH/FILENAME.json}
--endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Imports a new version into a LUIS application from JSON or LU content.
$ bf luis:version:import
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --in=in (required) File path containing LUIS application contents, uses STDIN if not
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--json Display output as JSON
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
--versionId=versionId Version to import (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)
$ bf luis:version:import --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --appId {APP_ID} --in
$ echo {SERIALIZED_JSON} | bf luis:version:import --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY}
--appId {APP_ID}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Returns application's versions
$ bf luis:version:list
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help show CLI help
-o, --out=out Output results to specified folder and/or file in JSON format, otherwise prints to
STDOUT (optional)
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--skip=skip Number of entries to skip. Default: 0 (no skips)
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
--take=take Number of etnries to return. Maximum page size is 500. Default: 100
$ bf luis:version:list --appId {APPLICATION_ID} --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --take
$ bf luis:version:list --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --out {PATH_TO_JSON_FILE}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Renames application version
$ bf luis:version:rename
-h, --help show CLI help
--appId=appId (required) LUIS application Id (defaults to config:LUIS:appId)
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS endpoint hostname
--json Display output as JSON
--newVersionId=newVersionId (required) New version id
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey (required) LUIS cognitive services subscription key (default:
--versionId=versionId (required) Version to update (defaults to config:LUIS:versionId)
$ bf luis:version:rename --endpoint {ENDPOINT} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --appId {APP_ID} --name
{NAME} --description {DESCRIPTION}
See code: @microsoft/bf-luis-cli
Display Orchestrator CLI available commands
$ bf orchestrator
-h, --help Orchestrator commands help
See code: @microsoft/bf-orchestrator-cli
Add examples from .lu/.qna/.json/.blu files, LUIS app(s) and QnaMaker kb(s) to Orchestrator snapshot file.
$ bf orchestrator:add
-d, --debug
-e, --entityModel=entityModel Path to Orchestrator entity base model directory.
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file.
-h, --help Orchestrator add command help
-i, --in=in Path to example file (.lu/.qna/.json/.blu).
-k, --key=key LUIS authoring key or QnAMaker service key if type = luis/qna.
-m, --model=model Path to Orchestrator model directory.
-o, --out=out Path where generated Orchestrator example file will be placed. Default to current
working directory.
-t, --type=type Type of input (luis/qna/file).
-v, --version=version Applies only for type=luis, LUIS app version
--dialog Generate multi language or cross train Orchestrator recognizers.
--endpoint=endpoint LUIS/QnAMaker endpoint.
--id=id LUIS app id or QnAMaker kb id if type = luis/qna.
--routingName=routingName Routing name, default to file name.
$ bf orchestrator:add
$ bf orchestrator:add --in ./path/to/file/ --snapshot ./path/to/snapshot/
$ bf orchestrator:add --in ./path/to/file/ --snapshot ./path/to/snapshot/ --out ./path/to/output/
$ bf orchestrator:add --in ./path/to/file/ --out ./path/to/output/ --model ./path/to/model/directory
$ bf orchestrator:add -t luis --id LUIS_APP_ID --version LUIS_APP_VERSION --key LUIS_KEY --routingName l_Weather
$ bf orchestrator:add -t qna --id QNA_KB --key QNA_KB_SERVICE_KEY --routingName q_kb
See code: @microsoft/bf-orchestrator-cli
Gets Orchestrator base model
$ bf orchestrator:basemodel:get
-d, --debug
-h, --help Orchestrator basemodel:get command help
-o, --out=out Optional. Path to where Orchestrator base model will be saved to. Default to current working
-v, --verbose Enable verbose logging
--getEntity Optional. Download default entity model at the same time, which will be placed in the entity
subfolder of the output path.
--versionId=versionId Optional. Base model version to download -- reference basemodel:list output for options. If
not specified, default model will be downloaded.
See code: @microsoft/bf-orchestrator-cli
Lists all Orchestrator base model versions
$ bf orchestrator:basemodel:list
-h, --help Orchestrator basemodel:list command help
-r, --raw Optional. Raw output
--all Optional. Display all models
See code: @microsoft/bf-orchestrator-cli
Creates Orchestrator snapshot file and Orchestrator dialog definition file (optional) for each lu file in input folder.
