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File metadata and controls

61 lines (42 loc) · 3.08 KB


MkDocker is a docker image which will build and service a mkdocs site. It can pull the site from a git repository, or use a mounted directory.



docker run -d --env "" --env "MKDOCKER_REPOSITORY_BRANCH=main" --env "MKDOCKER_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY=example" --publish


docker run -d --mount type=bind,source=${pwd},target=/mkdocker/docs --publish

Environment Variables

  • MKDOCKER_REPOSITORY_URL - The git repository to clone, without the protocol (default:
  • MKDOCKER_REPOSITORY_LOGIN - A login (username:password or github_PAT) for the repository (default: none)
  • MKDOCKER_REPOSITORY_BRANCH - The branch in the git repository to build (default: main)
  • MKDOCKER_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY - The subdirectory in the git repository to run the build in (default: example)
  • MKDOCKER_LOCAL_DIRECTORY - The directory inside the docker container to clone the repository in to, or to just use if already mounted (default: /mkdocker/docs)
  • MKDOCKER_VENV_DIRECTORY - The directory inside the docker container to use for the python virtual environment (default: /mkdocker/venv). This is only necessary if a requirements.txt is present, and can optionally be mounted to a docker volume for persistence.
  • MKDOCKER_SERVE - A boolean flag to enable mkdocs serve if set to 1 (default: 0)


While the standard mkdocs and mkdocs-material packages are already installed, you can require other python packages by creating a requirements.txt in the repository directory. If this file exists, a virtual environment will be created, and any packages will be installed in it.


mkdocker can run scripts both before and after the mkdocs build. Simply create scripts/pre and scripts/post files in the MKDOCKER_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY directory, and mark them executable. One example of this is shown in this repository to created protected pages by modifying the nginx config.

Control File

Each script takes two arguments: the path to a temp directory for use by the scripts, and the path to the control file. The pre script should create this file, and both mkdocker and the post script will consume it. If the pre script does not exist or does not create the file, mkdocker will.

Each line of the control file represents a separate mkdocs build, though only the last build will be served when MKDOCKER_SERVE is set all will be built. Each line specifies a repository-relative or absolute path for the source, and a HTTP root relative path for the destination separated by a space (using bash quoting). mkdocs will be run once per line.

The default control file is:

. .


  • Build - docker build ./ -t mkdocker:latest
  • Bash - docker run --rm -it --entrypoint bash mkdocker:latest
  • Example - docker run --mount type=bind,source=${pwd},target=/mkdocker/docs --publish mkdocker:latest