$ bf orchestrator:build
-d, --debug
-e, --entityModel=entityModel Path to Orchestrator entity base model directory.
-h, --help Orchestrator build command help
-i, --in=in Path to lu file or folder with lu files.
-m, --model=model Path to Orchestrator model.
-o, --out=out Path where Orchestrator snapshot/dialog file(s) will be placed. Default to current
working directory.
--dialog Generate multi language or cross train Orchestrator recognizers.
--luconfig=luconfig Path to luconfig.json.
See code: @microsoft/bf-orchestrator-cli
Create orchestrator snapshot (.blu) file from .lu/.qna/.json/.tsv/.dispatch files, which represent bot modules
$ bf orchestrator:create
-d, --debug
-e, --entityModel=entityModel Path to Orchestrator entity base model directory.
-h, --help Orchestrator create command help
-i, --in=in The path to source label files from where orchestrator example file will be created
from. Default to current working directory.
-m, --model=model Path to Orchestrator base model directory.
-o, --out=out Path where generated Orchestrator snapshot file will be placed. Default to current
working directory.
--hierarchical Add hierarchical labels based on .lu/.qna file name. Resulting snapshot file will file name as labels instead of the intents defined in the .lu file(s).
--refresh Refetch LUIS app(s)/QnAMaker kb(s) previously added and recreate Orchestrator snapshot.
See code: @microsoft/bf-orchestrator-cli
Real-time interaction with Orchestrator model and analysis. Can return score of given utterance using previously created orchestrator examples
$ bf orchestrator:interactive
-d, --debug
-e, --entityModel=entityModel Path to Orchestrator entity base model directory.
-h, --help show CLI help
-l, --in=in Optional path to a previously created Orchestrator .blu file.
-m, --model=model (required) Directory or hosting Orchestrator config and base model files.
-o, --out=out Optional Directory where analysis and output files will be placed.
$ bf orchestrator:interactive --in=./path/to/snapshot/file --out=./path/to/output/folder/
See code: @microsoft/bf-orchestrator-cli
Query Orchestrator base model and a snapshot/train file
$ bf orchestrator:query
-d, --debug
-e, --entityModel=entityModel Path to Orchestrator entity base model directory.
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --in=in (required) Path to a previously created Orchestrator snapshot (.blu file).
-l, --limit=limit (optional) Limit of number of predictions. Default to 3. Less or equal to 0 for listing
all predictions.
-m, --model=model (required) Path to Orchestrator base model directory.
-q, --query=query (required) Query string to predict.
$ bf orchestrator:query --in=./path/to/snapshot/file --query=hi --model=./path/to/base/model/directory
See code: @microsoft/bf-orchestrator-cli
Remove examples from LUIS app(s), QnaMaker kb(s) or .lu/.qna/.json files from Orchestrator snapshot file.
$ bf orchestrator:remove
-d, --debug
-h, --help Orchestrator remove command help
-i, --in=in Path to example file (.lu/.qna/.json/.blu).
-t, --type=type Type of input (luis/qna/file).
--id=id LUIS app id or QnAMaker kb id if type = luis/qna.
$ bf orchestrator:remove
$ bf orchestrator:remove -t luis --id LUIS_APP_ID
$ bf orchestrator:remove -t qna --id QNA_KB
$ bf orchestrator:remove -t file -i FILE_PATH
See code: @microsoft/bf-orchestrator-cli
The "test" command can operate in three modes: test, evaluation, assessment.
$ bf orchestrator:test
-d, --debug
-e, --entityModel=entityModel Path to Orchestrator entity base model directory.
-h, --help show CLI help
-i, --in=in (required) Path to a previously created Orchestrator .blu file.
-m, --model=model Optional directory for hosting Orchestrator config and base model files, not needed for
the "assessment" mode.
-o, --out=out (required) Directory where analysis and output files will be placed.
-p, --prediction=prediction Optional path to a prediction label file, or comma-separated paths to a collection of
(e.g., crosss-valiaton) files.
-t, --test=test Optional path to a test file. This option enable the "test" mode.
1) Test mode: test a collection of utterance/label samples loaded from a test file against
a previously generated Orchestrator .blu snapshot/train file,
and create a detailed train/test evaluation report.
2) Evaluation mode: create an leave-one-out cross validation (LOOCV) evaluation report
on a previously generated Orchestrator .blu snapshot/train file.
3) Assessment mode: assess a collection of utterance/label predictions against their ground-truth labels and
create an evaluation report. This mode can evaluate predictions produced by
other NLP or machine learning systems. There is no need for an Orchestrator base model.
Notice that, this mode is generic and can apply to evaluate any ML systems, learners, models,
and scenarios if a user can carefully construct the prediction and grounf-truth files by
the specification detailed below.
Essentially the key to a NLP data instance is a text (utterance, sentence, query, document, etc.), which
is the basis of all the features feeding to a ML model. For other ML systems, the key to
a data instance can be built directly from the features and put in place of text
in a prediction and ground-truth file.
The 'test' mode is activated if there is a '--test' argument set for a test file.
The 'assessment' mode is activated if there is a '--prediction' argument set for a prediction file.
If there is no '--test' or '--prediction' arguments, then "test" command runs on the 'evaluation' mode.
$ bf orchestrator:test --in=./path/to/snapshot/file --test=./path/to/test/file/ --out=./path/to/output/
$ bf orchestrator:test --in=./path/to/ground-truth/file --prediction=./path/to/prediction/file
$ bf orchestrator:test --in=./path/to/snapshot/file --out=./path/to/output/folder/
See code: @microsoft/bf-orchestrator-cli
Install, uninstall and show installed plugins
$ bf plugins
--help Display plugins commands help.
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-plugins
Installs a plugin into the BF CLI
$ bf plugins:install PLUGIN
PLUGIN plugin to install
-f, --force yarn install with force flag
-h, --help show CLI help
-v, --verbose
Installation of a user-installed plugin will override a core plugin.
e.g. If you have a core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a user-installed plugin with a 'hello' command
will override the core plugin implementation.
This is useful if a user needs to update core plugin functionality in the CLI without the need to patch and update the
whole CLI.
$ bf plugins:add
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-plugins
Links a plugin into the BF CLI for development
$ bf plugins:link PLUGIN
PATH [default: .] path to plugin
-h, --help show CLI help
-v, --verbose
Installation of a linked plugin will override a user-installed or core plugin.
e.g. If you have a user-installed or core plugin that has a 'hello' command, installing a linked plugin with a 'hello'
command will override the user-installed or core plugin implementation. This is useful for development work.
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-plugins
List installed plugins
$ bf plugins:list
--core show core plugins
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-plugins
Removes a plugin from the BF CLI
$ bf plugins:uninstall [PLUGIN]
PLUGIN plugin to uninstall
-h, --help show CLI help
-v, --verbose
See code: @microsoft/bf-cli-plugins
QnA Maker
$ bf qnamaker
-h, --help Display QnA Maker CLI available commands
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Commands for replacing and listing your alterations
$ bf qnamaker:alterations
-h, --help display qnamaker:alterations available commands
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Downloads all word alterations (synonyms) that have been added by the user.
$ bf qnamaker:alterations:list
-h, --help qnamaker:alterations:list command help
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Replaces word alterations (synonyms) for the KB with the give records.
$ bf qnamaker:alterations:replace
-h, --help qnamaker:alterations:replace command help
-i, --in=in File path to the WordAlterationsDTO object to send in the body of the request
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Build .qna files to create or update qnamaker knowledge bases and qnamaker alterations
$ bf qnamaker:build
-b, --botName=botName Bot name
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that
-h, --help qnamaker:build command help
-i, --in=in Source .qna file or folder
-o, --out=out Output folder name to write out .dialog and settings files. If not specified,
knowledge base setting will be output to console
-s, --subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey QnA maker subscription key
--defaultCulture=defaultCulture Culture code for the content. Infer from .qna if available. Defaults to en-us
if not set
--dialog=dialog Dialog recognizer type [multiLanguage|crosstrained]. No dialog recognizers will
be generated if not specified. Only valid if --out is set
--endpoint=endpoint Qnamaker authoring endpoint for publishing
--fallbackLocale=fallbackLocale Locale to be used at the fallback if no locale specific recognizer is found.
Only valid if --out is set
--log Writes out log messages to console
--qnaConfig=qnaConfig Path to config for qna build which can contain switches for arguments
--region=region [default: westus] Overrides public endpoint
--schema=schema Defines $schema for generated .dialog files
--suffix=suffix Environment name as a suffix identifier to include in qnamaker kb name.
Defaults to current logged in user alias
$ bf qnamaker:build --in {INPUT_FILE_OR_FOLDER} --subscriptionKey {SUBSCRIPTION_KEY} --botName {BOT_NAME}
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Converts .qna file(s) to QnA application JSON models or vice versa.
$ bf qnamaker:convert
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help qnamaker:convert help
-i, --in=in Source .qna file(s) or QnA KB JSON file
-o, --out=out Output file or folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
-r, --recurse Indicates if sub-folders need to be considered to file .qna file(s)
--alterations Indicates if files is QnA Alterations
--log Enables log messages
--name=name Name of the QnA KB
--sort When set, questions collections are alphabetically sorted are alphabetically sorted in .qna files
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Lu and Qna cross train tool
$ bf qnamaker:cross-train
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file
-h, --help luis:cross-train command help
-i, --in=in Source lu and qna files folder
-o, --out=out Output folder name. If not specified, the cross trained files will be written to
cross-trained folder under folder of current command
--config=config Path to config file of mapping rules
--intentName=intentName [default: _Interruption] Interruption intent name
--log Writes out log messages to console
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Commands to refresh and list keys
$ bf qnamaker:endpointkeys
-h, --help display qnamaker:endpointkeys available commands
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
List all the currently valid endpointKeys for querying your private endpoint
$ bf qnamaker:endpointkeys:list
-h, --help qnamaker:endpointkeys:list command help
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Re-generates an endpoint key, in case you suspect your keys have been compromised
$ bf qnamaker:endpointkeys:refresh
-h, --help qnamaker:endpoints:refresh command help
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--keyType=keyType (required) Type of Key. (PrimaryKey/SecondaryKey)
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Commands to get and update endpoint settings
$ bf qnamaker:endpointsettings
-h, --help display qnamaker:update available commands
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Gets endpoint settings for an endpoint.
$ bf qnamaker:endpointsettings:get
-h, --help qnamaker:endpointsettings:get command help
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--kbId=kbId Knowledgebase id to get metadata.
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Updates endpoint settings for an endpoint.
$ bf qnamaker:endpointsettings:update
-h, --help qnamaker:endpointsettings:update command help
--activelearning Enable active learning. Disables if flag not set
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Initializes the config file with settings.
$ bf qnamaker:init
-h, --help qnamaker:init command help
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Commands for manipulating your knowledge base
$ bf qnamaker:kb
-h, --help display qnamaker:kb available commands
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Creates a new knowledgebase
$ bf qnamaker:kb:create
-h, --help qnamaker:kb:create command help
-i, --in=in File path to the CreateKbDTO object to send in the body of the request.
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--name=name Name of the kb you want to create. This will override the name of KB that might be
present in the CreateKb DTO
--save Save the kbId in config.
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Delete a knowledgebase by id
$ bf qnamaker:kb:delete
-h, --help qnamaker:kb:delete command help
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--force Do not prompt for confirmation, force the operation
--kbId=kbId Knowledgebase id to be deleted. Overrides the knowledge base id present in the
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Echos a knowledgebase in json or qna format to stdout
$ bf qnamaker:kb:export
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites that file.
-h, --help qnamaker:kb:export command help
-o, --out=out Output file path. If not specified stdout will be used as output.
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--environment=environment [default: Prod] Specifies whether environment is Test or Prod.
--kbId=kbId Knowledgebase id to be exported. Overrides the knowledge base id present in the
--qnaFormat Specifies if the content should be exported to .qna format.
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Get metadata about a knowledgebase
$ bf qnamaker:kb:get
-h, --help qnamaker:kb:get command help
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--kbId=kbId Knowledgebase id to get metadata. Overrides the knowledge base id present in the
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
List all of your knowledgebases
$ bf qnamaker:kb:list
-h, --help qnamaker:kb:list command help
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Publish all unpublished in the knowledgebase to the prod endpoint.
$ bf qnamaker:kb:publish
-h, --help qnamaker:kb:publish command help
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--kbId=kbId Knowledgebase id to pubish. Overrides the knowledge base id present in the config
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Replace a knowledgebase contents with new contents
$ bf qnamaker:kb:replace
-h, --help qnamaker:kb:replace command help
-i, --in=in File path to the ReplaceKbDTO object to send in the body of the request.
Alternately this can be path to a .qna file
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--kbId=kbId Knowledgebase id. Overrides the knowledge base id present in the config
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Add or delete QnA Pairs and / or URLs to an existing knowledge base
$ bf qnamaker:kb:update
-h, --help qnamaker:kb:update command help
-i, --in=in The file path to the UpdateKbOperationDTO object to send in the body of the
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--kbId=kbId Knowledgebase id. Overrides the knowledge base id present in the config
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
--wait Wait for the operation to complete.
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Command to get operation details
$ bf qnamaker:operationdetails
-h, --help display qnamaker:operationdetails available commands
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Gets details of a specific long running operation.
$ bf qnamaker:operationdetails:get
-h, --help qnamaker:operationdetails:get command help
--endpoint=endpoint Overrides public endpoint
--operationId=operationId (required) Operation id.
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in the config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Generate Answer for fetching the answer from Kb for a query
$ bf qnamaker:query
-h, --help qnamaker:query command help
--context=context Path to Context object json file with previous QnA
--endpointKey=endpointKey Specifies the endpoint key for your private QnA service (From portal user
settings page). Overrides the value present in config
--hostname=hostname Specifies the url for your private QnA service. Overrides the value present in config
--kbId=kbId Specifies the active qnamaker knowledgebase id. Overrides the value present in the
--qnaId=qnaId Exact qnaId to fetch from the knowledgebase, this field takes priority over question
--question=question (required) Query to get a prediction for
--scorethreshold=scorethreshold Specifies the confidence score threshold for the returned answer.
--strictfilters=strictfilters Path to json file with MetadataDTO[] e.g {"strictfilters": MetadataDTO[]}
--test Query against the test index
--top=top Specifies the number of matching results
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Train call to add suggestions to the knowledgebase.
$ bf qnamaker:train
-h, --help qnamaker:get:kb command help
--endpointKey=endpointKey Specifies the endpoint key for your private QnA service.(from portal
user settings page). Overrides the value present in config.
--hostname=hostname Specifies the url for your private QnA service. Overrides the value present in
--in=in File path to the FeedbackRecordDTO object to send in the body of the request.
--kbId=kbId Specifies the active qnamaker knowledgebase id. Overrides the value present in the
--subscriptionKey=subscriptionKey Specifies the qnamaker Ocp-Apim-Subscription Key (found in Keys under Resource
Management section for your Qna Maker cognitive service). Overrides the
subscriptionkey value present in config
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker
Translate given QnA maker application JSON model or qna file(s)
$ bf qnamaker:translate
-f, --force If --out flag is provided with the path to an existing file, overwrites
that file
-h, --help qnamaker:translate help
-i, --in=in Source .qna file(s) or QnA maker application JSON model
-o, --out=out Output folder name. If not specified stdout will be used as output
-r, --recurse Indicates if sub-folders need to be considered to find .qna file(s)
--srclang=srclang Source lang code. Auto detect if missing.
--subscription_region=subscription_region Required request header if using a Cognitive Services Resource. Optional if
using a Translator Resource.
--tgtlang=tgtlang (required) Comma separated list of target languages.
--translate_comments When set, machine translate comments found in .qna file
--translate_link_text When set, machine translate link description in .qna file
--translatekey=translatekey (required) Machine translation endpoint key.
See code: @microsoft/bf-qnamaker